The causes of prejudice. 5 Important Theories of Prejudice 2022-10-19

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Prejudice is a negative attitude or belief towards a particular group of people, often based on stereotypes and without sufficient evidence or justification. It can manifest itself in various forms, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious discrimination, among others. Prejudice can have serious consequences, leading to discrimination, segregation, and even violence.

There are several causes of prejudice, which can be broadly classified into social, psychological, and cultural factors.

One of the main causes of prejudice is social conditioning. From an early age, people are exposed to certain social norms, values, and beliefs that shape their attitudes and behaviors. These norms and values are often passed down from one generation to another and can be influenced by various factors, such as family, friends, media, and education. For example, if a child grows up in a household where they are taught to hate a particular group of people, they are more likely to develop prejudice towards that group. Similarly, if a child grows up in a community that is highly segregated or where one group is consistently depicted as inferior, they may internalize these attitudes and develop prejudice towards that group.

Another cause of prejudice is psychological factors, such as fear and insecurity. People may develop prejudice towards a group that is perceived as different or unfamiliar, as a way to protect themselves or their own group. For instance, if a person feels threatened or anxious about their own job security, they may view immigrants or people from a different race or ethnicity as competition and develop prejudice towards them. Similarly, if a person feels uncertain about their own identity or self-worth, they may try to boost their own ego by putting down or discriminating against others.

Cultural influences can also contribute to prejudice. In some cultures, certain groups of people may be viewed as inferior or superior based on their race, ethnicity, religion, or other factors. These cultural beliefs and values may be passed down from one generation to another and can shape a person's attitudes towards different groups of people. For example, in some cultures, women may be viewed as inferior to men, leading to gender discrimination and prejudice.

In conclusion, prejudice is a complex and multifaceted issue with several causes, including social conditioning, psychological factors, and cultural influences. To combat prejudice, it is important to recognize and challenge these underlying causes and strive to create a more inclusive and equitable society. This may involve educating people about different cultures and backgrounds, promoting empathy and understanding, and challenging harmful stereotypes and biases.

Prejudice and Discrimination in Psychology

the causes of prejudice

For more from the Monitor on Psychology article, please visit: 9. Prejudice is a negative ATTITUDE toward individuals solely based on a group to which they belong; those groups being ethnic, religious, or even social. However, even these prejudices are considered inappropriate because of the unjustified generalizations supporting them. Fearing competition over jobs and frustrated, they need to feel superior over someone. Scapegoating is the displacement of hostilities produced by frustrations.


A Surprising Cause of Prejudice

the causes of prejudice

A 2004 article in the Monitor on Psychology notes that though most research points to the fact that intolerance is caused by negative stereotypes, at least in part, research by Susan Fiske of Princeton University indicates that pity, envy, disgust, and pride — all emotions — may play a larger role. Racism has also been thought of a multidimensional construct in that the cognitive, affective, and behavioral aspect of one 's personality is targeted to negatively influence other lives. Ellis Racism and prejudice have always existed in human history. It is highly likely his parents were also very prejudiced against minorities. Taking a step back from the current conversation, think about a political candidate. In Module 4 Section 4. Threats and fear Threats to a person or group can also lead to prejudice.


Explanations for Prejudice: Psychological, Causes & Examples

the causes of prejudice

Prejudice occurs when someone holds a negative feeling about a group of people, representing the affective component. A key part of this trend through time has been the increased concentration of corporate power. How does knowing this shape your own prejudice? Stereotyping can build a remarkable consensus in society through time. Socialization refers to influences a youth experiences while growing up. They might avoid them all together resulting in social isolation. Studies have shown that people who move into areas where prejudice is the norm show increased prejudice in their behavior. The plot of the article is divided into two main sections.


"Causes of Prejudice" by Vincent Parrillo

the causes of prejudice

Hence, in terms of our attitude about another group, our stereotype represents the cognitive component. Results showed that black participants performed worse than white participants when the test was framed as a measure of their ability but performed as well as their White counterparts when told that it was not reflective of their ability. The contact should also be supported and encouraged by government authorities of some sort. In fact, one could argue that our highly ultrasocial, interdependent form of group living may be the most important human adaptation. Feelings of frustration caused by a mood are often considered a cause of aggression as well as a cause of prejudice. People's strong affiliation to the nation in which they live inhibits them from combating the prejudice and discrimination of those in power.


The causes and types of prejudice and discrimination

the causes of prejudice

Cognitive indicates our thoughts about it and behavior indicates the actions we take in relation to the thoughts and feelings we have about the source of the attitude. Secondly, they say that instead of considering the individual aspect of the prejudice as emphasized by the scape goat theory, the convergence theory takes note of group frustration to explain the underlying causes of prejudice. Schaller's work shows that people perceived as being foreign—perhaps because they look different than us, speak different languages, eat different foods—automatically activate perceptions of disease threat. One study investigated harmful behavior and found evidence of the group-serving bias insofar as members of the Italian Communist party said outgroup actors were more aggressive and intentional in their harmful actions than in-group actors Schruijer et al. Given the differences in living conditions of various racial and ethnic groups, as well as the existence of discrimination throughout our society, improving intergroup relations is a challenge that requires ongoing work.


Causes Of Prejudice

the causes of prejudice

Prejudice and discrimination cause inequality, another phenomenon common to all societies, especially when minorities, such as people of color, including Hispanic and black Americans, may be readily identified. They find scapegoats for their plight. The Jews were made the victim of prejudicial aggression of other outgroups because some of their characteristics were not acceptable to the outgroups. How prevalent is race-based discrimination in the workplace? Second, is resistance to the political demands of African Americans. So, does it work? My guess is that Breivik saw the liberal politics of his country as a betrayal of his people, and so he attacked those politics and those engaged in them. My colleague Mark Schaller at the University of British Columbia has explored an additional threat that people are likely to see in foreigners: People who come from faraway places, who live in somewhat different ecologies, carry different pathogens within their bodies—pathogens that their immune systems have had an opportunity to adapt to but that ours have not.


Causes of Prejudice

the causes of prejudice

Social or economic status was least important. According to him race will matter less and less and whiteness will come to an end. Later, the Jews were placed in concentration camps by the Nazis. In the fourth and final stage, the task is the same as in Stage 3 but now black and negative are paired and white and good are paired. Any form of treating groups differently in a society such as racial segregation in housing, church, or school adds further reinforcement to learned prejudices.


5 Important Theories of Prejudice

the causes of prejudice

What types of prejudice are there? This is what racism is. The theories are: 1. This may then reduce susceptibility to internalized stigma. Unfortunately, prejudice can also inhibit people from getting the care they need. Right-Wing Authoritarianism Bob Altemeyer 1988 built on the work of Adorno and introduced the idea of right-wing authoritarianism. However once considered less acceptable by society, stereotypes through time may decline. Prejudice is not the same as discrimination.


Causes of Prejudice: the Sociology of Prejudice

the causes of prejudice

Positive discrimination is where a particular group is given special privileges to compensate for a perceived disadvantage. He began being prejudiced because that is what he learned from his family. In conjunction with these thoughts, you also hold certain feelings about them. What underlies prejudice against foreigners? How are stereotypes learned? Prejudice does not always manifest itself in the form of explicit behaviour. In the second part he transactions into the social explanations, which are: socialization, economic competition and social norms. The theories are: socialization, economic competition, and social norms. As with other forms of prejudice, an ethnocentric person may blame others for undesired events or conditions.
