Marriott corporation the cost of capital. Marriott Corporation: the Cost of Capital 2022-10-22

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Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital is a case study that examines the challenges faced by the Marriott Corporation, a large multinational hotel chain, in determining the appropriate cost of capital for its various business segments. The case study highlights the importance of accurately determining the cost of capital, as it plays a critical role in the company's investment decisions and overall financial performance.

The cost of capital is the required rate of return that a company must earn on its investments in order to generate an acceptable level of return for its shareholders. It is used to evaluate the profitability of a company's investments and to determine the feasibility of new projects. The cost of capital is a key factor in the decision-making process, as it represents the minimum return that must be earned in order for a project to be considered viable.

The Marriott Corporation faced several challenges in determining the appropriate cost of capital for its various business segments. One of the main challenges was the diversity of the company's operations, which included hotels, restaurants, and contract services. Each of these segments had different risks, growth potential, and investment needs, making it difficult to determine a single cost of capital for the entire company.

To address this challenge, the Marriott Corporation used a combination of different methods to determine the cost of capital for each business segment. For example, the company used the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to determine the cost of equity for its hotel segment, and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to determine the overall cost of capital for the company.

Another challenge faced by the Marriott Corporation was the impact of market conditions on the cost of capital. The company operated in a highly competitive and rapidly changing industry, and market conditions such as economic downturns and shifts in consumer demand could significantly affect the company's financial performance. As a result, the Marriott Corporation had to be proactive in managing its cost of capital to ensure that it remained competitive and aligned with market conditions.

To manage the impact of market conditions on the cost of capital, the Marriott Corporation used a number of strategies. These included diversifying its portfolio of investments, leveraging its strong brand and reputation, and adopting a flexible and agile approach to business operations.

Overall, the Marriott Corporation's experience illustrates the importance of accurately determining the cost of capital and how it can impact a company's investment decisions and financial performance. By using a combination of different methods and strategies, the company was able to effectively manage the challenges it faced in determining the appropriate cost of capital for its various business segments and navigate the dynamic market conditions of the hotel industry.

Marriott Corporation: the Cost of Capital Essay

marriott corporation the cost of capital

We used a 1-year maturity for the cost of debt on the Contract Services division. Risk-free rate Lodging division 30 years Maturity U. Figure A shows the substantial effect of hurdle rates on the anticipated net present value of projects. Also given is the Market Risk Premium of 7. The correct method is to make projections based on the current tax code, then project the expenses. The management fee is lower than the operation and depreciation costs.


Marriot Corporation: The Cost of Capital (Abridged) Case Solution And Analysis, HBR Case Study Solution & Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

marriott corporation the cost of capital

We are just going to analyze the overall satisfaction of the guests with the hotel. In each of these areas our goal is to be the preferred employer, the preferred provider, and the most profitable company. Marriott Corporation is an international company who 's the growth over the year has been more than satisfactory. It has been calculated by adding the credit spread in the risk free rate as above for each of the division. Annual incentive compensation constituted a significant portion of total compensation, ranging from 30% to 50% of base pay. The tax rate is assumed to be 44.


Hbs Case “Marriott Corporation: The Cost Of Capital” Case Study Example

marriott corporation the cost of capital

We could most likely have increased the accuracy of our calculations by being more due diligent in the selection to find companies that were a closer match to the Lodging and restaurant division. They want to see exceptional customer service. It seems to reason that the cost of capital for any given investment should be proportional to the level of risk associated with that venture. As a rule of thumb, increasing the hurdle rate by 1% for example, from 12% to 12. There has been rapid market dominance in terms of products and services, achieve global breakthrough over its rivals Shangri-La and Mandarin. It's also encouraging since the three measurement inputs may differ between businesses, and thus the cost of capital may change as a result.


Marriott Corporation the cost of capital Case Solution And Analysis, HBR Case Study Solution & Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

marriott corporation the cost of capital

All of them precise but not with enough emphasis that the values to calculate D% y E% are market values. Annual incentive compensation constituted a significant portion of total compensation, ranging from 30% to 50% of base pay. Even though Marriott hotels have excellent value, the majority of customers still want to see greater value. . In 1987, Marriott 's sales grew by 24% and its return on equity stood at 22%. Contract Division we re-write the formula to:? The fact that the hotels are able to accommodate a huge number of people during the busy times means that they have higher total occupancy rate than the normal times. This should also be the from 1926-1987 exhibit 5 of the case.


Marriott Corporation Case Study: the Cost of Capital Essay

marriott corporation the cost of capital

If the firm only uses one hurdle rate for evaluating investment opportunities in each line of business, it may accept or reject some investment project improperly. In order to calculate the cost of capital for the contract service division, I will use most of the formulas I stated in question number three. Because costs remained roughly fixed, these changes in the value of inflows translated into changes in the net present value of projects. We realize the limitations of using comparable companies to estimate the? Copyright © 1998 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The risk-free rates are based on U. While this may sound like a big difference, the fact is that it represents a negligible portion of the overall cost of management. The company operates in three divisions: lodging, contract services and restaurants which represents 41%, 46% and 13% of sales in 1987 respectively.


Marriott Corporation: the Cost of Capital Critical Analysis

marriott corporation the cost of capital

So what does this number mean? Since its three segments have different business models — it may be helpful to see the cost of capital as a mix of its three divisions rather than an aggregate Marriott unit. This spread gave us a rate to use to estimate the difference in the expected return and the risk-free rate. Should the debt cost differ across divisions? From the case… Marriot Corporation Cost of Capital Marriott uses its' cost of capital estimates to create a hurdle rate to effectively run operations. However, it is unrealistic for businesses to calculate the cost of capital independently for each potential project. In fact, this case study can also help you determine the hotel that would best suit your needs.


Marriott Corporation The Cost of Capital Case Study Solution and Case Analysis

marriott corporation the cost of capital

Because lodging assets, like hotels, had long useful lives, return on long-term government bonds should be used for lodging calculations, which should be from the period 1926 to 1987 exhibit 5 of the case as this effectively reflects the bottom line nature of return with a long term view including all abnormalities during this period. In order to calculate the beta, first of all the comparable information for the restaurant and lodging division has been used to calculate the unlevered asset beta with the respective leverage ratios of the comparables and then an average asset beta has been calculated. Regarding the third purpose, Miller and Modigliani proposed that, in the presence of corporate taxes, the use of debt might raise the value of a corporation via the value contributed by the debt tax shield. Lodging division which includes 361 hotels generated 41% of 1987 sales Marriott Case Study Marriott's sales grew up by 24% and its return on equity stood at 22% in the year 1987, the sales and earnings per share has doubled over the previous year as stated in the case study. And by answering these questions, we will be able to gauge the overall satisfaction of guests. A corporation often engages in a single industry and has access to investment possibilities with a constant level of danger.


Marriott Corporation: the Cost of Capital

marriott corporation the cost of capital

There was some interest, however, in basing the incentive compensation, in part, on a comparison of the divisional return on net assets and the market-based divisional hurdle rate. As the corporate tax rate is given we will not manually calculate it. First, you need to find out how much your book value is when you go in the business. According to its annual report, the average occupancy percentage of the Marriott properties is 84%. This means aggressively developing appropriate opportunities within our chosen lines of business—lodging, contract services, and related businesses.
