Example of paragraph development by cause and effect. Definition and Examples of Cause and Effect in Essays 2022-10-21

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One example of paragraph development using the cause and effect method is the following:

"The increase in global temperatures has caused a number of devastating effects on the environment. One major effect is the melting of polar ice caps, which has led to rising sea levels. This, in turn, has caused coastal flooding in many parts of the world, damaging homes and infrastructure. Another effect is the alteration of weather patterns, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters such as hurricanes and typhoons. Additionally, the warming of the planet has caused many plant and animal species to become endangered or even extinct as their habitats change or disappear.

All of these effects can be traced back to the root cause of increasing global temperatures, which is primarily caused by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. It is important for individuals and governments to take action to reduce their carbon emissions and adopt sustainable practices in order to mitigate these negative effects and protect the planet for future generations."

In this paragraph, the cause of increasing global temperatures is established in the first sentence, and the subsequent sentences detail the various effects that have resulted from this cause. This organization allows the reader to understand the relationship between the cause and the effects and to see how one issue can have far-reaching consequences.

Paragraph Development

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

In the wild, elephants live in herds and have long-term connections with other elephants. EXAMPLE: There are two main causes that have brought about a copper industry depression in Arizona. Depending on the audience and purpose, a writer may need to include more or less information. Look at the following examples of paragraphs that show effects results. First it affects behavior.


6.4: Writing Skills

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

The results can be positive, negative, or both. Altogether, the effects of decline in reading appear critical. Kids on their lunch breaks or after school often congregate in these fast food outlets, consuming food and soft drinks that are high in sugar, carbohydrates, and fat. Thirdly, and most tragically, the dog is simply no longer wanted. Therefore, they are entangled in the circle of birth and death. How do you know if a paragraph is cause and effect? Use a mind map to start to collect some ideas.


Paragraph Development Methods: Examples and Application

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

That is, they begin with a topic sentence and this sentence is followed by specific supporting details. The discussion that follows will help you understand effective paragraphing and reinforce good writing habits. For example, my German Shepard can lay on my lap for hours with me rubbing her head. It has already spelled the end of our cities as real cultural and social communities, and has made impossible the construction of any others in their place. The cause and effect essay will train you to call and respond. One North Carolina man found quite a surprise last year while fishing in the Catawba River: a piranha.


What is an example of cause and effect paragraph?

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

THE QUALITIES OF AN EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPH Unity, Coherence, and Development An effective paragraph will have unity, coherence, and development. In the case that causes and effects have unequal importance, you must consider which cause and effect is more important than the other. Hunters spend millions of dollars in northern communities on lodging, food, equipment, and guides. Another factor is the rapid pace of life today. One way that writers establish this focus is with a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. How do you write a cause and effect paragraph? As a result of her overweight, she cannot run very fast.


Example of paragraph cause and effect Free Essays

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

The third is that state and local governments lost more than 9 million dollars in taxes. Fast food outlets offering consumables that are both low in price and low in nutritional content have exploded all over the American landscape since the 1960s, especially in suburban areas close to major highway interchanges. . . For example, once a print textbook is adopted, schools will stay with the curriculum until the next textbook adoption cycle. Preservationists say that in the majority of cases, ailing barns simply need to be stabilized by replacing the sills around the perimeter of the structure. Swim slowly and smoothly.


Paragraph development examples Free Essays

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

In an essay on the importance of gun control, going off on a tangent about other types of weapons could be detrimentally off-topic. Results of this will be both positive and negative. There may be no water for them to splash in, or no trees to find foliage to eat. What Is Paragraph Development? The fourth effect is that one out of every four Arizona copper workers is unemployed. When to Begin a New Paragraph Paragraph length is dictated first by content and purpose. The first reason is the traffic problem which is getting worse and worse.


What is paragraph development by example?

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

Vocabulary and Grammar Cause- effect Example Sentences. The following conditions can be the effects of too much watching TV. While paragraph length can vary, effective paragraphs contain enough substantive content that readers do not have lingering questions. If the sentences in the paragraph should relate to the topic Premium Grammar Greek loanwords Sequence Example of Paragraph how many miles is located the place that you want to go. It is the what happened next in the text that results from a preceding cause.


Paragraph Development Examples

example of paragraph development by cause and effect

Another is that Arizona business lost more than 39 million dollars in copper industry purchases. You should say early in your paragraph whether you are talking about causes or effects. Course Description: This course is designed to develop your composition skills. In the following paragraph the development follows the inductive pattern of reasoning from effects back to causes. When a peacock dances it spreads its feathers like a fan. Mortos Description The most common Chinese food I enjoy most making and devouring is the dumpling.
