Filipino thinking Rating: 9,3/10 840 reviews

Filipino thinking, also known as "Filipino psychology," is a term used to describe the way in which Filipinos think and perceive the world around them. It is a unique blend of cultural, historical, and personal experiences that shape the way Filipinos think and behave.

One aspect of Filipino thinking that is often noted by outsiders is the strong sense of community and collectivism that is prevalent in Filipino culture. Filipinos place a great emphasis on the well-being of their families and communities, and often prioritize group harmony over individual needs or desires. This collectivism is reflected in the way Filipinos make decisions, which is often done through consultation and consensus-building rather than individual assertion.

Filipinos also tend to have a strong sense of respect for authority and hierarchy. This is likely due in part to the country's colonial history, as well as the influence of traditional Filipino values such as pakikisama (the ability to get along with others) and hiya (a sense of shame or embarrassment). As a result, Filipinos may be more inclined to follow rules and follow the lead of those in positions of authority, even if they disagree with them.

Another characteristic of Filipino thinking is the importance placed on personal relationships and connections. Filipinos tend to value relationships and connections over more impersonal forms of communication or interaction, and place a great emphasis on the importance of face-to-face interaction. This is reflected in the way Filipinos conduct business, which often involves building personal relationships and trust before engaging in transactions.

Filipino thinking is also influenced by the country's diverse cultural and historical influences. The Philippines has a rich history of cultural exchange and has been influenced by a variety of cultures, including indigenous Philippine, Spanish, American, and Chinese. These diverse influences have shaped the way Filipinos think and perceive the world, and have contributed to the unique blend of traditional and modern values that is characteristic of Filipino culture.

In conclusion, Filipino thinking is a complex and multifaceted concept that is shaped by a variety of cultural, historical, and personal factors. It is characterized by a strong sense of community and collectivism, a respect for authority and hierarchy, the importance of personal relationships and connections, and the influence of diverse cultural and historical influences. Understanding Filipino thinking is important for anyone seeking to engage with Filipinos or do business in the Philippines, as it can provide insight into the way Filipinos think and behave, and help facilitate effective communication and understanding.

14 Good Filipino Habits that Make the Philippines a Great Country

filipino thinking

But you guys need to understand that this is not an issue that can be decided by a couple of videos you watched in reddit. Basta nasa bible it means right para sa kanila. People who use the term bahala na do not see anything wrong with it, as it serves as a sort of positive affirmation that allows them to deal with a problem right then and there. A councillor who tried to help us obtain cheaper building materials overcharged us and benefited by getting commission from the supplier, the list goes on. Amor propio is like a high tension wire, which holds an individuals self-respect and esteem and provides protection from rebuff.


Philippine Culture: Hiya

filipino thinking

As I understood through our readings, Filipino Psychology for me is the behavior, thoughts, experiences and nature of the Filipino people from their own perspective. There is no black and white here. In this area, there is a double standard in that while it is ok for a Filipino to want to receive things for FREE, and take advantage of any FREE thing they can get, it is considered out of line and rude for a foreigner to expect to get anything for free. Despite of all the calamities that struck our country, like the strong earthquake and Super Typhoon Yolanda Haiyan that devastated the central part of Visayas in 2013, Filipinos are persistent enough to get back on their feet, even without the solid help from the government. Or a party host may end up spending more than she can afford for a party, driven by hiya, or the fear of being perceived of in any negative way. Because individuals are considered far more important than schedules, punctuality at meetings may be admired but not strictly observed. They are determined to finish their set goals despite difficult circumstances and limited resources.



filipino thinking

They give as much as they can and extend help to family members — and even strangers — when needed. Need to talk to somebody? Crime rates and often murder rates are high. Unfortunately for the coalition, Israel had the support of the west and the coalition was essentially squised many times. Hiya is also a means of coercion, educating with force the already small children in certain social norms of behavior. It could be argued they are the most hot bloodied and macho of the tropical Asian cultures. Personal and family honor are stressed, as well as dignity and pride.


Filipino Thinking

filipino thinking

Many non-Latin Americans consider Latin Americans to be noisy and affectionate. Necessary criticisms and suggestions should be made in way the that no one is blamed and shame is not cast upon any individual. We shop wisely to save our money for future important uses. These values are Pagkalinga, Pag-aaruga, Pakialam, Pakikisama, and the Feminist Ethics of Care. This Filipino attribute makes the Philippines one of the most favorite destinations by tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of our nature and the friendliness of our people, not to mention we can also understand and speak English. Despite of the growing number of Filipinos who are giving up their delicadeza, there are still many Filipinos who always think twice before they make a decision that can affect their dignity and honor. History tells us that the Filipinos as we know now had an untraceable origin.


Filipino Mode of Thinking

filipino thinking

In a place where natural calamities are commonplace, humor and positivity work as a coping mechanism, much like how some children laugh to hide their embarrassment after slipping or falling. As you can see, Filipinos are very concerned with what other people think. Through a thick layer of Spain and America, you can glimpse the Filipino soul trying to express its unique, cultural identity through creativity. Maybe some of these qualities are already fading and becoming rare among Filipinos. Nothing can take away the humor and jolliness of many Filipinos… not even super typhoon Yolanda — the strongest recorded typhoon that made a landfall. They cut in line in front of you, interrupt when you're talking to a salesperson, are pushy when they want you to buy something, etc.


Understanding Filipino traits, values, and culture

filipino thinking

Remember Lapu-Lapu, Andress Bonifacio and Jose Rizal. The Filipinos are one of the most faithful people in the world. For example a child learns to approach their mother for solving disciplinary problems involving their father; an employer rejecting a job applicant, may find it appropriate to use a go-between to relay the information to diffuse what may be an awkward situation for both employer and intending employee. Meanwhile, they still find quality time for their families to celebrate birthdays, Christmases, and other instances. A better guy, yeah, good guy, no.



filipino thinking

We know how to circumvent all things to our advantage most of time. Just about everyone involved, including a former vice mayor whom we gave our trust to as the engineer of our project found ways to syphon money into their own pockets. But because of the Philippine 'Hiya' concept it means that the Pinoy outlook is completely different. A mode of thinking is a desirable element to have a rich culture and country; every country might as well have it but differs in their own notions or form. Juan Duntugan claimed he was fuming about a running feud with a neighbor when Julia Campbell bumped into him from behind, causing him to drop a bundle of clothes he was carrying. Palestine was the name of the land. If one causes a perceived loss of hiya, things could get ugly very quickly indeed and especially for you.


(DOC) The Impacts and Influences of Western Thoughts to: Filipino Thoughts, Filipino Psychology, and Filipino Philosophy

filipino thinking

When we make a promise, we try our best to fulfill that promise even if it will undermine ourselves. I just wanted to tell you that the race, nationality, religion, or even the gender of someone can never be used to judge someone easily. And their strong sense of family and community extends to everyone. A Filipino identity is present even if one goes abroad; a habit that every Filipino will carry whenever he goes — the Filipino mode of thinking. Tattoos were considered to be the equivalent of medals, one had to work for and earn it.
