Of mice and men eulogy. Lennie Small’s Eulogy 2022-10-10

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Of Mice and Men is a novella written by John Steinbeck that tells the story of two friends, George and Lennie, who travel together and work on ranches in California during the Great Depression. The two men have a dream of one day owning their own farm, but their plans are ultimately thwarted by the harsh realities of the world around them.

In writing this eulogy, it is with a heavy heart that I must bid farewell to these two complex and enduring characters. George and Lennie were more than just friends; they were like brothers, bound together by a shared dream and a deep, unbreakable bond.

Despite the challenges and hardships they faced, George and Lennie remained fiercely loyal to one another. George always looked out for Lennie, who struggled with mental disabilities, and Lennie looked up to George with a sense of childlike awe and adoration. They were a team, and they stuck together through thick and thin.

Their dream of owning their own farm may have seemed like a pipe dream to some, but to George and Lennie it was a beacon of hope that kept them going. It gave them something to work towards, something to believe in, and something to hold onto when times were tough.

Unfortunately, fate had other plans for George and Lennie. They faced discrimination and mistreatment at every turn, and their dream of owning a farm seemed to slip further and further out of reach. But even in the face of adversity, they never lost hope or gave up on each other.

In the end, it was a tragic twist of events that took George and Lennie from us. But their legacy will live on forever, as a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the human spirit. They may be gone, but they will never be forgotten.

So let us all remember George and Lennie, not just for the hardships they faced, but for the unwavering love and loyalty they had for each other. May they rest in peace, knowing that they will always be remembered as two of the most enduring and beloved characters in literature. So, this is a eulogy for George and Lennie, two remarkable men who will be missed by all who knew them. Rest in peace, George and Lennie. You will always be remembered.

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Plot Summary

of mice and men eulogy

Crooks, who is black and treated with hate and cruelty, first says the mens' dream is hopeless, and that they won't be able to get the money for it. Curley comes by the bunk house, fuming and in search of his wife. He was never really readily accepted by others. After the presentations, all of the students wanted to know their grades, but Mrs. Many of the presentations were flamboyant and unique. She tries to get the men's attention by using her flirtatious and manipulative personality, but it does not work. The other men hurry Curley away to the hospital.


Of Mice And Men: Eulogy For Lennie

of mice and men eulogy

These lines are spoken by the new wife of the ranch owner's son, Curley. It was what she told me she wanted. Life's stark realities gradually strip away their hopes, and they must learn to live in the aftermath of their dreams. Steinbeck disagrees with the American Dream. At our job at Curlers field, they had a group Of new born puppies which fascinated Leonie. It is the life of machines, not men. Crooks apologizes for scaring Lennie, and insists he was just trying to get Lennie to understand his own loneliness.


Sophomores Present Eulogies from “Of Mice and Men”

of mice and men eulogy

A Dream of Their Own George and Lennie are dedicated to working hard for the rest of their lives. It is the life of machines, not men. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from 'em" Lennie George tells Lennie he will need to make sure the cats can't get to the rabbits, and Lennie gets mad. He was a good man too. What is Curley's Wife's Dream? He is excited thinks that since they have the land picked out and most of the money gathered, they will reach their goal.


Of MIce and Men Eulogy

of mice and men eulogy

She believed a couple of men when they said they could help her become an actress, but they were lying to her. They got no family. George assures Lennie that he's done nothing wrong. The dream of a home and land, for George and Lennie, is also a dream of self-determination. Strong as a bull, he was the hardest worker on this farm.


Lennie Small's Eulogy

of mice and men eulogy

I used to think it was weird for a grown man to play with animals at this age. But I can guarantee that his death was a quick and happy one. Leonie was a great friend, and know that just like me, fall will miss him so much. Sometimes not everyone understands Leonie or people like him. She opens up to him about her dreams, and Lennie tells him about his and George's dream. Lennie begins stroking her hair, but when his touch becomes too rough, she screams for him to stop.


Eulogy of Mice and Men .pdf

of mice and men eulogy

Curley's wife longs for attention and a luxurious lifestyle. Of Mice and Men Quotes About Dreams George Before they get to the ranch, Lennie asks George to tell him about their future place. Lennie loved to feel smooth things; it always made a smile stretch across his face when he felt things that were smooth. Jus' som'thin' that was his. When she continues screaming, he shakes her until her neck snaps. I'll smash 'em with a stick. While I do not intend to spoil the novel, I am writing about the eulogy of a main character, so take it as you will.


Lennie's Eulogy

of mice and men eulogy

The dream of a home and land, for George and Lennie, is also a dream of self-determination. George and Lennie share a dream. They ultimately lose their dream at the conclusion of the novel. They drift off to sleep as George tells Lennie about how their future will be, describing the lush, secluded farm with its vegetable garden, animal pen, and best of all, a hutch full of soft rabbits for Lennie to pet. George vents his frustrations about traveling with Lennie and even tells Slim about their troubles in Weed.


Dreams in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

of mice and men eulogy

A Dream of Their Own George and Lennie are dedicated to working hard for the rest of their lives. He is protective of his hypothetical rabbits. George dreams of working for himself and Lennie wants nothing more than to have rabbits to care for and pet. Their lives as travelling ranch hands are spent submitting to other people's rules. Above all, what does it mean to dream? Gribbin to her sophomore English classes. Lennie loved everything and Crooks, he loved you too. George comes crashing through the brush and embraces Lennie.
