Speech on brain drain in india. Migration 2022-11-02

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A short research paper is a concise document that presents the results of a research study. It is typically shorter than a full-length research paper, but still contains all of the essential elements of a research study, including an introduction, literature review, methods, results, and discussion.

The introduction of a short research paper should provide background information on the research topic, state the research question or hypothesis, and explain the purpose of the study. The literature review should summarize previous research on the topic and highlight any gaps in the existing knowledge that the current study aims to fill.

The methods section should describe how the research was conducted, including details on the study design, participants, data collection and analysis, and any statistical tests used. The results section should present the findings of the study, including tables, graphs, and other visual aids to help illustrate the data.

The discussion section should interpret the results of the study and place them in the context of previous research. It should also address any limitations of the study and suggest directions for future research.

In conclusion, a short research paper is a concise and focused document that presents the results of a research study in a clear and organized manner. It is an important tool for communicating research findings and contributing to the scientific community.

Why is India facing a Massive Brain

speech on brain drain in india

The effect of brain drain on the Indian health sector: The emigration of health workers from India to GCC and western countries has been taking place for decades. The main consequence, however, is disintegration and thus the dysfunction of our society, as a significant percentage of the upper-middle and first class will move abroad, thus leaving the lower classes as a majority, which will upset the balance of all societies in the country. Thus, a scientist or a specialist in medicine or any other branch of knowledge may even reconcile to a lower pay and other hardships if there is a better recognition of his capability, a greater appreciation for his work, and especially better chances of research and improvement in his field of specialisation. It is also referred to as Human capital flight. Set up funds for them. Primary external brain drain occurs when human resources leave their country to go work overseas in developed countries such as Europe, North America, and Australia.


Short Speech on “Brain Drain”

speech on brain drain in india

Our top minds, millionaires, entrepreneurs, and job creators are continuously giving up their citizenship, and this number is increasing daily. The Indian government has a simple online process for citizenship renouncing, making it clear that they are much worried about the outflow of the talented population. The glitter of the higher standard of living of the developed countries had always been a great impetus to people from the developing regions, and the intellectuals and the specialists have not been able to get rid of the craze for glamour. ClearIAS Prelims Test Series: The best Mock Exams you ever get for practice for UPSC Prelims. After all, if India could manage to break free from the shackles of Britain back in 1947, then we surely can compete against a few more countries namely Australia, Canada, and the US.


[Expert Verified] Speech on brain drain

speech on brain drain in india

These brainy persons should attempt to cultivate a greater love and devotion for their country and should not leave it at their first opportunity. The warmth and the sincerity that they could expect to get at home constitute a much higher compensation than the fat salaries or other comforts and facilities they earn abroad. It is when production is more than the claimants may ask for more, but before that stage comes, it is the duty of every incumbent in a State to work for its betterment if not for anything else, at least for the civic and political rights which every citizen is entitled to in his State. Allow students of colleges and universities to grow, innovate, and build in a well-designed conducive environment. As a result, in case of emergencies and more complex treatments or surgeries, people from such countries have to bear expensive travel and cost of treatment and accommodation in nations that provide these facilities. A reason for this is maybe the fact that the expatriates have become huge financial assets for India through remittances and investments.


Speech about the Brain Drain phenomenon.

speech on brain drain in india

Thus, the effects of the phenomenon are inevitable, as there are direct consequences on the future living standards of our societies, the risk of future economic collapse as well as deconstruction at the social level. This problem became pronounced after Second World War when progressive nations like USA, the erstwhile U. The government should focus on framing policies that promote circular migration and return migration. But do you think that this is good for India? In answer we may say that the effect of the brain-drain will be considered a great loss if these lost persons could have been utilised to enhance national economy and development. If they do not respond, the motherland has not much to lose because a developing country losing its brains could not utilise them and so their departure will not make any material difference.


