Student athlete drug testing essay. Student Athletes Drug Testing Essay 2022-10-22

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Drug testing for student athletes has been a controversial issue for many years. On one hand, proponents argue that drug testing is necessary to ensure the fairness and integrity of sports, as well as to protect the health and well-being of the athletes. On the other hand, opponents argue that drug testing violates the privacy and civil liberties of student athletes and can lead to stigmatization and discrimination.

One argument in favor of drug testing is that it promotes fairness in sports. Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can give athletes an unfair advantage over their competitors, and therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all athletes are competing on a level playing field. Drug testing helps to ensure that athletes are not using PEDs to gain an unfair advantage, which is especially important in professional sports, where the stakes are high and the competition is fierce.

Another argument in favor of drug testing is that it helps to protect the health and well-being of student athletes. PEDs can have serious side effects, such as increased risk of injury, heart problems, and even death. By testing for PEDs, athletic programs can help to prevent athletes from putting their health at risk by using these substances.

However, there are also valid arguments against drug testing for student athletes. One of the main concerns is the issue of privacy and civil liberties. Drug testing requires the collection of bodily fluids, such as urine or blood, which can be seen as an invasion of privacy. Additionally, there is the potential for false positives, which can lead to innocent athletes being wrongly accused and potentially punished.

There is also the concern that drug testing can lead to stigmatization and discrimination of student athletes. Those who test positive for PEDs may be unfairly labeled as "cheaters" and face negative consequences, such as being suspended from their sport or losing scholarship opportunities. This can be especially harmful for student athletes who may be struggling with addiction or who may have unknowingly taken a substance that contained a banned substance.

In conclusion, the issue of drug testing for student athletes is complex and multifaceted. While there are valid arguments in favor of drug testing, such as promoting fairness in sports and protecting the health of athletes, there are also valid concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for stigmatization and discrimination. Ultimately, it is important for athletic programs to carefully weigh the pros and cons of drug testing and to implement policies that are fair, ethical, and sensitive to the needs and rights of student athletes.

Essay About: Student Athlete And Mandatory Drug Test

student athlete drug testing essay

Throwing off the chemical balance has many side effects including attention spans and the ability to remember things. All of these things can happen when you take these drugs, however, it is illegal to do, and the consequences can be severe, and they can ruin your life. The Empire State Poll ESP is the first of its kind annual general survey of adults, age 18 and over, who are residents of New York State. Recently the Athletic Code also began to apply to students in other extracurricular activities. Drug tests OK: schools can require them of athletes. Drug testing should be implemented in high schools and middle schools in order for students to participate in athletic related activities.


Reflection: Drug Testing For Student Athletes

student athlete drug testing essay

In 1991, James Acton and his parents sued the Vernonia School District. His parents had no idea. This issue could be solved if there was monthly drug testing and if the drug was not so easy to get ahold of. The Use of Performance Drugs in Sports More and more, of our society views winning more important than itself. The drug tests have also pushed student to try harder drugs that will not appear on an urine sample; for example, heroin, acid, and prescription medications.


Drug Testing Of Student Athletes Essay Research

student athlete drug testing essay

Of course not if your kids or friend is accused by this big statement of doing drugs you want the facts that they have. Newsday, A05 Siedentop, D. After about five minutes we left on the charter bus to campus. Tell which type of sampling is used random, cluster, systematic, convenience, and stratified and give clear reasons to support your answer. Later, the US Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals in a 7-2 vote to reinstate the suspension, saying that the school district's policy did not violate the First Amendment 3.


Essay On Student Athlete Drug Testing

student athlete drug testing essay

. The drugs can also intervene with the student at practice or a game. However, many teenagers of this era, large part athletes, seem to think differently and they constantly use illegal drugs. These drugs are used to increase strenght and weight, they also improve the athletes endurance so they can have more time on the field. The speech contained sexual innuendo.


Essay On Student Athletes Drug Testing

student athlete drug testing essay

In addition, these people influence everyone around them. High school athletes should get drug tested to make sure they are not taking any drugs or other kinds of steroids. However, many people who inject steroids irregularly, induces side effects such as, kidney failure, liver damage, heart attacks, and undersized growth. The athletes prove their innocence by passing a drug test. The students was awarded a monetary judgment and allowed to give his graduation speech.


Drug Testing Student Athletes

student athlete drug testing essay

Athletes are often consumed with the pressure to perform well, so the they begin to take steroids. On the other hand, some believe that routine drug testing is unnecessary because it will be inefficient in detecting drug abusers. Even though the U. Solution two also has some convincing strengths and weaknesses. For instance, statics show that …show more content… At this age children seem to not to listen to their parents.


Drug Testing Of Student Athletes, Sample of Essays

student athlete drug testing essay

This habit will potentially ruin their career, making them ineligible to participate a higher level and affect them not only as an athlete but as an individual. That is not true. Children who are forced to deal with various changes in their home environment use drugs as a coping mechanism. Beyond that, the extra test is just more time and money expended by the school. Drug Testing Is Not Fair Essay 544 Words 3 Pages Josh All coaches should drug test their players because it is not fair. For example, parents are separating or getting a divorce. High schools throughout the country have considered taking these same actions for various reasons as well.


Student Athletes Drug Testing Essay

student athlete drug testing essay

Many people are against student athlete drug testing however, I believe it is a great thing! On the other hand, they all have worse long term effects then the temporary effect they athletes do them for. During sports, however, it might be a different story but, it still does not give the coach the right to tell their players to take a drug test Johnston. James Acton signed up for football in the fall of 1991 at one of the districts grade schools. If a school is suspecting a kid of abusing drugs, then they have the right to test them. Studies on performance enhancers, like steroids, etc. There have been many successful programs to educate students about the effects of drugs.


Drug Testing Student Athletes Essay

student athlete drug testing essay

Anabolic steroids are also often used among athletes to increase their muscle growth. In his senior year he still needed three English credits to satisfy the NCAA requirements and since he went to a school that brock their year down into trimesters, he thought this would be no problem. Also can cause some major health problems. Fredrick On January 23, 2002, the students and faculty of Juneau-Douglas High School were permitted to leave class and attend the 2002 Olympic Torch Relay, which was held across the street from the school Mears. Testing in sports have always been significant, but as of late, they have come to the forefront following the large concussion lawsuit filed against the National Football League and the countless names emerging from Major League Baseball for being linked to performance enhancing drugs.


Student Athletes Drug Testing

student athlete drug testing essay

Those selected are notified and tested that same day, if possible. Drugs can have obvious side effects and can take a hard tole on a child. He played basketball for the school and was very good at it, so good that he planned on getting a scholarship to finance his college education. Implementing random drug tests for athletes will create a positive image and not hurt others or themselves. Joe-Ogden, Watseka and Iroquois West said there have been some good discussions at their respective schools on implementing such a program, but costs are holding them back. One seventh grader, James Acton, disagreed with this policy and refused to submit a urine sample.
