Malcolm gladwell thin slicing. Thin Slicing in Psychology and Phylosophy 2022-10-26

Malcolm gladwell thin slicing Rating: 7,1/10 104 reviews

In his book "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking," Malcolm Gladwell discusses the concept of "thin slicing," which refers to the ability of the human brain to quickly and accurately process a small amount of information and make a decision based on that information. Gladwell argues that this process, which he calls "rapid cognition," is a natural and powerful tool that we all possess, and that it can be used to make better decisions in a variety of situations.

Gladwell gives several examples of how thin slicing can be used effectively. For example, he discusses how experienced doctors are able to make accurate diagnoses based on a few key symptoms, even if they don't have access to all of the patient's medical history. Similarly, he talks about how experienced art experts are able to identify fake paintings based on a few key features, even if they haven't seen the entire painting.

However, Gladwell also notes that thin slicing can be prone to bias and error. He discusses how people's unconscious biases and stereotypes can influence their decision-making, and how people can be swayed by irrelevant or misleading information. Gladwell suggests that the key to using thin slicing effectively is to be aware of our biases and to try to minimize their influence on our decision-making.

Overall, Gladwell's concept of thin slicing highlights the importance of rapid cognition in our daily lives and the potential benefits and drawbacks of this process. By understanding how thin slicing works, we can use it to make better decisions and avoid being swayed by irrelevant or biased information.

Acting on impulse

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

In the novel, the suppression of Ideas leads to societal issues, mental health issues, and no individuality. The International Conference on Web and Social Media. Gladwell uses many examples of the two and argues how similar yet different they are. But Gottman, it turns out, can teach us a great deal about a critical part of rapid cognition known as thin-slicing. Journal of Research in Personality. We can narrow our focus.


Membangun Hubungan Secara Instan Melalui Thin

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

There is another approach that has worked for many, including myself. The results from these experiments are, obviously, quite disturbing. So we do judge a book by its cover, I thought. If a bad legacy was passed down; I believe that cultural legacies can be altered or changed, by good working habits, determination, and a positive mindset to succeed. The aeron chair is an example of this, thin-slicing made people look at the chair and hate it. How our unconscious affects us at all times whether we realize it or not.


Malcom Gladwell Thin Slicing Examples

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

However, sometimes a small amount of relevant information is all that is required to make decisions and act. All these resources which were supposed to be an advantage ended up being their demise, they were over thinking every move they made. Facebook Email icon An envelope. Thanks Mike for another great article. In his outstanding book Blink, Malcolm Gladwell reinforces the power of the unconscious in our communications, describing some powerful research. First our conscious attitude which is what we choose to believe.


Malcolm Gladwell's Mind

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

In some ways, thin-slicing can be helpful, and is somewhat representative of the idea of cutting straight through the Gordian knot instead of carefully untying it. I didn't, of course, which was just as well. For example, suppose that you are getting ready to meet with a Russian manager in Moscow. You hear a lot about pride from the pulpit, but very little about contempt. Thin-slicing, snap judgments, all of this has its good and bad. A first impression is your initial condition for analysing another human being. They are a combined half-century of having their wills rarely thwarted or interfered with.



malcolm gladwell thin slicing

The best way to overcome natural biases and meet someone with a truly open mind is to make the effort to convince yourself of a contradicting point of view. Dan Silvestre writes about… If this is your first time here, this site is focused on personal development, productivity, self-ownership through psychology, optimization, self-education, philosophy, health, finance, and improving your thinking. To make an accurate prediction of a marriage it would seem necessary to gather a lot of information and in many different contexts as possible. Blue team had all these resources, they had too many resources. But there are moments, particularly in times of stress, when haste does not make waste, when our snap judgments and first impressions can offer a much better means of making sense of the world. While the date of your birth is inconsequential when you're 25, it matters when you're 5 — the kids born in January were bigger, stronger, and more ready to be stars, so their coaches developed their skills accordingly.


Rapid Cognition, “Thin

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

This kind of decision-making process has some notable advantages, but also some clear problems. For example, young children can be particularly verbose in their explanations of why something occurred. This book shows us how this is so, and how we unconsciously act a certain way, are attracted to certain things, and so on. Rapid cognition can also lead people to fall back on racist or sexist stereotypes about other people see Prejudice theme. Watch what you wear, how you dress or are made up, your expression and posture, and about a dozen other things. Then it takes 3 minutes to add 50% to that, and then 30 minutes to add 50% to that 3 minute impression, and so on - to 3 hours and 3 days. In his novel Outliers, Gladwell argues that the 10,000 Hour Rule is an important asset to becoming successful because it allows for the individual to master the skill he or she is trying to succeed in.


Blink Chapter 1: The Theory of Thin Slices Summary & Analysis

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

Then the last part where it gets tricky is when it switches home and career, so the choices are male or home and female and career. In a current human resources management textbook Gomez-Mejia et al. It excludes distracting and irrelevant information. One of the possible inconsistencies in Gladwell's argument, one that sometimes arises in different parts of his book, is that of initial impressions. Our unconscious finds patterns in very minute amounts of events or information. By themselves, neither rational decision-making nor thin-slicing can guide humans one hundred percent of the time.


Blink One: The Theory of Thin Slices: How a Little Bit of Knowledge Goes a Long Way Summary and Analysis

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

This part of the test takes people a little longer to choose. We thin-slice because we have to, and we come to rely on that ability because there are … lots of situations where careful attention to the details of a very thin slice, even for no more than a second or two, can tell us an awful lot. Journal of Research in Personality. What would you do differently next time around? But if you put your ice cream in a round as opposed to a rectangular container and charge five to ten cents more, that seems like you're pulling the wool over people's eyes. This is the process of thin-slicing: using a limited amount of information to make a quick, unconscious decision. The second option is to listen to very brief snippets of conversation between each doctor and his or her patients. No doubt that Gottman and company are good at quickly figuring out the future of a couple, but to have gotten to that point required years of observation that has habituated and pruned them to think that way.


Thin Slicing Marriage

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

Slow down — anger is not the emotion. When an interview is given for a job, the interviewee may come off as an awkward person and be judged not suitable for the job. This test brought forth a profound observation, which was that we make connections much more quickly between pairs of ideas that are already related in our minds than we do between pairs of ideas that are unfamiliar to us. The book explains that our attitudes towards race and gender operate on two levels. What screws up doctors when they are trying to predict heart attacks is that they take too much information into account. Remembering students about their genders or ethnicity, for example, bring in their mind the associated stereotypes and they score better or worse depending on that stereotype. In their Harvard Business Review article, Neeley and Kaplan point to this as a blind spot by many executives, and I concur.


Thin Slicing Across Cultures

malcolm gladwell thin slicing

Yet fifteen years later, a third of those couples will agree that contempt was their undoing. But their veiled expressions and word choices may say otherwise. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel. Priming your actions with words has an incredibly strong effect. The first explanation draws from psychologists The second explanation involves the role that The third explanation proposes that thin-slicing provides accurate judgments simply because they are snap judgments.
