The hands of the blacks short story. Short Story Analysis: Hands by Sherwood Anderson 2022-10-18

The hands of the blacks short story Rating: 9,1/10 250 reviews

"The Hands of the Blacks" is a short story about a group of black men who work as laborers on a plantation in the southern United States. Despite the hard work and long hours they put in, the men are treated poorly and are paid very little for their labor. Despite this, they remain loyal to the plantation owner and continue to work hard every day.

One day, the plantation owner decides to cut the men's wages even further, causing them to become angry and frustrated. They begin to feel that they are being treated unfairly and that their hard work is not being recognized or valued. In an effort to protest their treatment, the men decide to strike and refuse to work until their wages are restored to their original amount.

The plantation owner is furious and threatens to replace the men with other laborers if they do not return to work. The men stand their ground, however, and refuse to back down. They are determined to fight for their rights and for the respect and recognition they deserve.

As the strike continues, the men begin to grow closer and develop a sense of unity and solidarity. They support one another and stand together in the face of adversity. Eventually, the plantation owner agrees to restore the men's wages, and the strike ends.

The story ends with the men returning to work, but with a renewed sense of pride and self-respect. They realize that they have the power to stand up for themselves and demand fair treatment, and they are grateful for the support and strength they found in one another.

"The Hands of the Blacks" is a powerful and poignant story that highlights the struggles and injustices faced by black men in the southern United States during a time when racism and discrimination were rampant. It is a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit, and a reminder of the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and fighting for what is right.

Commentary on ‘The Hands of the Blacks’ by Luis Bernardo Honwana

the hands of the blacks short story

The bent figure straightened. How would knowledge of these courses affect the students? So, if they see their parents racially abusing people from the minority groups, there is a higher chance that they will also end up like them. In the old days, education was matter of private concern; now it is public function, and the state not only has the duty but has the right as well to educate every member of the community as well as the young, women as well as men — not only for the good of the individual bat also for the self-preservation and self-protection of the state itself. Again and again the fathers of the boys had talked of the hands. They had intended to hang the schoolmaster, but something in his figure, so small, white, and pitiful, touched their hearts and they let him escape.


Short Story Analysis: Hands by Sherwood Anderson

the hands of the blacks short story

By the caress that was in his fingers he expressed himself. The slender expressive fingers, forever active, forever striving to conceal themselves in his pockets or behind his back, came forth and became the piston rods of his machinery of expression. Also they made more grotesque an already grotesque and elusive individuality. My Point of ViewWith your group; brainstorm and discuss about the important statements included in the speech. Is it wrong for them to publicly pray to their God? In order to understand these questions, we have to revisit the context with which the writer wrote from.


(PDF) The Hands of the Blacks by Luis Bernardo Honwana

the hands of the blacks short story

What she said was more or less this: "God made Blacks because they had to be. Well, listen: it was to show that what men do is only the work of men. When the rumble of the evening train that took away the express cars loaded with the day's harvest of berries had passed and restored the silence of the summer night, he went again to walk upon the veranda. Strange, hideous accusations fell from his loose-hung lips. After bathing, the people were nice and white. The first disturbing thing in the story is that the narrator who is probably Bernardo Honwana himself is the only one who disagrees with this explanation and starts to seek another answers from random people. The Oriental excels in reflective thinking; he is a philosopher.


The hands of the blacks, by Luis Bernardo Honwana Essay

the hands of the blacks short story

Although evidences have proven over and over again that the black race is not different from any other race, aside from a few physical attributes that is, many still chastise them as less humans. If the desire to talk came to him when the two were walking in the fields, he sought out a stump or the top board of a fence and with his hands pounding busily talked with renewed ease. With a kind of wriggle, like a fish returned to the brook by the fisherman, Biddlebaum the silent began to talk, striving to put into words the ideas that had been accumulated by his mind during long years of silence. And do you know why that was? The name of Biddlebaum he got from a box of goods seen at a freight station as he hurried through an eastern Ohio town. Almost everyone the narrator asks associates the black color of the skin with dirt that is either disgusting and has to be rid of or plainly the sign of the inferiority. Well, now we are getting into something which is not so easily, or rather, simply explained. Through the Pennsylvania town went a shiver.


The hands of black unfamiliar/difficult words

the hands of the blacks short story

We all look up to religious leaders to decipher things that are even beyond our comprehension and scientific explanation. Great changes have taken place in the nature of our social life during the last twenty years. As Adolph Myers he was much loved by the boys of his school. Despite isolating himself from those around him and those who live in the town , Wing still feels the need to connect with others, in this case George Willard. They had to be, my son. From this time on you must shut your ears to the roaring of the voices.


Hands of the black

the hands of the blacks short story

When he had told me this Senhor Antunes and the other men who were around us were very pleased and they all burst out laughing. Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures supports his assertions. There is also a sense of irony in the story. In Hands by Sherwood Anderson we have the theme of isolation, loneliness, alienation, fear, freedom and connection. We see the powerlessness of a single mother who stands against almost all the town, but also we see hope, because the reaction of her child is the best reward we, as readers, can be given.



the hands of the blacks short story

They had to be, my son. Do you know how? Their restless activity, like unto the beating of the wings of an imprisoned bird, had given him his name. . On the day that we were talking about it, i was telling her what i already knew about the question, and she could not stop laughing. The power to do embraces the ability to produce enough to support oneself and to contribute to the economic development of the Philippines.


literary elements

the hands of the blacks short story

And even then, she was crying and clutching herself around the stomach like someone who had laughed so much that it was quite unbearable. It was raining and one of the men had a rope in his hands. And even then, she was crying and clutching herself around the stomach like someone who had laughed so much that it was quite unbearable. I would notmake the power to do the final and only test of the educated Filipino: but I believe that inour present situation, it is fundamental and basic. Kilns have been used for millennia to turn objects made from clay into pottery, tiles and bricks. In the story, the first time the narrator comes to terms with racism is in school, then in church, in the community and lastly at home.


DLL english 8 the hands of the

the hands of the blacks short story

The berry pickers, youths and maidens, laughed and shouted boisterously. The religious imagery at the end of the story is also interesting. According to Senor Antunes, all humans were not created at the same time, but rather Blacks came later after Jesus, his mother Mary, St. This is why he is a great poet. With the boys of his school, Adolph Myers had walked in the evening or had sat talking until dusk upon the schoolhouse steps lost in a kind of dream. Wing Biddlebaum talked much with his hands.
