Mcq on liver. Study and Revise Histology Online with Meyer's Histology 2022-10-15

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Blue Ocean Strategy is a business theory and approach developed by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne in their 2005 book of the same name. It is based on the idea that organizations can create new market spaces, or "blue oceans," by offering unique products or services that are not found in existing markets, or "red oceans," which are crowded with competitors vying for the same customers.

According to Kim and Mauborgne, blue ocean strategy is about creating value for both the company and the customer. It involves finding untapped market opportunities and creating value through differentiation and low cost. By doing so, a company can achieve both a competitive advantage and a higher price for its products or services.

One key aspect of blue ocean strategy is value innovation, which involves creating value for both the company and the customer through a combination of differentiation and low cost. This involves finding new ways to deliver value to customers that are not offered by competitors and that meet their needs at a lower cost.

Another key aspect of blue ocean strategy is the idea of eliminating or reducing the factors that drive industry competition. This can be achieved through the creation of a new value curve, which plots the factors that drive industry competition against the value that customers receive from a product or service. By eliminating or reducing certain factors, a company can create a new value curve that offers greater value to customers at a lower cost, thus allowing it to differentiate itself from competitors.

There are several tools and techniques that can be used to implement blue ocean strategy, including the "Four Actions Framework," which involves identifying and eliminating factors that drive industry competition, reducing factors that are not important to customers, creating factors that are unique and attractive to customers, and raising factors that are important but undervalued by the industry.

In conclusion, blue ocean strategy is a business approach that involves finding untapped market opportunities and creating value through differentiation and low cost. It is based on the idea of creating value for both the company and the customer and involves the use of tools and techniques such as the Four Actions Framework to implement this strategy. By following a blue ocean approach, organizations can achieve a competitive advantage and higher prices for their products or services, while also meeting the needs of their customers in a unique and innovative way.

Communicable Diseases Quiz Questions And Answers

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The tool used traditionally for sowing is a funnel-shaped tool Answer Answer: True Question 17. Rabi crops are sown in a March, April b May, June c October, November d Any time Answer Answer: c October, November Question 22. Answer Answer: True Fill in the blanks 1. In which phase of cell cycle, proteins are synthesised? Answer Answer: Increases True or False Question 1. The chemical substances rich in nutrients are called a fertilisers b weedicides c pesticides d herbicides Answer Answer: a fertilisers Question 15. Silo h Rabi crop 9. A common weedicide is ………………….


Digestive System Quizzes Online, Trivia, Questions & Answers

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He also chaired or co-chaired numerous research, fellowship training and educational program committees during his many years at the Institute. He has served as a visiting scientist and professor at the Division of Plant Industry, CSIRO, the Research School of Biological Sciences at the Australian National University, the Mathematics Institute of Oxford University, and was the first Robert Wesson Scholar on Scientific Philosophy and Public Policy at the Hoover Institute. Answer Answer: sowing Question 22. The method of loosening the soil is called weeding. However, many participants benefit from writing regardless of whether they write about the same traumatic experience or different experiences at each writing session.


MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 1 Crop Production and Management with Answers

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The correct answer is Large Intestine. The growth of pollen tubes towards the ovules is the result of a ……… movement. Cod liver oil e Fish 6. Rahat is the device which is used to plough the soil. The function of ribosomes is a metabolism b lipid synthesis c protein synthesis d photosynthesis Answer Answer: c protein synthesis Explanation: Ribosomes are called protein factories because they synthesize proteins.


Digestive System MCQ [Free PDF]

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How long is my subscription for? Sometimes of course a person can feel that something is wrong, but at other times conditions and illnesses can develop unseen. Cell secretion is done by- a Plastids b ER c Golgi apparatus d Nucleolus Answer Answer: c Golgi apparatus Question 20. Answer Answer: True Question 20. Peas are not rabi crops. Which of the following is used for tilling the land by cultivator? Answer Answer: 2, 4-D Question 25. Apart from therapeutic uses, turmeric is also used as an important condiment, in beauty products and spiritual ceremonies.


Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing

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Answer: Carbon dioxide released from burning of coal 33. Answer Answer: False Question 4. The method of loosening the soil is called a harvesting b ploughing c levelling d threshing Answer Answer: b ploughing Question 8. Which part of nervous system controls the re¬flex activities of the body? Combines are used for harvesting only. Gastric acids, digestive enzymes, bile etc are helped in the digestive system to run properly.


Class 9 Biology Chapter 6 Tissues MCQs (With Answers)

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Owing to the nature of APT, study results discussed below are not exhaustively referenced; instead, we have tried to give the most representative or comprehensive publications. Furthermore, expressive writing results in immediate increase in negative affect rather than immediate relief of emotional tension, and the obtained health benefits are unrelated to the amount of negative emotion or distress either expressed or reported just after writing Reference SmythSmyth, 1998. When they are too warm, the body will produce sweat which carries heat away from the body when it evaporates. Which of the following is an example of rabi crop? In the expressive writing paradigm, participants are asked to write about such events for 15—20 minutes on 3—5 occasions. Corals are a Poriferans attached to some solid support b Cnidarians, that are solitary living c Poriferans present at the sea bed d Cnidarians that live in colonies Answer Answer: d Cnidarians that live in colonies Question 21. The liver fluke parasite falls under the phylum Platyhelminthes.


Palliative care MCQs Quiz With Answers

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Emotional inhibition and confrontation Reference PennebakerPennebaker's 1985 theory proposed that actively inhibiting thoughts and feelings about traumatic events requires effort, serves as a cumulative stressor on the body and is associated with increased physiological activity, obsessive thinking or ruminating about the event, and longer-term disease. These cells produce cytokines that can cause inflammation in organs such as the heart, and islets of the pancreas, while also increase insulin resistance in muscle and liver. These data suggest that curcumin could be an effective antifibrotic and fibrinolytic drug in the treatment of chronic hepatic diseases. Which among the following have scales? Life Cycle of Liver Fluke 1 The Egg — Stage 1 — The adult female liver fluke parasite passes immature eggs in the bile duct and comes out into the environment through the faeces. Vitamin B7 Biotin Dermatitis, enteritis Vitamin B9 Folic acid, folinic acid Megaloblast and Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such asneural tube defects Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin Megaloblastic anaemia Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Scurvy Vitamin D Cholecalciferol Rickets and Osteomalacia Vitamin E Tocopherols, tocotrienols Deficiency is very rare; mild hemolytic anemia in newborn infants. Compost is made by the decomposition of plants and animals waste. .


Seven Characteristics of Life

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Answer Answer: False Question 9. The permeability depends on the electric charge and polarity of the molecules. Liver fluke infects all grazing animals like sheep, cattle and mammals like human beings. Additional Information Gland Description Thymus Located between the Lungs. Answer Answer: Harvesting Question 8. Following postdoctoral studies at the Institut Pasteur, Paris and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CSIRO in Canberra, Australia, Professor Campbell joined the faculty of the Department of Anatomy of the School of Medicine at UCLA.


MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Control and Coordination with Answers

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How does photochemical smog form? Separating grains from chaff is called a sowing b threshing c tilling d harvesting Answer Answer: b threshing Question 24. Rat g Harvesting 8. He continued at the University first as an Assistant Research Biological Chemist, subsequently as an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry, and later as Professor of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry. Answer Answer: True Question 16. Expressive writing participants also rate their writing as significantly more personal, meaningful and emotional.


सरकारी नौकरी Sarkari Naukri 2023, Sarkari Job

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. Which plant hormone promotes cell division? It's called a blind spot. Products obtained from the crops are called a yield b produce c crop d fertilisers Answer Answer: b produce Question 3. The first agricultural task is the preparation of soil. Answer Answer: False Question 23. Nabanya i Weedicide 10. Sowing of seed b.
