Romeo and juliet questions and answers. Romeo and Juliet Quiz Questions Flashcards 2022-10-25

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Romeo and Juliet is a classic play by William Shakespeare that tells the story of two young lovers from feuding families who are doomed from the start. Despite the societal and personal obstacles that stand in their way, Romeo and Juliet are deeply in love and willing to do whatever it takes to be together.

One of the main questions that arises in Romeo and Juliet is whether the love shared between Romeo and Juliet is strong enough to overcome the barriers between them. It is clear that their love is strong and passionate, as they are willing to defy their families and risk their lives to be together. However, it is ultimately their love that leads to their tragic end, as they are unable to escape the fate that has been imposed upon them by the ongoing feud between their families.

Another question that arises in the play is whether the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues could have been resolved peacefully. While there are certainly moments of tension and violence between the two families, there are also instances where the characters show a willingness to come to an understanding. For example, the Prince of Verona tries to intervene and bring peace between the two families, and Romeo's friend Benvolio suggests that the feud is based on a misunderstanding that could be resolved with communication. However, these efforts ultimately prove futile, and the feud continues to escalate until it claims the lives of Romeo and Juliet.

A third question that emerges in Romeo and Juliet is the role of fate and free will in the lives of the characters. While the play seems to suggest that the characters are at the mercy of an inescapable fate, there are also moments when the characters make choices that shape their own destinies. For example, Romeo and Juliet choose to defy their families and marry in secret, knowing full well the consequences that could ensue. Similarly, the characters of Friar Laurence and Friar John also make choices that ultimately have a significant impact on the course of events in the play. Ultimately, it seems that the characters in Romeo and Juliet are caught in a complex web of fate and free will, and their actions both shape and are shaped by the events that unfold.

In conclusion, Romeo and Juliet raises a number of important questions about love, conflict, and fate that continue to resonate with audiences today. Through the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare explores the enduring themes of love and loss, the power of conflict to destroy, and the complex interplay between fate and free will. These themes make Romeo and Juliet a timeless classic that continues to captivate and inspire readers and audiences around the world.

Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Questions and Answers Flashcards

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Romeo took shelter with Friar Lawrence and he advised him to leave for Mantua. Thus, the contrasting imagery serves to highlight the intensity of their love. Answer: According to Juliet, the world will pay no worship to the garish sun, only when the face of heaven looks fine. Romeo is so overwhelmed by her beauty that he tells himself that when that dance is over, he will watch her where she stands and will touch her hand and make his coarse hand blessed. Paris wishes to marry 14-year-old Juliet, the only daughter of the Capulets. Here again, it implies that Juliet is conspicuously seen amidst others because of her brightness.


Romeo and Juliet

romeo and juliet questions and answers

That many kids get married and have kids at her age, even Lady Capulet, and she is to go to the party and look at Paris Act 1 Scene 4: What does Mercutio say about dreams? He feels that Juliet can teach the torches to burn bright. It shines as a jewel worn by a dark-skinned African woman. That dreams mean nothing Act 1 scene 5: What does Romeo think of Juliet when he firsts sees her? However, Romeo quickly changes his mind when Tybalt kills his good friend, Mercutio. The use of hyperbole is quite appropriate in this context because it is the voice of a young lover who sees before him a beautiful girl who symbolizes his aesthetic sense of what beauty ought to be like. Consequently, the world will come to know about the tragic death of the two lovers and thus Romeo will be immortalized.


Romeo and Juliet

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Romeo compares Juliet to a jewelled earring hanging against the cheek of an African. Romeo says he must die and that is why he has come Act 5 scene 3: What does Paris think that Romeo is trying to do? Thus there are two poetic devices used here — an apostrophe and personification. Question 4: In order to stop these fights, what rule was passed by the Prince Escalus? Why, according to Juliet, would all the world stop paying worship to the garish sun? Thus, the whole stretch of this soliloquy is an extended metaphor expressing the emotional intensity of a lover who has fallen in love at first sight. It also implies that their love will end in their tragic death because of the enmity that exists between the two families. Thus, the contrasting imagery by making the expression of love more passionate and dramatic for the reader highlights the intensity of love. Who, according to Juliet, would all the world be in love with at night? To the Capulets monument where Juliet lies Act 5 scene 2: Why is it essential that Friar Lawrence find Juliet before Romeo does? She believes that her Romeo will make the face of heaven so fine that the whole world will fall in love with night.


