How to answer a law problem question example. Writing Law Problem Questions 2022-11-02

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Answering a law problem question can seem intimidating at first, but with a clear and structured approach, it is possible to arrive at a well-reasoned and thorough response. Here are some steps you can follow to tackle a law problem question:

  1. Read the question carefully and understand what is being asked of you. Make sure to identify any key terms or phrases that may be relevant to your answer.

  2. Gather the relevant facts of the case. This may involve reading through the case materials provided or researching additional information about the relevant legal principles and precedents.

  3. Identify the legal issues that are raised by the facts of the case. These may be issues of statutory interpretation, common law, or constitutional law, among others.

  4. Research and analyze the relevant legal principles and precedents that apply to the case. This may involve looking up cases, statutes, and other legal authority to determine how similar issues have been addressed in the past.

  5. Apply the legal principles and precedents to the facts of the case to arrive at a conclusion about the legal issues raised. This may involve making arguments for and against different positions and weighing the evidence in favor of each.

  6. Write up your answer, organizing your thoughts into a clear and coherent structure. Begin by stating the legal issues at stake and then provide a detailed analysis of the relevant legal principles and how they apply to the facts of the case. Be sure to consider counterarguments and address any potential objections to your conclusion.

By following these steps, you can craft a well-reasoned and thorough response to a law problem question. Remember to be thorough and to back up your arguments with strong legal authority, and you will be well on your way to answering the question effectively.

How to Answer Law Questions Using the IRAC Method (Lecturer's Tips)

how to answer a law problem question example

The option was for a period of twenty years from 2005. These show you what the professor likes to test and can help you get used to their format and their exam approach. Legal issues are something that makes many law students stumble. You know what that means — problematic issues. Who manufactured the product, sold it, repaired it, etc. You have to be time conscious because you have only but 2:30 minutes to answer all the questions you were given. Causation in the Law.


Land Law Problem Question Example

how to answer a law problem question example

This work will focus on tracing the origin of international law and the development of international law by tracing it through its divided stages of the period which was seemed to develop from, that is during the primitive and ancient period, the Greek era 6th Century BC , the Romans era, the Middle age development, during the 15th and 16th centuries, the modern international law Hugo Grotius , during the 19th century, during First and Second World War and thereafter and lastly on the present status of international law. In the context of the example, the question makes it clear that Jamie is the party we will need to advise. Give each area of law its own separate section. He lent him the money on condition that he could have a share of the farm if it was sold. You would no doubt also have to explain other rules related to contract law derived from a variety of other cases. I found that planning the conclusion was beneficial.


Answering Law Problem & Essay Questions

how to answer a law problem question example

She therefore engaged the services of Kwaku Frimpong to trade from Ghana to Nigeria. If an interest is capable of existing as an interest in land, and it is capable of being legal, it is included in the Law of Property Act 1925 list section 1. So, in other not to jeopardize your chance of success in any law exam, you should use red pen to cite your authorities. Example: What is the liability of a master regarding tort committed by his servant while engaged in a conduct expressly prohibited by the master? Annoyed, Will decides that he needs to attract attention for the lovers to leave the house and to catch them outside in flagrant. Equally, Daniel legally caused Sam's death as by breaching his duty to act he was more than a de minimis, operative and significant cause. The best advice I can give is just to do as many practice questions as you can. The example below is a problem question that borders on the law of defamation.


Tort law How to answer questions

how to answer a law problem question example

Also, consult a supplement. There is also a priority rule, section29 and 30 of Land Legislation Act 2002 contains the rules that tell when an interest in land will affect a later transaction with the land. These have been discussed above and are present in this situation. Awolowo, an article which contained defamatory statements against the Action Group was regarded by the court not to refer to the plaintiff but to the Action Group as a political party since it was a large group and the plaintiff could not show circumstances which proved that he was singled out. Your authorities here may include: cases, names of judges, articles, statutes, dictums etc. On the other hand, an essay question is a question which requires an individual to write on legal principles without using a particular format like the IRAC method.


How to Answer a Law Problem Question Example

how to answer a law problem question example

Can someone advice the parties that is involved in the scenario with only one identify legal issue? First things first, read the scenario. I must say that you are the best, sir, thank you very much! Simply tell each of the parties their rights and persuade them to sue the when the need be. For example, a 30 mark essay capped at 1500 words might in fact have 40 marks available, depending on what your response is. You should make these lists, not just run through them in your mind. However, it subsequently withdrew its assent. Most of your arguments will be based on classroom discussion. Which court she would claim in and the amount she would claim would depend on the severity of her injuries.


Writing answers to problem questions in Criminal Law

how to answer a law problem question example

And; ii Does Jamie need to pay back the last 5 instalments in one lump sum? Multiple-choice If your professor includes multiple-choice questions on your exam, it makes sense to get as much practice answering multiple-choice questions as you can before your exam. Smith and Hogan's Criminal Law. To bring clarity to this area of law and to ensure that people act according to what is morally right within reason, and not just to not do what is morally wrong, reform is desperately required. Are your theories sound and supported by facts in the problem? Masimba transferred over 3. After three 3 successful trips to Nigeria, Kwaku Frimpong was promoted to handle all 5 African countries. To rights he would have known about had he inspected the land, like considered in the case of A person who purchases the legal estate in land, in this case Edwin, must give value, not necessarily mean full or market value for the land in question. Always follow their instructions.


How to use IRAC to answer a problem

how to answer a law problem question example

This is similar to Oba Akenzua getting the land before the promise of reward by the Benin Provisional Council in the case of Akenzua II, Oba of Benin vs Benin Provisional Council. When you have to answer a problem style, scenario-based question, the first thing that you need to identify is the core issue. A student may determine the demand of the question when concentrating on the wording of the question. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. If you understand how to use IRAC, dealing with problem questions will seem less problematic.


(DOC) Commercial law problem question and suggested answer

how to answer a law problem question example

Legislation and case law are good examples of this. Circumstances under which the defense of qualified privilege can arise are varied but for the purposes of our case, we have an occasion known as Statements made in performance of a legal, moral or social duty — s. In the application, you are expected to pick those authorities and rules of law that concerns the issues raised and apply them to the matter effectively. You would have listed relevant provisions and cases above, now you need to draw analogies and distinctions between them and the facts of the present issue. Your job will be to use the IRAC method, discussed below, to identify the issues, state the rules of law, apply them, and then arrive at conclusions for each issue spotted. If you miss an important detail during the planning stage then you could be setting yourself up for a poor answer.
