Indirect discrimination definition in health and social care. Discrimination in Health and Social Care 2022-11-04

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Indirect discrimination refers to a situation in which a policy or practice that appears to be neutral and applicable to everyone has a disproportionately negative impact on a particular group of people. This type of discrimination is often more subtle and difficult to identify than direct discrimination, which is when someone is treated unfairly or differently because of their race, gender, age, religion, or other characteristic.

In the health and social care sector, indirect discrimination can occur in a variety of ways. For example, a hospital or care facility might have a policy that requires all staff to be able to lift a certain amount of weight. While this policy might seem neutral on its face, it could have a disproportionate impact on women or older workers, who may be less able to meet the lifting requirement due to their physical abilities.

Another example of indirect discrimination in health and social care might be a policy that requires all employees to have a certain level of education or training. While this requirement might be necessary for some positions, it could disproportionately affect people from disadvantaged or marginalized backgrounds who may not have had the same opportunities for education and training.

Indirect discrimination can also occur when health and social care providers fail to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. For example, a care facility might not provide sign language interpreters for deaf patients or make necessary modifications to buildings or equipment to accommodate wheelchair users.

It is important for health and social care organizations to be aware of the potential for indirect discrimination and to take steps to prevent it. This might involve reviewing policies and practices to ensure that they are inclusive and do not disproportionately impact any particular group, as well as making reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. By taking these steps, health and social care organizations can ensure that they are providing equal access and opportunities to all members of their communities.

Discrimination in Health and Social Care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

This can lead health and social care professionals to treat someone differently from someone else. In any health and social care setting it is very important that service user's religious beliefs are respected at all times. For example some aspect of personal appearance,… ETH 125 week 3 There are many reasons for someone to be discriminated against for. This is indirect discrimination. Types of indirect discrimination To be considered as indirect discrimination, the Equality Act states the ill-treatment must go against one of the nine protected characteristics. Other supporting measures that need to be taken include the provision of pre-service and in-service education to health workers on their rights, roles, and responsibilities related to addressing discrimination in health care settings, and the empowerment of users of healthcare services so that they are aware of and able to demand their rights.


Patient Discrimination during a Health Care Encounter

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Ageism is stereotyping and discriminating based on a person's age. The act protects employees from being treated unequally, based on their: Age. Loss of rights may lead to sleeplessness, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, becoming withdrawn and lack of interest in anything. In the workplace, employment discrimination can occur even before a person works for an organization or company. Some examples of discrimination include the following: a Harassment — inappropriate jokes, insults, name-calling or displays such as a poster or cartoons directed at a person because of their race, colour, sex or gender, sexual orientation, etc.


Question: What Is Non Discriminatory Practice In Health And Social Care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Statistics show that if you are African-American you are sixty percent less likely to get approved for a home loan, not only is their approval chance less but if they do get approved statistics show that their loan interest rates are also higher than that of white people. Respect diversity by providing person centred care. Our social class is apparent from the place where we live. Generally, segregation has a small but beneficial impact on blacks, for example education achievement, and a clear beneficial impact on longer-term outcomes such as school attainment, like level of education attained and earnings. Anxiety can also be a common effects of institutional racism.


Indirect Discrimination

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Discrimination Law and Legal Definition. Indirect discrimination can happen in many different ways. The Joint UN Statement on ending discrimination in health care settings, launched by former WHO Director-General Margaret Chan and UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé, and endorsed by the heads of agencies at ILO, IOM, OHCHR, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNWOMEN, and WFP, calls on partners to commit to ending discrimination in health care settings through joint and coordinated action. Negative behaviour, aggression or crime can be partly caused by discrimination. What are the 7 types of discrimination? Sexuality — This refers to discrimination against another based on their sexual preferences, so if they are or are perceived to be homosexual, bi sexual or heterosexual. This is what most of the society thinks when they see individuals who look like this. It is more likely that they are the primary carer of their children and may need to work part time or work flexibly.


Discrimination In Health and Social Care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Get help from Health Assured with preventing indirect discrimination Employers have a responsibility to protect their staff members from all forms of harm — including bullying, harassment, and all forms of discrimination. Disability discrimination is the unfair treatment of a person with a physical or mental impairment. What is discriminatory in simple words? What are the types of discriminatory practice? This can only be achieved by working across sectors, agencies and more actively engaging with civil society organizations representing both health workers and affected communities. The most common and known types include religion, race, and gender. Most recent surveys suggest the 73% of people with mental health conditions are unemployed.


Discrimination in health care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

What types of discrimination does your paper look at? Without it though, discrimination cases can equate to meeting possible tribunal hearings and financial penalties. It can still be indirect discrimination if something would normally disadvantage people sharing your characteristic. So discrimination should be widely avoided to prevent the some of many effects that can occur. An example of discrimination is when a company refuses to hire women because they are women. Despite how strange that may sound it has played a frightening role in the history of human beings. This inequality has also infiltrated health and social care.


Free Essay: Discrimination In Health And Social Care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Assess Effects of Three Different Discriminatory Practises Underperformance of students of some ethnic groups at GCSE: It is believed that the some ethnic groups do not perform as well at GCSE than others. How to complete and send your Assessment Save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or USB drive. This occurs between two individuals. Researchers at A A quarter of LGBTQ+ people 25% also faced a lack of understanding of their specific health needs: a figure that rises to 62% for trans patients. .


Indirect Discrimination In Health And Social Care

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Do not allow judgemental beliefs to effect the care and support you provide. The second type of discrimination is direct discrimination. The judge ruled the evidence as insufficient and they were acquitted. An example of this discrimination may be at a parents evening in a school, a teacher may choose to talk to and give more time to other parents first over other parents because they are a mixed race couple with a mixed race child. How can we promote non discrimination? Mental health can occasionally make the sufferer have to make the tough decision to quit their job as working can be too much of a struggle.


What is discriminatory practice in health and social care?

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

Your provision, criterion, or practice PCP should treat everyone equally. Indigenous people are faced with direct discrimination. For example, you can talk to the healthcare or care professional who discriminated against you, or make a formal complaint to the provider, or you can make a discrimination claim in court. These are not choices that a person has but rather the cards that have been dealt to them. Health workers and their own rights are at the centre of this agenda — with labour rights, working conditions and gender inequalities inextricably tied to addressing discrimination in health care settings and a health work force that is largely female. Short term effects of being segregated can include feeling withdrawn from the rest of the class and feeling isolated. Gender discrimination is also present in the 21st century.


Ending discrimination in health care settings

indirect discrimination definition in health and social care

You can make an informal complaint first to the healthcare or care provider. Discrimination has a lot of type such as discrimination by the society, discrimination that are indirect, harassment, and victimisation. In the search for a truly discrimination free workplace, a few notable tips stand out. They may begin to stop applying for jobs as they expect to be rejected or excluded. If you have experienced discrimination, you can get help from the Megan has worked with CPD Online College since August 2020, she is in charge of content production, as well as planning, managing and delegating tasks. Both employees and job applicants can be treated unfairly due to race, skin color,… What are examples of discrimination in schools? Individual discrimination refers to negative interactions between individuals in their institutional roles e. Discrimination can lead to people losing their self-worth or self-esteem.
