Obsidian blade book. The Obsidian Blade (The Klaatu Diskos, #1) by Pete Hautman 2022-11-07

Obsidian blade book Rating: 8,8/10 649 reviews

As a teacher, my role is to not only impart knowledge and skills to my students, but also to guide and support their personal and academic development.

Being a teacher is a challenging but rewarding profession. It requires patience, empathy, and the ability to adapt to the diverse needs and learning styles of my students. I must constantly strive to improve my teaching methods and stay up to date with the latest educational research and technologies.

One of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher is seeing the progress and achievements of my students. It is a joy to watch them grow in confidence and abilities as they learn and apply new concepts. It is also rewarding to form meaningful relationships with my students and be a positive influence in their lives.

However, being a teacher also involves a lot of hard work and dedication. I often have to work long hours, including evenings and weekends, to prepare lesson plans, grade assignments, and provide extra support to struggling students. It can also be emotionally draining to deal with the challenges and setbacks that arise in the classroom.

Despite these challenges, I am grateful to have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of my students. Teaching is more than just a job for me – it is a calling that allows me to contribute to the future of our society by shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation.

‎Obsidian Blade on Apple Books

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The first in a riveting sci-fi trilogy by National Book Award winner Pete Hautman. Throughout, Hautman The Big Crunch raises significant issues concerning family, faith, and destiny. The sun is starting to set. The whole thing about the diskos was fantastic, the history behind it and the different rules were things that I loved reading about. Well the first half of the book was really getting to know the characters and seeing how these strange disko turned the feye family upside down. The Reverend Feye simply climbed on the roof to fix a shingle, let out a scream, and vanished - only to walk up the driveway an hour later, looking older and worn, with a strange girl named Lahlia in tow. .


Obsidian Blade by Morgan Rhodes

obsidian blade book

. Well-developed and complex characters, a fascinating time travel framework including dispatches from the far future , and a heart-stopping conclusion will leave readers looking forward to the next book. Will Magnus or Maddox ever remember meeting each other? I was disappointed in this series, and definitely will not be investigating the rest of the trilogy. I know that Tucker has a lot of questions, and this is only the first book in the series. Some authors write about rural America and it is obvious they have never lived outside of a big city but author Pete Hautman seems to know rural USA. And, based on the short time I've known you, I'm in serious doubt that you have any either.


The Obsidian Blade

obsidian blade book

Moths are also drawn to flames. I'm just not sure they work As seen on There is a delicate balance between a story that is too simplistic and a story that leads to information overload. You can always win me over with adorable kittens. This series is SO amazing and inspires me so much you have no idea. But even though the storyline had potential, to be quite honest, I kind of struggled to pay attention to what was going on. So Tucker goes to live with his uncle. One things I liked about the two boys is that they have very similar personalities but are also very different at the same time.


‎The Obsidian Blade on Apple Books

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He refused to say where he had been, instead declaring that there would be no more prayer in the Feye house: He had lost his faith. Kind of disappointing, actually. Magnus saves Maddox from a beating, but the cruel Livius is now on their tail. There was virtually no world building, no explanation other than a few vague paragraphs about the diskos, and no resolution of any sort. Hours later his dad turns up with a strange girl in toe but something weird has happened.


The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman

obsidian blade book

Until, of course, he learns of the diskos and is sucked literally into other timelines. Before Magnus can object, he is thrust in this time were it seems he is 100 years back. Kind of disappointing, actually. This was so amazing! Magnus from Falling Kingdoms and Maddox from A Book of Spirits and Thieves are on an epic quest through time in this series-bridging novella. The whole time I felt like the book was leading up to something, it kept building these really cool societies and factions and time eras and dis-corporeal beings and. The Reverend Adrian Feye had climbed onto the roof to fix a loose shingle — and suddenly he was gone. Is your head spinning yet? Even if by a year.


Obsidian Blade by Morgan Rhodes

obsidian blade book

It's intensely captivating, often moving, and at times even heartwarmingly funny especially Tucker's conversations with his wild Uncle Kosh. I think this book does really interesting, thought-provoking things with the conceits of religion, faith and destiny from a personal point of view. Now, I'm not big on comparing authors and books, but to me Pete Hautman's novel is like a curious mix of Stephen King and Robert Sawyer, for teens and adults alike. If you're a fan of sci-fi then definitely give it a go! Lahlia, I wanted to read more about and also the cat, which was teasingly referred to a few times as an anomaly, but never fully explained. From this turning point Tucker knows what he has to do, find his parents. And when he dares to step into one, he's launched on a time-twisting journey - from a small Midwestern town to a futuristic hospital run by digitally augmented healers, from the death of an ancient prophet to a forest at the end of time.


The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman

obsidian blade book

As seen on Good time-travel YA fiction is hard to find. Everybody changes n their own way from the beginning to the end. Undeterred, Tucker resolves to find his parents. I'm glad I chose it. His relationship with his father changes and evolves with time as well hee and since they are both time travellers, it is really interesting to see how witnessing the same events and undergoing the same experiences affect them both so differently. The genre being science-fiction and fantasy would not be suited to older readers. It's also deliciously dark and atmospheric.


Summary and reviews of The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman

obsidian blade book

It seems that the disks, or "discos" as they are called, enable a person to travel back and forth into different times. Magnus meets Maddox, if you will! In a garden of ancient ruins on the cliffs of Limeros, Prince Magnus comes face-to-face with a witch. . It basically starts by jumping right in, telling how Tucker Feye's father disappeared from the roof of their house, then how he came back later with a strange girl in tow. While trying to 5 Magnus and Maddox should have a book together stars 16 year old Magnus is traveling in northern Limeros, with his father. Th Candlewick The Obsidian Blade By Pete Hautman 2 Scribbles Tucker is thirteen when he sees his father, the devout Reverend Feye, disappear through a hazy disk-shaped area just above the roof of his house. If you had a choice to travel in time, where would you go? As you may know by now, I'm not a huge fan of male narrators, but I actually didn't mind Tucker and coming fr When I finished this book, I paused for a moment and then flipped back through to make sure I hadn't missed a few pages at the end.


The Obsidian Blade by Pete Hautman: 9780763664442

obsidian blade book

He reappears an hour later, without his religious faith, but with Lahlia, an awkward young woman who he claims is from Bulgaria. Well-developed and complex characters, a fascinating time travel framework including dispatches from the far future , and a heart-stopping conclusion will leave readers looking forward to the next book. I am lovvvvvving these new characters were meeting in these novellas and I hope we can see more of them in future books! Falling Kingdoms is her first high fantasy. Magnus saves Maddox from a beating, but the cruel Livius is now on their tail. Oh, this is getting good! That is the one word I think of when trying to write this review for The Obsidian Blade. For instance, Feye literally translated means, "destined to die," which is true for all of us. That does keep the reader engaged to some degree because it is impossible not to want to know how everything turns out for Tucker and his family.


Obsidian Blade by Morgan Rhodes: 9780448494708

obsidian blade book

Can't argue with that. I struggled slightly with the story because I was not the target audience, my 12 year old daughter is definitely in the target audience and once I adjusted my expectations I was able to enjoy it. . Even if, as I did, you keep periodically checking your progress, mine was in percentages , being 94. All of his places feel plausible and the people feel real, no matter how strange the circumstances. The name and the cover made me want to read it, as well as the intro. I just love the magic, the aspect of the world, the elementia magic.
