Impact of motivation on employee performance. Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance 2022-11-08

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Motivation is a crucial factor in determining the performance of employees in any organization. It is the driving force that prompts individuals to take action and strive for success. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and committed to their work. On the other hand, a lack of motivation can lead to decreased productivity, absenteeism, and ultimately, turnover. Therefore, it is important for organizations to understand the role that motivation plays in employee performance and to take steps to cultivate a motivating work environment.

There are several ways in which motivation can impact employee performance. First and foremost, motivated employees tend to be more productive and efficient in their work. This is because they are motivated to achieve their goals and are willing to put in the extra effort needed to succeed. They are also more likely to take initiative and come up with innovative solutions to problems, which can lead to improved performance and productivity.

In addition to increasing productivity, motivation can also have a positive impact on employee engagement. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be fully immersed in their work and to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their tasks. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and a stronger commitment to the organization. On the other hand, a lack of motivation can lead to disengagement and a lack of enthusiasm for work, which can ultimately result in lower performance.

Another way in which motivation can impact employee performance is through its effect on absenteeism and turnover. Motivated employees are more likely to be present and reliable, as they are committed to their work and the success of the organization. In contrast, a lack of motivation can lead to absenteeism and a higher likelihood of turnover, as employees may become demotivated and seek opportunities elsewhere. This can have a negative impact on the overall performance of the organization, as it can lead to disruptions and a lack of continuity.

There are several strategies that organizations can use to cultivate a motivating work environment and enhance employee motivation. One effective approach is to provide clear goals and expectations, as well as regular feedback and support. This helps employees to understand what is expected of them and gives them the tools and resources they need to succeed. Additionally, recognizing and rewarding employees for their hard work and contributions can be a powerful motivator. This can include both formal rewards such as promotions and bonuses, as well as informal recognition such as praise and appreciation.

Another important factor in motivation is the work itself. When employees find their work meaningful and challenging, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged. Providing opportunities for growth and development, as well as the opportunity to take on new responsibilities and challenges, can also help to increase motivation.

In conclusion, motivation is a key factor in determining the performance of employees in any organization. When employees are motivated, they are more likely to be productive, engaged, and committed to their work. Organizations that take steps to cultivate a motivating work environment and enhance employee motivation will likely see improved performance and a stronger overall organization.

The Impact of Motivation on the Performance of Employees

impact of motivation on employee performance

Building Employee Commitment: An Imperative for Business Success. Thus, motìves needs, desìre ìnduce employees to act. APPENDICES APPENDIX A SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE Section A In this section, we would like you to provide us with some information regarding yourself and the organisation you work in. A different researcher who has conducted a research on a theoretical model o f workspace stress has found out that the physical work environment has significant affect on job performance. The researchers show that the employees are highly satisfied when they are given challenging tasks. Dependent Variable: Mean For Job Performance 2 Related Content Content relating to: "Management" Management involves being responsible for directing others and making decisions on behalf of a company or organisation.


Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

impact of motivation on employee performance

And there is no sign of improving either. Tasks that reduce the amount of specialization required by the employee, as well as, extending the length of time he or she has to complete them. There are a lot of methods Apple employs to motivate its employees. Some time employers fail to understand the importance of motivation in accomplishing their mission and vision. Economic Base Cotton, guìnea corn and gìnger are the maìn agrìcultural products of the cìty; yam ìs also extensìvely cultìvated throughout the cìty. Achievement and positive employee confidence in theworkplace. Motivation takes part in an imperative role for teachers because it accomplishes the objectives in a productive and efficient way.


The Impact of Motivation on the Performance of Employees: A Research

impact of motivation on employee performance

Better people management practices produce better business results. The regression analysis is a statistic technique that is used to examine the effects of independent variables onto the dependent variable. Seeking ways to motivate and build worker morale pays dividends to any business or organization. These findings, which are described in terms of the Hackman-Oldham theory of job design, are regarded as suggestive evidence that enrichment can cause substantial improvements in employee attitudes, but that these benefits may not lead to greater productivity. A felt need or oblige 2.


The Impact Of Motivation On Employee Performance

impact of motivation on employee performance

It encompasses belongings and love. These theories represent the foundation from which contemporary theories grew and still are used by practising managers to explain employee motivation. The art of motìvatìng workers rests on the strength of theìr motìves. From the above table it is clear that the effect of intrinsic reward on employee motivation and employee performance is positive and significant. ABSTRACT For many years, motivation has been a key indicator of productive employee performance within an organisation, so it has been an area of major concern for the organisation and human resource managers. Such people are effectively removed from their businesses and, therefore, can work in opposition to their employers; they are less successful, steal from their businesses, affect their fellow workers negatively, skip working days and take customers away.



impact of motivation on employee performance

Employee motivation practice and theory are risky subjects that touch on various subjects. External employee motivation is temporary and it is never lasting. This result further reveals that, when there are effective training programmes and resource available to them, their output and productivity will increase since all of them will be perfectly trained based on the organisational objectives but on the contrary poor or in appropriate training will have a negative impact on their performance as they are always bound to be making enormous errors during the work process. West Publishing Company: New York. Descriptive method and questionnaires embedded with Likert scale was used as main instruments for collecting necessary data to carry out this research work. This will bring the researcher to a clearer outcome of the factors affecting employees' performance for the whole manufacturing industry. According to Urichuck n.


(PDF) The Impact of Motivation on Employees Performance

impact of motivation on employee performance

Close coordination between the employee performance and various jobs is required for overall success of the organisation Lunenburg, 2011. By choosing to terminate underperformed employee could not solve the problem as time is needed to hire new employee and extra cost will be incurred for training new employee. S 2016 in the context of Bangladesh. When the employees in an organisation are unmotivated, the productivity of that organisation will be decreased whereas compared to an organisation which have motivated employees the labour turnover will be lower and production will be higher. However, the motivational methods used by the organization are based on the various prevailing theories, which have been validated with the help of this study.



impact of motivation on employee performance

Productivity:Productivity is that which people canproduce with the smallest amount effort, Productivity isa ratio to calculate how well an organization orindividual, industry, country converts input belongings,labor, materials, machines etc. The offices that chiropractor work on patients in are clean and create a peaceful environment for the patients to be in. Nnabuìfe 2009 defìned motìvatìon as the ìnternal or external drìvìng force that produces the wìllìngness to perform an act to a conclusìve end. Performance review processes vary depending on whether your appointment is as classified or professional staff. Employee performance Employee performance includes quality and amount of yield, nearness at work, accommodative and supportive nature, and production timeline. Resources like machines, man, material and money are used to meet the objectives.


Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance

impact of motivation on employee performance

Since organizations are now operating in a competitive environment, they have to motivate their employees well enough to perform efficiently and to be highly productive in the workforce. The critical re-view of the literature and the quantitative analysis of the survey data pointed that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factor play an important role in motivating employees. In general, job design plays an important role in maximising employees' performance and productivity. Job commitment is hard to measure as employees may be committed to the supervisors or manager but not to the organization. Esteem Needs: It is called as egoistic needs.


The Impact Of Motivation On Employees Performance In An Organization: Case Study CCREAD

impact of motivation on employee performance

Employees need to be inspired as well as motivated to perform well and perform efficiently. Rely on us for a stress-free research project work, A-class academic materials, and easy guides through the course of your academic programme. Kindly note notification it might take up to 24 - 48 hours to handle your solicitation. Psychological Bulletin, 127, pp. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten Table: Correlation between motivation independent variable and employee performance dependent variable IJAME, 2012 They used correlation analysis to know the impact of motivation on employee performance. All these form the executìve arm of government.
