Summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe. No Longer at Ease Summary & Study Guide 2022-10-13

Summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe Rating: 9,7/10 519 reviews

No Longer at Ease is a novel by Chinua Achebe that tells the story of Obi Okonkwo, a young man from the Igbo tribe in Nigeria who has been given the opportunity to study abroad in England. Upon his return to Nigeria, Obi struggles to adapt to the expectations placed on him by his community and family, as well as the corruption and nepotism that pervade Nigerian society.

Obi's education and experiences abroad have given him a different perspective on his society and its values, and he finds it difficult to reconcile this with the expectations placed on him as a member of the Igbo tribe. He is expected to marry his cousin, Clara, and take on a high-ranking position in the tribal government, but Obi is more interested in pursuing his own interests and making a difference in his community.

As he navigates these expectations and struggles with his own identity, Obi becomes involved in a scheme to embezzle government funds. He is faced with a difficult choice between doing what is right and following the path that has been laid out for him. In the end, Obi is unable to escape the corruption and nepotism that surrounds him and is ultimately punished for his actions.

No Longer at Ease is a poignant and thought-provoking novel that explores the themes of identity, tradition, and corruption. It serves as a commentary on the challenges faced by young people who are caught between their own desires and the expectations placed on them by their society. Through the character of Obi, Achebe offers a powerful critique of the ways in which corruption and nepotism can corrupt and undermine the values of a society.

No Longer at Ease Essay Questions

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

Achebe's novels focus on the traditions of Igbo society, the effect of Christian influences, and the clash of values during and after the colonial era. Even though he is brought up Christian and his mother is forbidden to tell him folktales, Obi loves these folktales. We are left with a number of unsettling questions. This combination is forever evident in Obi's life. Unfortunately, his pride, then, kept him from getting the extension on his debt and it continued to snowball. Obi realizes that he lied to himself and it starts to become a common thing. Obi also learned his mother had died.


No Longer at Ease Summary & Study Guide

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

Chinua Achebe efficaciously tackles questions of morality in the complex novel No Longer at Ease. What is the summary of no longer at ease? First and foremost, the writing has improved so much. Obi dropped Clara off and she and the doctor left, but he felt bad and tried to go after them. Poetry and song intrude into the narrative. This feeling was sometimes so strong that he found himself feeling ashamed of studying English for his degree. The song is in Ibo, and it is a song he has heard again and again but only really understands when he is able to translate it into English. Obi received a job in the senior service in the scholarship office.


Summary and Review of The Book No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe: [Essay Example], 939 words GradesFixer

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

What point of view is no longer at ease written? Some of the problems in post-colonial regions concern language, education, the conflict between traditional ways and Western or European ways, the presence of the English, and corruption. Achebe's having grown up in a Christian family in Nigeria is one of the many facts the author draws upon to create the background of his protagonist, Obi Okonkwo, in No Longer At Ease. These short verses, the final verses of the poem, describe what many writers and literary critics have called the postcolonial condition. While his personal life is falling off the cliff, financially Obi is suffering the worst onslaught of debt and tax. As Obi went to college at British University, he changed his course of study and went into a different direction. The members of the Umuofia Progressive Union UPU , a group of Umuofia natives who have left their villages to live in major Nigerian cities, have taken up a collection to send Obi to England to study Law, in the hope that he will return to help his people by representing them in the colonial legal system, particularly with respect to land cases. He was very close to his mother.


No Longer at Ease

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

In fact, Obi's dying mother gives him an ultimatum: she tells him that if he insists on marrying Clara, he must wait until she is dead because if he marries Clara while she is alive, she will kill herself. Obi's mind was mostly on Clara, whom he had started dating and planned to marry. We see it today in the writing of the white man. In THINGS FALL APART, the first part, Achebe's main concern is mostly the pre-colonial life in late-19th century Nigeria. The title is a phrase from a T S Eliot poem, "The Journey of the Magi" and the lines are about how when the magi return after seeing the infant king to their own land they are "No longer at ease here, in the old d So this is a book that anybody who has had to split two cultures or mesh them should read.


No Longer at Ease (The African Trilogy, #2) by Chinua Achebe

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

The third group, though, truly lives life -their zest, their passion is palpable. The main theme of the book is corruption. Obi returns to Nigeria after four years of studies and lives in Lagos with his friend Joseph. Some of the older men warned him to be careful in the white man's world and spoke of the lack of greatness of current Nigerian men. In a world that is breaking apart with the tug of war of independence, just like his grandfather, Obi finds himself alone. Obi Okonkwo, an Ibo from eastern Nigeria, has returned from university studies in England and takes a position as a civil servant in Lagos.


No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

I am not giving anything away here, as the novel starts off with the bad news for him. Finally, Obi was nostalgic for home; I understand that on a different level. . These are but a few questions that No Longer At Ease 1960 by Chinua Achebe made me ponder upon. Everyone loves to joke about Nigerian scams and the daily No Longer at Ease is a story that carries on from Things Fall Apart.


Why did Chinua Achebe write no longer at ease?

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

He wished they were here today to see. Complications arise out of the operation, and Clara is hospitalized, after which she refuses to see Obi. It is at this moment, however, when he has taken his last bribe, that he is caught, which brings us back to the beginning of the novel. Obi grew up in the village of Umuofia, Nigeria. In one of the more bizarre and symbolic moments of the novel, Obi's mother accidentally cuts herself with her son's razor and he subsequently associates her with the shedding of blood. And, thus, he leaves for England, stopping in Lagos on the way out.


Detailed Review Summary of No Longer at Ease by Chinua Achebe

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

It is quite heart-rending. White, black, young, old -- they are all privy to abusing their office. An alternate cover for this ISBN can be found Obi Okonkwo is an idealistic young man who has now returned to Nigeria for a job in the civil service. But when he had to speak in English with a Nigerian student from another tribe he lowered his voice. Then the electrical bill.


No Longer At Ease Chapter 1 Summary & Analysis

summary of no longer at ease by chinua achebe

He is convinced that everything bad corruption, laziness, bribery is fault of the old, that modern education, lack of prejudice makes him resistant to topical deep — seated habits. Obi takes his first bribe, not without guilt, however. He does not go home for the funeral, and the U. He should have a nice car. However in his new role he finds that the way of government seems to be corruption. Obi allows this acceptance of bribes to become habitual. Who is the main character of No Longer at Ease? It is not a matter of pooling resources, it is the sorry condition of ONE person with ONE resource who is pressured by the hundreds of folk in his life without ANY resources to share.