Brain Drain: The Great Indian Migration

speech on brain drain in india

ADVERTISEMENTS: The technology slowly becomes the onus of the developed nations when they grow richer with more resources contributing to their progress. Just for them to leave the country as soon as they finish their studies? Of course, there is the argument that the cost of living in our country is lower than living abroad but unfortunately the ratio between salary and cost of living in Greece compared to abroad is discouraging. First and foremost, we all know that our country in recent decades is facing a serious economic crisis, which is very discouraging for potential investors, who could with their funds back or create new start-ups which will be able to employ and satisfy young scientists financially. For this, countries suffering from it have to improvise their own socio-economic conditions and provide better salary scales and safe and healthy work conditions to their human capital. The talent of such people as a result becomes available to the nation to which they relocate. Money, though a great temper, however, cannot keep these superhuman beings couped up within a certain limit for ever.



speech on brain drain in india

They need an unending scope to help their genius bloom to maturity, they need fulfillment of their God-gifted capabilities. Like policies that incentivize professionals to return home after the completion of their training or studies would be welcomed. This list is endless. Brain Drain is an extremely serious problem for a developing countries. Governments need to show commitment to support research while allowing them to carry on their experiments freely with much independence. Even countries like Europe were faced with the problem of brain drain until the introduction of green card that helped them gain more brains and compensated for the drained brains. The reasons of brain drain are many including the lack of opportunity, political instability, health risks and many more.


Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Brain

speech on brain drain in india

Under the right guidance of experts and government funding, there is still immense potential in India. To conclude there is a need to review the social, political and economic conditions in the nations suffering from phenomenon of brain drain to provide better security and work opportunities to the skilled resources in the native nation. Simply because they belong to this State, it does not seem to be right that their capacities should be wasted thus pushing these high-strung people to frustration. At present, countries like India, Pakistan and Russia are the sufferers of this problem and losing their talent very rapidly. Brain drain does more harm than is visible from an outer view. Patriotism is a natural sentiment which cannot be thrust from without. The disadvantage is seen as an economic cost as a part of the training and the education cost which is sponsored by the government is also taken away with their emigration.


speech on brain drain in india

Secondary external brain drain occurs when human resources leave their country to go work elsewhere in the nearby region. As the opportunities become scarcer here, the foreign countries are ever more aware of the multi-talented Indian engineers, doctors, and scientists with English language prowess as well. Unemployment, corrupt political systems, inappropriate and unsafe work and social life as well as poor compensation, prompts the skilled and trained people to leave their own countries and seek promising opportunities in developed nations where they get more success Under utilization of talent, inadequate professional tools, lack of growth and unsatisfactory living conditions are also key factors in the emigration of the skilled workforce from these nations. If these individuals are offered better education opportunities in native countries, the emigration can be controlled at a preliminary level. Make laws, taxes, and business processes more accessible for them. Pull factors include better investment opportunities, wealth preservation, a better lifestyle, a safer society, gender equality, and a better ecosystem for businesses and startups. Create job opportunities for highly skilled professionals, so that when they graduate they stay and work in India instead of leaving.


speech on brain drain in india

As per government reports, India has 1. Some label it as Brain Circulation also. Brain drain for the nation from which the emigrants leave to settle into the nation that promises better work opportunities becomes brain gain for the latter. Did any of them come back? Abroad, they have an advantage over students from other countries in terms of skills and knowledge. India has a lot of push factors like complex processes for setting up a business, higher taxes, lower quality of life, poor healthcare system, outdated education system, etc.


speech on brain drain in india

The destiny of such countries lies in the solution to this great problem. But because of better opportunities and better support, they never return to India and start working in their host countries. The reasons of brain drain are many including the lack of opportunity, political instability, health risks and many more. The developing countries are the most affected ones in this loss of their skilled and talented persons. What can our government do to control this massive Brain Drain? Further, the intellectuals who are deserters should also realise that their motherland is the only place where they can reach maximum height of glory and recognition and also patronage. So, if we do not support our entrepreneurs, these jobs will also get lost.