2nd PUC English Textbook Answers Springs Chapter 1 Romeo and Juliet

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Answer: After being cut into little stars, Romeo will make the face of heaven so fine that the world will stop paying attention to the sun. Mercutio is mortally wounded and becomes the first true victim in the feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. He feels relieve that Juliet still wants to be with him Act 3 scene 3: What plan does the Friar propose to Romeo? Answer: Once Juliet gets her Romeo, she does not fear death. Question 15: Who recognized Romeo at the feast and what was his reaction? Who will come gliding on the wings of the night? Answer: Tybalt, a nephew of Lord Capulet recognized Romeo at the feast. As we know, an African lady is black in complexion. Because enough blood and tears have been shed on that day Act 3 scene 2: Where is Juliet and what is she waiting for? Line one is hyperbolic.


Romeo and Juliet Quiz Questions Flashcards

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Act 5 scene 3: Does the Friar accept responsibility for his role in this tragedy? Romeo feels he has fallen in love. Answer: In this lesson, there are two soliloquies, one by Romeo and the other by Juliet. But, in this fight Mercutio was killed by Tybalt and this enraged Romeo to fight with Tybalt and he killed him. Thus there are two poetic devices used here — an apostrophe and personification. She feels he is like a day that comes during the night. Go to the party Act 1 scene 3: When Lady Capulet asks Juliet how she feels about the marriage, what is Juliets answer? Question 16: Why did Lord Capulet not let Tybalt strike young Romeo? While she's in the deep, coma-like sleep, the Friar will send a message to Romeo in Mantua telling him of their plan to trick her family and orchestrate her escape.


Romeo and Juliet: Questions & Answers

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Answer: According to Juliet, when Romeo is set up as a star in the sky, he will make the face of heaven so fine that the world would be in love with night. He tells himself that he had never felt so much in love because he had never seen anyone truly beautiful like Juliet until that night. For a daughter to speak out against their father's choice, would mean great disrespect towards them and the family name. Because he feels as if Romeo is mocking him Act 3 scene 1: Who ends up actually starting the fight? The second simile that Romeo uses is: So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows; as yonder lady over fellow shows in these lines Romeo compares Juliet to a dove which is a symbol of purity and beauty while the other ladies are called crows in comparison to her. Answer: After her death, Juliet wants Romeo to be cut out into little stars.


Romeo and Juliet question and answer

romeo and juliet questions and answers

It also implies that their love will end in their tragic death because of the enmity that exists between the two families. He promised him that he would send him letters about news from Verona. Juliet would have to drink a potion that would make her appear dead for forty-two hours the night before her wedding to Paris. He calls her dove among crows. It also implies that the other ladies including Rosaline, with whom he had fallen in love, appear ugly and gross to him. Comment on the contrasting imagery in the poem.


Romeo and Juliet All Study Guide Questions and Answers

romeo and juliet questions and answers

The two strangers are none other than Romeo and Benvolio. It can also be inferred that probably Juliet has a premonition of their impending death because of the fatal attraction between them and the enmity that exists between the two families. Answer: When Juliet woke up, Friar told that their plans had been thwarted by a greater power and urged her to leave. There are 31 lines in this soliloquy but only 9 lines lines 17 to 25 are prescribed for your study. But on his way to Mantua, Friar John stops at a house that is quarantined because of the plague, and he is not allowed to leave. It is very clear between Romeo and Juliet, it is Juliet whose love is more passionate and intense.


Romeo And Juliet Questions & Answers

romeo and juliet questions and answers

Because they are both old and tired Act 1 scene 2: What does Paris ask of Capulet? Consequently, the world will come to know about the tragic death of the two lovers and thus Romeo will be immortalized. Lord Capulet, however, seems less sure. What does he tell Paris? In this context, her longing for Romeo comes out in poetic language. Finally, seeing that she outshone every other lady in the room, he says that she was like a snowy white dove trooping with crows. She longs for his visit.


romeo and juliet questions and answers

The other maidens surrounding her look like mere crows whereas she is the snowy dove. Juliet seems less impulsive and more realistic than Romeo. What does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out into after her death? Therefore, while reading a play one must also visualize the action. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, or a sentence each: Question 1. On the other hand, when Juliet gets to know Romeo after he had touched her hand and kissed her, Juliet comes to understand what it means to be in love and from then onwards starts feeling the pangs of love. The Nurse to return with word of Romeo he is supposed to come into her bedroom that night Act 3 scene 2: When the Nurse arrives what does she inform Juliet of? Answer: c Romeo feels this is true love.
