Nature nurture and human diversity. PSYCHOLOGY: NATURE, NURTURE AND HUMAN DIVERSITY 2022-10-31

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Nature versus nurture is a longstanding debate in psychology and biology that seeks to understand the relative influence of genetics and environment on human development. While both nature and nurture play important roles in shaping who we are, research suggests that the balance between the two varies widely among individuals and can have significant impacts on our physical, cognitive, and social development.

Nature refers to the genetic makeup that we inherit from our parents and ancestors, which determines our physical characteristics and plays a role in shaping our cognitive and behavioral traits. For example, our height, eye color, and intelligence level are all influenced by our genes.

Nurture, on the other hand, refers to the influence of our environment and experiences on our development. This includes the culture we grow up in, the family and community we are raised in, and the education and opportunities we have access to. Our experiences and interactions with the world around us can shape our personality, values, and beliefs, as well as our cognitive and physical abilities.

The nature versus nurture debate is often framed as a dichotomy, with some arguing that genetics are the primary determinant of who we are, while others argue that our environment is the most important factor. However, research suggests that the truth is more complex, and that both nature and nurture interact in complex ways to shape our development.

One way that nature and nurture interact is through gene-environment correlations, where certain genes may make an individual more or less likely to seek out certain experiences or environments. For example, research has shown that individuals with a specific genetic variation may be more likely to seek out and engage in physical activities, leading to differences in physical development and health outcomes.

Another way that nature and nurture interact is through gene-environment interactions, where the influence of a gene may be dependent on the individual's environment. For example, research has shown that the influence of a gene associated with risk-taking behavior may be stronger in individuals who grow up in environments with high levels of stress or instability.

Human diversity is a testament to the complex interplay between nature and nurture. We are all unique, with our own combinations of genetic and environmental influences that shape who we are. Understanding the role of nature and nurture in shaping human development can help us better understand and appreciate the rich diversity of human experience and potential.

In conclusion, nature and nurture are both important influences on human development, and their interplay plays a crucial role in shaping who we are and the differences among individuals. Understanding the role of nature and nurture can help us better understand and appreciate human diversity and the complex factors that shape our development.

Free Essay: Chapter 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity

nature nurture and human diversity

Chromosomes - threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes. This further proves that some aspects of human behavior can be inherited. Having faced many similar challenges throughout history, men and women have adapted in similar ways. Ex: A male child may characterize themselves the the male gender by growing up wanting to be the stereotypical man. Correlation Between IQs of Family Members Identical twins reared together. North Americans tend to prefer more personal space than do Latin Americans. Environmental factors such as diet, drugs, and stress can affect the epigenetic molecules that regulate gene expression.


nature, nurture, and human

nature nurture and human diversity

By giving preemies massage therapy, neonatal intensive care units not help them go home sooner. The study of how the theory of natural selection favored behaviors that contributed to the survival and spread of our ancestors genes. The genetic effect appears in physiological differences. The difference between the two of you is, of course, an effect of environment. The Nature Component A. In China and India, where boys are highly valued, testing for an offsprings sex has enabled selective abortions resulting in millions of "missing women".


Psychology Chapter 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity Flashcards

nature nurture and human diversity

Moreover, a selection effect may be at work. As leaders, men tend to be more directive, even autocratic; women tend to be more democratic. To tease out the implicated genes, molecular behaviour geneticists find families that have had the disorder across several generations. A person whose identical twin has Alzheimers disease, for example, has a 60% risk of getting the disease; if the affected twin in fraternal, the risk is 30%. Humans who have committed suicide exhibit the same epigenetic effect if they had suffered a history of child abuse. Is who we are the result of our genes nature or is it the result of our upbringing nurture? Evolutionary psychologists use natural selection to explain why, worldwide, women's approach to sex is usually more relational, and mens more recreational. Prenatal Development The baby in the womb is very well protected, however this protection is not 100%, the baby remains vulnerable in the womb because lots of germs and infections can pass through the placenta; this baby can be harmed due to mother's environment living near a nuclear plant or mother's diet the food she is eating.


Chapter 4 Nature, Nuture, and Human Diversity

nature nurture and human diversity

Easy babies are cheerful, relaxed, and predictable in feeding and sleeping. One form a gene that regulates the neurotransmitter serotonin predisposes a fearful temperament and, in combination with unsupportive caregiving, an inhibited child. Lewis was a security. Many score higher than their biological parents on intelligence tests, and most grow into happier and more stable adults. Or are you excited and bold? Taller parents have taller children then shorter parents and identical twins are almost the same height genes. Consider men's and women's sex drives.


