Strategic management process of coca cola. Analysis of Strategic Management in Coca Cola 2022-11-09

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Strategic management is the process by which organizations plan and implement strategies to achieve their objectives. It involves analyzing the internal and external environment, setting goals, and determining the resources and actions needed to achieve those goals. The strategic management process is a continuous cycle that consists of four main stages: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, strategy evaluation, and strategy modification. This process is crucial for organizations to adapt to changing market conditions and to remain competitive.

One company that has a well-established strategic management process is The Coca-Cola Company, a multinational beverage corporation that is known for its flagship product, Coca-Cola. Founded in 1886, Coca-Cola has become a global brand with a strong presence in more than 200 countries. The company's success can be attributed, in part, to its effective strategic management process.

In the strategy formulation stage, Coca-Cola's management team conducts a thorough analysis of the internal and external environment to identify opportunities and threats. This includes analyzing the company's strengths and weaknesses, as well as market trends and competitors. Based on this analysis, the team develops a set of long-term goals and objectives, as well as a strategy to achieve them.

In the strategy implementation stage, Coca-Cola's management team puts the strategy into action by allocating resources and assigning tasks to various departments and teams. The company also communicates the strategy to employees, partners, and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.

In the strategy evaluation stage, Coca-Cola's management team monitors and assesses the progress of the strategy to determine whether it is on track to achieve the desired outcomes. If the strategy is not meeting expectations, the management team may decide to modify it in the final stage of the strategic management process, known as strategy modification. This could involve making changes to the goals, objectives, or tactics of the strategy to better align with the current business environment.

Overall, Coca-Cola's strategic management process is designed to help the company achieve its long-term goals and remain competitive in a rapidly changing market. By regularly reviewing and modifying its strategies, Coca-Cola is able to adapt to new challenges and opportunities, and maintain its position as a leader in the beverage industry.

Strategic Management Process & Analysis for Coca

strategic management process of coca cola

If the candidate is selected Education requirements and Screening Of the PersonnelAvailable job are make public within Coca-Cola Company Human Resources department look for its data bank Selection is based on several decisive factors for various titles Aptitude test Example, for salesman Candidate is asked to turn up for an interview Candidate is asked for any references, which can make. Monetary and non-monetary rewards are used to entice a higher participation, especially from the lower level employees. To solve these problems executives and managers need planning tools that help them create and manage action plans, interact with employees about those plans and associated business strategies, and align business performance with business goals. To ensure, effectiveness of the SRM, the management of the firm should integrate Information Communication Technology ICT just like it has done with the CRM. Managers play a vital role to solve any problems of subordinates whether is is job related or personal problem. One of the ways in which Coca-Cola can implement corporate social responsibility is through works of charity.


Strategic Business Management and Planning Coca cola Company

strategic management process of coca cola

Commodity prices growth 4. Technology can enhance customer focus through incorporation of Customer Relationship Management CRM within its operation. There are six step in the decision making of the Coca-Cola company which are recognize need to make decision, generate alternatives, assess the alternatives, choose among alternatives, implement choose and last the learn from feedback. Accountability: For delivering decided targets and goals accountability is defined as individually and transparently to our colleagues. The employment begins whenever a superintendent wants a salesperson. Furthermore, there were many factories opened in the mid-20th century such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia to produce Coca Cola drinks. It also develops a control framework for guiding organizational and managerial systems and processes.


Analysis of Strategic Management in Coca Cola

strategic management process of coca cola

Manager need controlling to encourages others employee to be creative, innovative and aware toward their jobs, beside that managers identify any opportunities for change and development to upgrade the quality of employees and also their product, before it drives change the manager scopes and plan it carefully. Appendix E Figure 1. The responsibility for building contact with customers and obtaining orders from those relations is held by Sales Manager. The company gives high priority to motivate employees, adopting the policy of promoting employees within the company, based on performance, rather than recruiting a new staff. To progress the lives of all cancer patients it is made sure that our findings are used. This low pattern is as a result of the actuality that the organisation is a perpendicular and there are various individuals having different works to do so.


