If written by rudyard kipling. If By Rudyard Kipling, Famous Inspirational Poem 2022-10-16

If written by rudyard kipling Rating: 9,9/10 128 reviews

If, written by Rudyard Kipling, is a poem that has been widely popular for its motivational and inspiring themes. The poem begins with the lines "If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you...", and goes on to provide a list of challenges that one must overcome in order to be a successful and honorable person.

The poem speaks to the importance of maintaining a calm and level-headed demeanor in difficult situations, and of taking responsibility for one's actions. It encourages the reader to persevere through adversity, and to always strive to be the best version of themselves.

One of the most striking aspects of If is its use of language. Kipling's words are carefully chosen and laced with meaning, conveying deep truths about the human experience. The poem is written in a conversational style, as if Kipling is speaking directly to the reader and offering them guidance on how to navigate life's challenges.

The themes of If are timeless and universal, making it a poem that has resonated with readers of all ages and backgrounds. Its message of perseverance, resilience, and self-improvement has inspired countless people to be their best selves and to never give up, no matter what life throws their way.

In conclusion, If is a beautifully written and deeply inspiring poem that has stood the test of time. Its message of strength and determination is one that will continue to resonate with readers for generations to come.

If by Rudyard Kipling

if written by rudyard kipling

Now I'm 65 years old. Seventy-four years later I remember this vividly, though much of the French language has been forgotten. My son is now 11 and has this poem framed above his bed to serve as a reminder of the things I want for him and the admirable characteristics a person with integrity has. What is not in doubt is that Kipling's four eight-line stanzas of advice to his son, written in 1909, have inspired the nation for a century. When I am down but not out, this poem lifts me up to fight and face another day. The chart would have to start on a high point: his birth in India to a loving set of parents.


The remarkable story behind Rudyard Kipling's 'If'

if written by rudyard kipling

The hurt and the pain will dim, and you will be left with the gratitude of your moments shared, no matter how brief. Over the years, I've tried to impart the wisdom in that poem to all my children, two daughters and a son. But his son's spirit, as well as that of Leander Starr Jameson, lives on in the lines of the poem that continues to inspire millions. He moved to America and continued writing, publishing The Jungle Books together with much else. It is a strange thing to read this poem now so many years later and see what it means. It was obvious he believed in the poem as he read it, and it has stayed with me. Adversity can be conquered.


If by Rudyard Kipling

if written by rudyard kipling

He also instructed every British worker in Transvaal not to support it. Eliot insisted it was not, describing it instead as 'great verse' - or a 'good bad' poem, as Orwell called it. If you give yourself time to absorb this, you have my highest regards. Yet the timing could not have been more perfect. It changed my view on LIFE. This poem brings forward the true meaning of life, and that it is much more than cash, adventures or even family. Kipling was a friend of Jameson and was introduced to him, so scholars believe, by another colonial friend and adventurer: Cecil Rhodes, the financier and statesman who extracted a vast fortune from Britain's burgeoning African empire by taking substantial stakes in both diamond and gold mines in southern Africa.


If By Rudyard Kipling, Famous Inspirational Poem

if written by rudyard kipling

It is a timeless message that is as relevant today as it was when Kipling first wrote it. A succinct yet tremendously potent body of work. It became a measuring sick for all of us. Happy Birthday, miss you so much. I'm a religious man in total sorrow, searching for some understanding through prayer. His first five years in England were scarred by the terrible abuse he endured there from his foster mother.


" If "

if written by rudyard kipling

Fierce anti-Boer and anti-German feelings were inflamed, which soon became known as 'jingoism'. Jameson was sentenced to 15 months for leading the raid, and the Transvaal government was paid almost £1million in compensation by the British South Africa Company. This poem brings forward the true meaning of life, and that it is much more than cash, adventures or even family. What was to become South Africa was divided into two British colonies the Cape Colony and Natal and two Boer republics the Orange Free State and Transvaal. It's everyone's life with the ups and downs. It is a universal truth for all the time. Now l am fifty, and still time to time I read it and tell others to follow it.


“If” by Rudyard Kipling

if written by rudyard kipling

It is a blueprint for living a good life. It struck me so much that, being the juvenile delinquent I was at the time, I tore it out of the library book. That last line gives me goosebumps every single time. I turn to share this poem at times of struggle and challenges dear ones of mine will be facing. I know now this poem had significant influence on my dad, and fortunately he thought important enough to live by. Cecil Rhodes was forced to step down as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony.


if written by rudyard kipling

My son is a poet. I liked the money. Kipling took you on his journey, which many of us go through, but he let you know you can win, you can survive whatever and everything you put your mind to. When I left my job and started my own business, in the course my business I had to face a lot of challenges and problems and everything seemed to have a link with every line Kipling had written in his poem "IF. I had never heard it before - I was 12 years old. One day she decided, for our soul's sake I suppose, to read IF by Kipling. Part of it is engraved on the entrance to Wimbledon to remind players of what it is that makes a man.


if written by rudyard kipling

Haye's "If" from 4th grade. A few days after the raid, the German Kaiser sent a telegram congratulating President Kruger's Transvaal government on its success in suppressing the uprising. It was as if I was re-reading line by line what I wrote earlier today. It has also been set to music by several composers, including John Barry and Leonard Bernstein. Rhodes, then Prime Minister of the Cape Colony, wanted to encourage the disgruntled Uitlanders to rebel against the Transvaal government.


if written by rudyard kipling

I truly feel the guiding words of wisdom are so perfect and moving and also believe they can apply to any gender as well. Indeed, when it was last acclaimed as our favourite 14 years ago, one newspaper dismissed it as 'jingoistic nonsense', while another praised it as 'unforgettable'. The Boer government's troops tracked Jameson's force from the moment it crossed the border and attacked it in a series of minor skirmishes that cost the raiders vital supplies, horses and indeed the lives of a handful of men, until on the morning of January 2, Jameson was confronted by a major Boer force. Earlier today I wrote a social post thanking my father for the values, wisdom, advice he shared to help us kids and grandchildren to live with courage, independence, and honesty. If we accept obstacles in life, I think we are getting tougher and tougher, and it says at the end of the poem, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
