Is street crime more harmful than white collar crime. Compare And Contrast White Collar Crime Vs Street Crime Essay 2022-11-05

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Street crime refers to crimes that occur on the streets or in public places, such as robbery, theft, and assault. White collar crime, on the other hand, refers to crimes committed by individuals or organizations in the course of their business or professional activities, such as fraud, embezzlement, and insider trading. Both types of crime can have serious consequences for their victims, but it is difficult to say definitively which is more harmful.

One argument in favor of street crime being more harmful is that it often involves violence or the threat of violence. For example, a mugging or a robbery can be physically and emotionally traumatic for the victim, and can leave them with lasting physical and psychological effects. Street crime can also have wider social consequences, as it can create a sense of fear and insecurity in the community, leading to a decline in the quality of life for everyone.

On the other hand, white collar crime can also have significant negative effects on both individuals and society as a whole. While it may not involve physical violence, it can still result in financial harm to victims. For example, a person who falls victim to a fraudulent investment scheme may lose their life savings, while a company that is defrauded by an employee may suffer significant financial losses that can lead to layoffs and other negative consequences for its employees. White collar crime can also undermine trust in important institutions, such as banks and government agencies, and can have far-reaching effects on the economy as a whole.

Ultimately, it is difficult to compare the harms caused by street crime and white collar crime, as they can both have serious and lasting consequences. Both types of crime should be taken seriously and efforts should be made to prevent and punish them. However, it is important to recognize that both types of crime can have significant negative impacts and should be addressed in a comprehensive and equitable manner.

Violent Street Crime Versus Harmful White

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

These two types of crimes have many victims, but the victims in each situation are affected very differently. They experience feelings of helplessness, shame, humiliation, distrust, self-hatred, disbelief, denial, suicidal thoughts, disorientation, confusion, phobias , post-traumatic stress disorder which develops when someone encounters a scary or dangerous event ' and with that, anxiety, depression and insomnia. He defined "white collar crime" as "crime financial crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation". The United States in comparison with many other cultural societies has a large number of people who own firearms. This is one of the fastest growing crimes in the nation.


Is white collar crime more or less damaging or serious than street crime

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

It usually involves the high middle or upper class engaging in criminal behavior to make even more money. This theory is vital to contemporary political science in addition to other chastisements for instance sociology and philosophy. There are ways that the national government helps protect its citizens from both types of crime. Digital Commons Wayne State University. Society lives in fear of violent street crime. Both men are criminals, but which one's actions are more detrimental to you?. Our When white-collar criminals are apprehended, they are typically transported to minimum security prisons since their crimes were non-violent.


Compare And Contrast White Collar Crime Vs Street Crime Essay

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

On 11th August, 1947 Quaid-i-Azam while addressing first Indian Legislative Assembly said "One of the biggest curse from which India is suffering, I do not say that other countries are free from it, but, I think our condition is much worse, is bribery and corruption. So it is important to get on top of your defense as soon as possible. Imagine working over thirty-five years with a successful company; faithfully contributing to your own retirement. Some are white-collar crimes. The primary street crime that sees punitive imprisonment sentences is any crime related to drugs, which involves the manufacturing, possession, use, or sale of illegal substances. White-collar crime has the potential to be considerably more severe than street crime. A public servant is said to commit an offence of criminal misconduct in the discharge of his duty, if he by corrupt or illegal means, or by otherwise abusing his position as public servant, obtains for himself or for any other person, any valuable thing or pecuniary advantage or a holder of public office, or any other person, is said to commit or to have committed the offence of "Corruption" and Corrupt Practices", if he accepts or obtains from any person or offers any gratification directly or indirectly, other than legal remuneration, as a motive or reward such as specified in Section 161 of the Pakistan Penal Code Act XLV of 1860 for doing or forbearing to show, in the exercise of his official functions, favour or disfavour to any person, or for rendering or attempting to render any service or directive to any person; or if he accepts or obtains or offers any valuable thing without consideration, or for a consideration which he knows to be inadequate, from any person whom he knows to have been, or likely to be, concerned in any proceedings or business transacted or about to be transacted by him, or having any connection with his official functions or from any person whom he knows to be interested in or related to the person concerned; or if he dishonestly or fraudulently misappropriates or otherwise converts for his own use, or for the use of any other person, any property entrusted to him, or under his control, or wilfully allows any other person so to do, or if he by corrupt, dishonest, or illegal means, obtains or seeks to obtain for himself, or for his spouse or dependants or any other person, any property, valuable thing, or pecuniary advantage; or if he or any of his dependents or benamidars owns, possesses, or has acquired any right or title in any assets or hold irrevocable power of attorney in respect of any assets or pecuniary resources disproportionate to his known sources of income, which he cannot reasonably account for or maintains a standard of living beyond that which is commensurate with his sources of income; or if he misuses his authority so as to gain any benefit or favour for himself or any other person, or renders or attempt to render or wilfully fails to exercise his authority, prevent the grant or rendition of any undue benefit, or favour which he could have prevented by exercising his authority.