Coca Cola's Strategic Management Process

strategic management process of coca cola

Coca Cola can actively market its products which are less popular. In the developing and emerging world, only about 30 percent of beverage consumption is commercialized and our volume share position within that is about half of what it is in the developed world. It has been however observed that the vending machines, convenience stores and supermarkets given to the fact that they have not many alternatives, have low bargaining power. Foremost, it will send to be agreed by the General Manager of Coca-Cola Company before sending it to Human Resource department, HR. The in and out movement of goods of the warehouse, supervising drivers and supervising the transport of goods to and from the firm are controlled by Distribution Manager which is his responsibility,.


Cola Strategic Management Model

strategic management process of coca cola

The Coca-Cola Company has produced more than 10 billion gallons of syrup. Current study of Marakon Associates by 197 senior executives states that 65% of companies accredited that they were better at developing strategies when compared to executing them. In history, Coca-cola was the first producer to build a nationwide franchise bottling networks, in which, as years go by was followed by Pepsi and Cadbury Schweppes. Coca Cola creates business with local focus. People suffering from cancer will get the information needed: More than nine out of ten patients can access the information needed during diagnosis and at the time of treatment. A very little business intelligence BI is used by the executives and they are often not aware of problems in the plan execution and make use of them to help them to line up actual business concert with business goals. Sometimes, they do not have a mission at all, operating instead on a set of goals.


COCA COLA International Strategic Management Project Report

strategic management process of coca cola

According to the former CEO of Pepsi-Cola, the competition serves as continuing battle between the two large companies. Additional partnership with Home Office, Communities and Local Government in areas like conniving out crime and crime-free communities. Better treatment can be provided with smaller number side effects: Treatments that exactly target the cancer will have some serious side effects will be decreased to slightest half of all patients. To ensure effective integration of customer focus concept within its globally distributed firms the management of Coca-Cola Company should share this vision with all its departmental staff. This strategy has enabled the Company to gain pricing power. The management should also incorporate corporate social responsibility.


Coca Cola's Strategic Plans

strategic management process of coca cola

With a portfolio of more than 3,300 list of product, from diet and regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as 100 percent fruit juices and fruit drinks, waters, sports and energy drinks, teas and coffees, and milk-and soy-based beverages, Coca-Cola Company variety spans the globe. Controlling is once of the important as the organization will not substined without it. Organising is how the plan will be carried out so the goal is achieve. The degree of rivalry in the soft drink industry is very high due to the competitive nature of the industry. However, in countries like US Coca Cola buys high fructose corn syrup as its ingredient. Similarly, this provides little bargaining power to the suppliers, because losing a client such as Coca Cola, which purchases large volumes of raw materials if undesirable. In terms of outbound logistics, the corporation partners with independent bottling partners and distributors.


Coca Cola Company: Strategic Management Recommendations

strategic management process of coca cola

To deliver improved outcomes cancer services are reconfigured. It was in 2001 when non-cola and even convenience foods offered a diverse growth potential. The discussion of this paper illustrates the various strategic recommendations that the management of Coca-Cola Company should integrate. The top managers of the Coca-Cola Company on an annual basis devise these goals together with the consultation of the lower level employees. The CEO also developed an international business for Coke.


Strategy :: The Coca

strategic management process of coca cola

Strategic growth through diversification The company has sustained its growth through diversification in several but related products. It defining goals and then determining the activities and resources required to achieve them. Ownership: Thinking and acting like owners at all levels; taking decisions at the lowest appropriate level as best as possible. Coca Cola is responsible for customer brand marketing initiatives. Decision making is the study of identifying and choosing alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker and it is the process of sufficiently reducing uncertainty and doubt about alternatives to allow a reasonable choice to be made from among them. The soft drink industry is characterized by high rate of product innovation. When outlining key vision elements, the brand representatives mention disciplined portfolio as a key strategy.


Case Study of Strategic Management in the Coca

strategic management process of coca cola

This was in contrast to the 5-7% yearly growth in the US in the late 1980s. The company has the objective of understanding the existing and changing business trends which shape the business to enable it to thrive for over the next ten years to come DATAMONITOR: The Coca-Cola Company, 2011. Image perception in certain parts of the world. Then the company distributes it to other Coca-Cola factories around the world. It should be a place of exploration, creativity, professional growth and interpersonal relationships.
