Extinction of species essay. 78 Extinction Essay Topics, Examples, & Titles for Endangered Species Essay 2022-10-16

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The extinction of species is a natural occurrence that has happened throughout the history of life on Earth. However, the rate of extinction has greatly increased in recent times due to human activity. This is a major concern because the loss of biodiversity can have negative impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide to humanity.

One major cause of species extinction is habitat destruction. As human populations continue to grow and urbanize, natural habitats are being converted for agriculture, housing, and other developments. This reduces the amount of space available for wildlife and can lead to the loss of entire species. For example, the construction of dams can fragment habitats and prevent species from accessing the resources they need to survive.

Another cause of species extinction is climate change. As the Earth's climate warms, many species are struggling to adapt to new temperatures and weather patterns. Some species are unable to migrate to new areas, while others are unable to compete with new, invasive species that are better suited to the changing conditions.

Overfishing is also a major threat to marine species. As humans continue to fish at unsustainable levels, many fish populations are collapsing. This is not only a problem for the fish themselves, but it also has ripple effects throughout the entire marine ecosystem. For example, the loss of a keystone species (such as a predator or herbivore) can have cascading effects on other species in the food web.

The extinction of species also has economic consequences. Many species play important roles in ecosystems, such as pollinating plants or controlling pest populations. The loss of these species can disrupt the ecosystem and reduce the services it provides, such as crop pollination and natural pest control. This can have a negative impact on agriculture and other industries.

To address the issue of species extinction, it is important for governments and individuals to take action. This can include protecting natural habitats, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change, and implementing sustainable fishing practices. It is also important for people to educate themselves about the issue and advocate for conservation efforts. By taking action, we can help to preserve biodiversity and protect the ecosystems that support life on Earth.

The Extinction of Species: Expository Essay Sample

extinction of species essay

There are five major theories to explain the extinction: 1. These leaves human beings with a moral obligation of ensuring the endangered species do not get extinct by protecting their habitat. Currently, there are 14,000 to 35,000 endangered species only in the United States; 16,928 species worldwide stand on the edge of dead-end human-caused extinction, and in order to save them, a significant amount of effort should be made. When deforestation affects the homes of these animals they have no choice but to go somewhere else to look for shelter and in most cases, it doesn 't turn out good for them because they either die of hunger or get hunted down by humans or other animals. The synergistic impact of these human driven activities questions the survivability of organisms in the morphed climatic environments. Many people want to see dinosaurs again, but do not realize how dangerous they can be. Swept away were 95 percent of marine species, great numbers of trees, amphibians, most bryozoans and brachiopods and all trilobites.


Species Extinction Essay

extinction of species essay

Innocent people are not the ones who should be targeted and killed. For example, the ongoing deforestation of the Amazon rain forest has drastically reduced the great variety of animal and plant life it once had. The world has the capability to appear completely different in the next fifty years, with many of the animals we know and love gradually disappearing. Pros And Cons Of Zoos 1390 Words 6 Pages Zoos have been around since the eighteenth century. A zoo is defined as a compound where wild animals are kept for viewing and studying. . Other problems stemming from climate change, including decreases in biodiversity, species richness, and habitat loss may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases as The Endangered Species Act Long-term survival of a species depends on its ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions Murphy, 1994.


The Imbalance in Ecosystem in the Modern World

extinction of species essay

These included many of the new species that had not been found in the fossil record prior to the Devonian extinction. In fact, the present rate of human-caused extinctions exceeds by a large margin the natural extinctions of previous geologic eras. The Endangered Species of New York As more time goes on, more species are in peril of becoming extinct. They also believe that a mass extinction of humans would have to be planned by humans themselves. . These temperature changes create an inhospitable environment for many of the animals who cannot adapt, especially-large bodied mammals.