Chapter 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity Flashcards

nature nurture and human diversity

They are attracted to men who seem mature, dominant, bold, affluent, with a potential for long term mating and investment in their joint offspring. Such evidence adds tot he emerging conclusion that our biological rooted temperament helps from our enduring personality. Lyndon Johnson was known to be a close talker, perhaps as a means of intimidation. Others argue that character and behavior is hereditary, that is it is determined by the genetic structure of the individual. Even though twins, identical and fraternal, share the same womb, they may not be sharing the same environment. The minimal shared-environment effect does not mean that adoptive parenting is a fruitless venture.



nature nurture and human diversity

The aggression gender gap pertains to direct physical aggression, rather than verbal relational aggression. Over time this caution became an instinctive human reaction. Marriage is often for as long as they both shall love. So, from conception onward, we are the product of a cascade of interactions between our genetic predispositions and our surrounding environments. Others are easygoing, quiet and placid. Our natural dispositions, rooted deep in history, are mismatched with todays junk food environment and todays threats such as climate change.


Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity Chapter 4

nature nurture and human diversity

Genes: Our biological blueprint Our body is made up of millions of cells, in every cell, except egg and sperm, we have 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs We have thousands of genes, which are considered to be the basic unit of heredity Genes are segments of DNA that carry the instruction that give an organism its traits or characteristics Different size of animals and people depends on a single gene chromosome 15 Sometimes multiple genes gene complexes are responsible for something such as obesity Genes are made up of nucleotides There are four nucleotides: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine - They always come in pairs, A with T and G with C The sequence determine what a gene will do and what it will not do Changing just one letter in a sequence changes what the gene does Common analogy: chromosomes are like books, genes are the words in a book, and nucleotides are the letters in a book Human genome: we have roughly 30 thousand genes in our DNA They discovered based on the mapping of the human genome that every human on earth is 99. Difficult babies are more irritable, intense and unpredictable. Misattributing women's cordiality as a come on helps explain, but does not excuse, mens greater sexual assertiveness. With a greater economic independence, todays women more often marry for love and less often endure abusive relationships. Across cultures, we differ in our language, our monetary systems, our sports, which fork-if any-we eat with, even which side of the road we drive on.


Nature,Nurture, and Human Diversity Flashcards

nature nurture and human diversity

Ex: " big boys don't cry, Alex" If a child sees their big brother bring home a good report card and get a great reward for it. Temperament Studies Definition: a temperament is your typical emotional reactivity the way you respond to life and the typical intensity of that response. For example, some people possess a Type A personality and are aggressive, ambitious, and controlling, whereas others possess a Type B personality and are passive and easy-going. In such traits such as extraversion and agreeableness, adoptees are more similar to their biological parents than to their caregiving adoptive parents. They continued to find similarities not only of tastes and physical attributes but also of personality, abilities, attitudes, interests, and even fears. A gender difference in social connectedness surfaces early in childrens play.


Psychology: Chapter 4, Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity

nature nurture and human diversity

Introduction What makes you, you? For any given trait, we can therefore ask if adoptive children are more like their biological parents, who contribute their genes, or their adoptive parents who contribute a hime environment. People in collectivist cultures tended to carry a version associated with greater anxiety, though living in such cultures helps protect people from anxiety. Most identical twins share a placenta during prenatal development, but one of every three sets has separate placentas. Fraternal dizygotic twins- developed from separate fertilized eggs. Are we the way we are because of how we are raised or are the actions and choices we make in life already hard-wired into our DNA when we are born? Heredity predisposes one quickly apparent aspect of personality; Temperament, or emotional excitability. Parenting does matter, as is evident at the extremes: abused children who become abusive, neglected children who become neglectful, etc.


nature nurture and human diversity

In contrast, the womens responsewas Youve got to be kidding, or What is wrong with you? Throughout the world, hunting, fishing, and warring are primarily men's activities. It supports our species survival and reproduction by enabling social and economic systems that give us an edge. These include what personality traits, intelligence, and emotional characteristics we will inherit from our parents. Anxious, inhibited infants have high and variable heart rates and a reactive nervous system. Among our similarities, the most important- the behavioural hallmark of our species- is our enormous adaptive capacity. Develop from a single monozygotic fertilized egg that splits in two. The shared genetic profile is what makes us humans.
