Why does willy keep planting seeds. 10 Why do the boys leave Willy at the restaurant They end up leaving because 2022-10-22

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In the play "Death of a Salesman" by Arthur Miller, the main character Willy Loman is a salesman who is struggling to make ends meet and find success in his career. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Willy persists in planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically.

One reason Willy keeps planting seeds is due to his belief in the American Dream. Willy is obsessed with the idea that hard work and determination will lead to success and prosperity. He wants to provide for his family and give them the best life possible, and he believes that planting seeds and tending to them is a way to achieve this goal. Willy's gardening serves as a symbol of his optimism and hope for the future.

Another reason Willy keeps planting seeds is because it is a way for him to cope with his failures and disappointments. Willy is deeply disappointed by his lack of success as a salesman and his inability to provide for his family. He is also haunted by the memory of his brother Ben, who achieved great wealth and success through risky business ventures. Willy's gardening serves as a way for him to escape from these negative thoughts and find some sense of accomplishment and purpose.

Finally, Willy keeps planting seeds because it is a way for him to connect with the past. Willy is deeply nostalgiciac for his youth and the time he spent on his family's farm. He often speaks about the time he spent with his father and the lessons he learned from him. Willy's gardening serves as a way for him to reconnect with this time in his life and find some sense of peace and fulfillment.

In conclusion, Willy keeps planting seeds because it is a way for him to pursue his dreams, cope with his failures, and connect with the past. Despite the challenges he faces, Willy remains determined and hopeful, and his love for gardening serves as a source of strength and inspiration.

Why does Willy want to plant seeds?

why does willy keep planting seeds

Biff, similarly lacks an aim in life and has just discovered the joke that his life has been; a mere repetition of Willy Loman's failed dreams. His realization of his life because Biff believes that he couldn't take orders from people; he takes the pen because he tries to tell them that the pen was stolen but Willy got fired so he has to have something good to tell Linda; they leave because Willy is having a mental break down and they deny him as their father. Symbolism is one example where one thing can represent another, as in the seeds Willy plants that never seem to grow. In desperation to convey his dad over the acknowledgment that enormity isn't in the fate of any of his family members. They end up leaving because Willy is having a mental breakdown in which they also deny him as there father.


Why does willy keep planting seeds where they've never grown before? why does willy think biff will be impre

why does willy keep planting seeds

His trying to plant a garden in the dark with a flashlight indicates that Willy has lost his grasp on reality even more than Biff had imagined. Willy is coming back to his senses after Biff and Happy have abandoned him in a restaurant. Why does Willy plant seeds where they have never grown before? If the seeds germinate well, you can plant them directly by cutting them out of the paper towel, and then you know they are viable. Seeds are an important symbol in The chop house scene is important because it's here that Willy finally realizes that he isn't what he's always wanted to be—a well-liked man. Death of a Salesman is a 1949 play which was composed by American writer Arthur Miller.


In Death of a Salesman, why is Willy so disturbed that "nothing's planted" and "I don't have a thing in the ground?"

why does willy keep planting seeds

Why does Willy grow them and always aspire to? Cite this page as follows: "What do the seeds symbolize in the Death of a Salesman? Willy believes that the seeds will grow. Now the tall buildings have surrounded his little home, and anything he planted wouldn't get enough sunlight to grow. A salesman earns his living off leads of companies or people who are interested in buying their product. However, just as he failed with Biff, Linda tells him that the backyard will not be a hospitable site for a garden, which references how their family, under Willy's fathering, was not a hospitable place for happiness. Willie is an In "Death of A Salesman," we learn that Willy is an unsuccessful salesman who is having difficulty making money. The reason for it is because he became more and more aware that his inefficiency and lack of reality has passed onto his kids. Biff is a failure because he never prepared for anything.


Death of a Salesman Review Flashcards

why does willy keep planting seeds

During the germination process, a seed needs much more moisture in the soil than when it has sprouted, so be aware and decrease the moisture levels as young seedlings emerge and mature. Neither Biff nor Happy measures up to what he had hoped for them and, no matter whose "fault" this is, it's the reality of what he perceives. Biff's reacts so strongly because he realizes the extent of his father's deteriorating mental condition. It was remarked that there was more of him in the stoop he built than in all the sales he made. Biff realizes that he is not cut out for office work or for the life of a traveling salesman. And like this, the world of sales has changed.


Why does Willy plant seeds where they have never grown before?

why does willy keep planting seeds

However, Willy is 63 years old and when he is not dreaming he does have his break downs. Could you still plant the seeds that germinated? Cite this page as follows: "In Death of a Salesman, why is Willy so disturbed that "nothing's planted" and "I don't have a thing in the ground? He blames his failures on others, noting that if the boss's father were still controlling the company, Willy would have risen to a much higher level. There are probably always winners and losers in every system. His desperate, nocturnal attempt to grow vegetables signifies his shame about barely being able to put food on the table and having nothing to leave his children when he passes. Did he have a chance of fulfilling it? He also has nothing concrete in the works to do so this late in his life. After Biff and Happy come home sometime later, Biff is stunned to find out that is father is outside in the dark trying to plant his garden. Willy has failed with his firstborn seed, Biff, and compulsively needs to plant a garden with other seeds.


Why does Willy keep planting seeds where they’ve never grown before? Why does Willy think Biff will be impressed with his funeral? Why does Ben say that Biff will call Willy a fool?

why does willy keep planting seeds

Willy's disastrous dinner with his two sons, during which they both run out on him at the restaurant, spins Willy even more deeply into his personal desperation and despair. He is doing something he should have done a long time ago. He will be laid off without a pension when the company has gotten the maximum value out of him. Linda thinks the trouble in his life is going from salary to commission; she is angry with her sons because they don't seem to care about their father as much as she does; she puts the rubber hose back because she doesn't want to upset Willy if he is to see that it is removed; this tells us that she has a true concern for Willy. He has waited until it was too late. His action is illogical and doomed to fail.


What do the seeds symbolize in the Death of a Salesman? What is important about him planting them when he does? Why does Willy grow them and always...

why does willy keep planting seeds

The seeds also symbolizes creating something of permanence to leave behind. Symbolically, Willy tries one last time to create something worthwhile, but he has run out of time. The play is a montage of recollections, dreams, showdowns, and contentions, all of which make up the last 24 hours of Willy Loman's life. Not only had Willy failed at being well-liked, rich, or even a relatively alright salesman, he also may have failed as a father. I think that the idea is that Willy always intended to start a garden but never planted seeds before. Willy's whole world is collapsing around his ears and will die with him.


In Death of a Salesman, why does Willy try to plant a garden after his experience in the chop house?

why does willy keep planting seeds

He hasn't saved or invested money. This symbolizes his dreams that he hopes will come true. The reason for it is because he became more and more aware that his inefficiency and lack of reality has passed onto his kids. More likely is that Willy never stood out as particularly adept. Sometimes the leads are cold calls, meaning you have never met the people before, and often the sales come from leads that you have been working on for awhile. He brags a lot and acts like everything will be okay because he has bought into the American dream.
