Ethical lens inventory reflection. Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection 2022-10-10

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The ethical lens inventory is a tool used to help individuals understand and analyze their personal ethical perspectives. It is based on the premise that there are four fundamental ethical perspectives: rights and responsibilities, results orientation, relationship orientation, and personal virtues. By examining these perspectives, individuals can gain insight into their own values and principles, and understand how they might approach ethical dilemmas and decision-making.

In my own reflection on the ethical lens inventory, I have come to understand that my personal ethical perspective is primarily based on rights and responsibilities. This means that I believe that individuals have certain inherent rights and freedoms that must be respected, and that with these rights come corresponding responsibilities to use them responsibly and considerately.

One of the key strengths of this perspective is that it emphasizes the importance of fairness and justice. By recognizing the inherent rights of others, I am more likely to act in a way that is equitable and unbiased, and to advocate for the rights of those who may be marginalized or disadvantaged.

However, I also recognize that this perspective has its limitations. For example, there may be situations where upholding the rights of one individual may come into conflict with the rights of another. In these cases, it can be challenging to find a solution that is fair to all parties involved.

In addition to rights and responsibilities, I also have a strong results orientation. This means that I value the outcomes of my actions and strive to achieve tangible results. This perspective can be especially useful in business and professional settings, where the ability to deliver results is often highly valued.

However, I recognize that a focus on results can sometimes lead to a neglect of other important values, such as relationships and personal virtues. It is important to balance the desire to achieve results with the need to maintain strong relationships and uphold personal integrity.

Overall, my reflection on the ethical lens inventory has helped me to understand my own ethical perspective and the strengths and limitations of that perspective. It has also helped me to see the value in considering multiple ethical perspectives, and to be open to the possibility that my own perspective may not always be the most appropriate in a given situation. By examining my ethical lens, I am better able to make ethical decisions that are aligned with my values and principles.

Ethical Lens Inventory Reflection

ethical lens inventory reflection

It also says that I listen to my intuition to decide what best for individuals as well as the virtues that will best serve the community. My values are strong southern values, I like to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and treated with respect. I also run the risk of developing unrealistic role expectations and will tend to rely too much on the virtues associated with a particular role, forgetting that individuals are fallible regardless of their role. This unique foundation combined with perpetual themes of personal growth, ethical. . The quiz determined that my personal preferred lens is relationship and reputation lens, and that I balance my reasoning skills and intuition to determine what the best way to serve everyone in fairness is. I have a tendency to be overconfident in the ethical process; all individuals should be allowed the same rights and responsibilities when it comes to the ethical process.


Ethical Lens Inventory And Reflection

ethical lens inventory reflection

In the core values determination of the assessment it suggests that I'm sensible, rational, try to be autonomous, and treat people equally. . . According to my ethical lens inventory, this supports my classical value of temperance. The vantage point it retains is an icon of opera glasses as well as a camera.


Us 101 ethical lens inventory reflection Free Essays

ethical lens inventory reflection

Reading the principles you can see that they talk about the others within their explanations, but in order to provide the best service to clients understanding the responsibilities, making sure our integrity is always intact, and maintaining our due diligence care in always presenting the best products should be the most important. Your students will be asked to choose the statement or word that represents what values are most important to them or how they would act in a specific situation. According to the inventory, I am concerned with protecting individual right and I believe the best results are achieved by examining each situation in its own context rather than applying one-size-fits-all solutions. The analysis from the self assessment made me realize why it is crucial to understand that no situation is the same and to therefore keep in mind to apply appropriate code of ethics for individual situations. My core values revolve around autonomy, equality, and rationality.



ethical lens inventory reflection

Many frameworks were represented as we worked through each scenario and choice to come to a clear consensus. Once it is said that I will do something or care for someone, that is what I do. After students complete the inventory, they will get a print-out that describes their preferred lens. As explained by psychologist Benjamin Bloom there are six levels of Essay on Personal Ethics Statement treat him just like they would any other patients in the unit. By understanding what values are most important to them and what values are most important to the other parties involved in an ethical situation, they can minimize unnecessary conflict, make better ethical decisions, and live their values with confidence and integrity. This means that I value individual balance and restraint in the desire for pleasure as you seek to satisfy my duties. My gift and what I ultimately consider strength, is my compassion for others.



ethical lens inventory reflection

I agree with my key phrase results about making choices good for everyone. . Honesty is the cornerstone of Student, Inc. Words: 376 - Pages: 2 Premium Essay Ethical Lens. . My preferred lens is Rights, Responsibility, and Relationship.


Ethical Lens Reflection

ethical lens inventory reflection

I am grateful to have codes of conduct and codes of integrity. It says that my vice is becoming greedy or hard hearted. One way that my personal Ethical Lens will direct my academic behavior is by helping me to see the things in others prospective and also adjust to different situations quickly. An explanation for this change Role Of Critical Thinking In Ethics Thinking Thesis Critical thinking and ethics go hand in hand. I commend personal restraint in the desires for pleasure, when there are duties to be addressed.


Ethical Lens Inventory Results and Reflection

ethical lens inventory reflection

I also listen to my intuition to determine the greatest good for each individual, as well as the virtues that will best serve the community. My values that I hold are important in allowing me to identify ethical violations. This makes sense since my Culture is community driven and everything is based on the good of each other. Awareness and the ability to analyze ones personal and professional ethics is an essential aspect for adults in today 's highly competitive and specialized business world. And, why are those three the most important? Ethical Lens Inventory 348 Words 2 Pages ETHICAL LENS INVENTORY Ethical lens Inventory is used as a way to identify what values are more important to us as an individual. My ethical perspective is based off personal experiences, thought and my community, per Catharyn Personal Characteristics Of A Reflective Practitioner reinforced my understanding of Leadership theory, but offered tremendous insight into my leadership strengths, weakness, and affinities.


Reflection On The Ethical Lens Inventory

ethical lens inventory reflection

. As well as answer the following questions: What do you think are the three most important principles of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct? Write a 350 to 700 word reflective statement that defines your personal ethical viewpoint. I feel the results of my ethical lens inventory are very valuable in determining who I am as a person. I manage to avoid rash actions; I am optimistic and courageous while facing difficulties. Pays particular attention to the experts on the subject and what others in my role have said or done. . .