Extinctions and Endangered Species

extinction of species essay

What is certain is that in the Cambrian Era, life forms exploded in number. On the other hand, genetic engineering methods have the possibility of saving endangered species instead of bringing animals back from the dead. When keeping extinction rates low, governments must think about the species that should be protected, depending on what is endangered in those regions. When it comes to endangered species, I am not persuaded. Many scientists believe that life probably emerged in the chapter of the biography of the earth called the Precambrian Era. The rate of extinction seems to keep escalating as time passes as well. In his book they bring back a few dinosaurs and put them on an island.


Animal Extinction Pros And Cons

extinction of species essay

Ecologists at the University of California, Santa Barbara, believe the two species that would be especially reasonable to resurrect are the woolly mammoth, the last of which died about 4000 years ago, and the passenger pigeon, a gray bird with a red breast, once common all over North America and, which had gone extinct in early 1900s. Genetic diversity within a species, which has taken 3. Hence, China set up the Giant Panda Protection Network in 2003, and though the population of pandas has increased, it is still believed to be under 2 thousand. Trees transpire, or release water into the atmosphere, during photosynthesis. The graver danger to endemic species those found in one location and nowhere else is the arrival of invasive species and of humans. Comparisons of background extinction rates and the present calamitous extinction rates is a revealing exercise.


Endangered Species Extinction Essay

extinction of species essay

Scientist plan to invest in "planting the species as commercial crop", however, the rate of extinct. The directly of human activity that leads to extinction are habitat change, destruction, overexploitation of species, the spread of aggressive species and genes, pollution and climate change as humans use mainly all the earths lands for construction and they get advantage on fresh water rivers and limit natural rivers and unfortunate that drives species into massive fatal. As a result, most species have been able to recover as farming and timber operations have changed. Furthermore, scientists should focus on how to replenish areas and make them more feasible for endangered species. In the Cretaceous Era, which lasted for 165 million years, the dinosaurs were the rulers of the earth. Animals are very useful creatures to not only humans but to the world, they can be used for various reasons like food, transportation, material uses and safety and recreation.


Essay On De

extinction of species essay

One major cause is the inclusion of land. With impending temperature changes, scientist can already see how increasing degrees affect plant and animal species. It is not a secret that the ecological situation on our planet is rather complicated. Also, scientists working on the bomb were not fully aware of what they were dealing with. Many species vanished from many ways of mass extinctions and today, almost of all species that have existed on Earth are extinct. The entire de-extinction project relies on genetic engineering. Extinction is a natural process in the evolution of life on earth.


Essay On Species Extinction

extinction of species essay

Some have estimated that 20 percent of all species could disappear by 2040, with some estimtes as high as 50,000 each year. The world has been changing every single day ever since it was created, in many different ways. People say that scientists will be bringing back extinct species, but really they will be creating a new species by using DNA from the extinct animal as well as another animal close to it. Reviving a species solely for entertainment purposes is inhumane. The sedimentary record is clearer because better fossil specimens have been deposited in marine sediment than in other kinds of sediment, and show that the Paleozoic Era of the Cambrian Period was a time of rapid expansion, which was followed by massive extinctions in the Ordovician Era. Everyone agrees that nuclear weapons are dangerous but the issue comes in with how to deal with a nuclear threat.


Endangered Species Essay

extinction of species essay

However, if all the members of a species die, then the species becomes extinct. . The whaling industry, in which whales are slaughtered for oil and meat, has led many whale species to the brink of extinction. The pattern has been the development of a few species, then an explosion in the numbers of new species, followed by a period of little change, followed by a deep dip in the number of species. Species depend on forests to survive and when the forests are cut down, the animals have nothing left.


Essay On Animal Extinction

extinction of species essay

The earth has enormous biodiversity. This would then disrupt the remainder of the food chain and result in mass extinctions. Governments need to involve the local communities in trying to protect the animals which would be an effective process. It is estimated that at least 99. Modern-day genetic technology has granted mankind with the opportunity to bring back extinct species from the dead.