Is street crime more harmful than white collar crime Free Essays

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

For example, white collar crimes include things like embezzlement, fraud, Ponzi schemes, lying to investors, insider trading, and forgery. The controversy was that a crime could not be classified as a white-collar crime, unless the individual that committed the crime was in a high social class. The costs in some cases may involve extreme, devastating losses, while other costs may be less severe. We are New Jersey residents. For, example a man, Mr.


Difference Between Street Crime & White Collar Crime: Barnes Law Firm

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

Law and Human Behavior, 37 3 , 197. Perspectives on the seriousness of crimes. First things first, what is a white collar crime? Street crimes are responsible for injuries, death, sexual assaults and the loss of personal property through force. The distinction between white- collar and street criminals is key because it is uncertain that whether punishment is established at the level of the specific offense or is established generally for all crime types. When the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE released some aliens from prison that had criminal history, many homicides took place not too long after being released. While all crimes are a wrong committed against society, some do more damage to society then others. Holder and Sebelius charged almost 100 individuals with medical fraud.



is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

Judgment and Decision Making, 5 5 , 411—419. In addition to the FBI, entities that investigate white-collar crime include the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC , the National Association of Securities Dealers NASD , and state authorities. Street crime in terms of severity may have extreme costs involving different amounts of violence. From day one we felt comfortable with Mr. It is perceived as boring and people do not usually care to learn about it. Examples include assault, battery, sexual assault, homicide, domestic violence, and robbery.


Compare And Contrast White Collar Crime Vs Street Crime

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

All acts of disobeying the law are crimes. Anyone can become the victims of street criminals. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press. There are many crimes that can fall under the category of white collar, including embezzlement, insider trading, laundering, Ponzi schemes, and any type of fraud. Street crime, on the other hand, can almost be thought of as less sophisticated crime.


Why Is White

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

Private Prison Case Analysis 384 Words 2 Pages In our previous class we spoke about how the profile of the usual white collar criminal is white, middle age, has a high level of education married, has a home and is in a supervisory position. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 20, 33—44. What is the difference between white collar crime and street crime? The government states that over 6000 people die a year from fatal work injuries Henslin, 228. Other than being desperate, another motive that could serve as a reason for committing a street crime could be that a person may want personal revenge or are jealous of another person and their successful situation. Which means street crime is more dangerous than white collar crime. A conviction can have a severe impact on your freedom, your reputation, your job, your family, and your future.


Street Crime More Harmful than White Collar Crime

is street crime more harmful than white collar crime

Global Human Trafficking: The African Slave Trade 2190 Words 9 Pages Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, malaria, and pneumonia may be more prevalent among sex trafficking victims as a result of unsanitary and dangerous housing conditions, use of needles, and inadequate access to health care. We as a society, generally conjure images of a personal assault on oneself when defining the concept of a crime. Such crimes can ruin companies, destroy life savings, deprive people and communities of valuable resources and assets, and distort the legitimate economy. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Be it running a red light or prostitution, one has committed a crime.
