How to write an introduction for an academic essay. Writing an Introduction 2022-10-27

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An argumentative essay is a type of writing that presents a clear thesis statement or claim, and then provides evidence in the form of supporting arguments to support that claim. The goal of an argumentative essay is to convince the reader of the validity of the writer's argument by presenting evidence and reasoning that supports the argument.

The structure of an argumentative essay typically follows a specific format, which includes the following elements:

  1. Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the main points of the essay, including the thesis statement. It should also provide some context or background information that helps the reader understand the topic being discussed.

  2. Body paragraphs: The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay should present the supporting arguments for the thesis statement. Each body paragraph should focus on a specific argument and provide evidence to support it. It is important to present the evidence in a logical and organized manner, and to consider counterarguments and refutations to strengthen the overall argument.

  3. Counterarguments: In an argumentative essay, it is important to consider and address counterarguments to the writer's position. This helps to strengthen the overall argument by showing that the writer has considered other viewpoints and has a response to them.

  4. Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement. It should also provide a final analysis or evaluation of the argument and its supporting evidence.

Overall, the argumentative format is a way of presenting a well-supported and logical argument to persuade the reader to accept the writer's perspective on a particular topic. By following this structure and presenting strong evidence and reasoning, an argumentative essay can effectively convince the reader to adopt the writer's viewpoint.

The setting of Alice Walker's short story "Everyday Use" is a rural farm in the southern United States in the late 20th century. The story is set in the present day, as the characters in the story use modern conveniences such as a car and a television.

The farm itself is described as a simple and modest place, with a dirt yard and a house that is "square as a box" with a "shaky porch". The house is described as being old and not well-maintained, with patches on the roof and a chimney that is "wobbly as a loose tooth". Despite its rough appearance, the house is a place of great importance to the main character, Mama, as it holds many memories and represents her family's history.

The surrounding landscape is also described as being rural and simple, with fields of cotton and a cow pasture. There is a sense of isolation in the setting, as the farm is described as being "off the main road" and "not easily visible". This isolation may be a metaphor for the characters' feelings of disconnection from their cultural heritage, as they live in a world that is largely influenced by white culture.

The setting of the story plays a significant role in the themes and conflicts of the story. The simple and modest farm represents Mama's values and her connection to her roots, while the city and its modern conveniences represent the outside world and the influence of white culture. The conflict between these two worlds is central to the story, as Mama struggles to reconcile her love for her daughter, Dee, with Dee's desire to distance herself from her family's history and traditions.

Overall, the setting of "Everyday Use" serves as a backdrop for the themes of family, heritage, and cultural identity that are explored in the story. It is a place of great importance to the characters and serves as a metaphor for the struggles and tensions that exist within their relationships and their sense of self.

Four Steps to a Successful Academic Introduction

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

This process is always enlightening, and allows for any holes in the argument to become glaringly obvious; open engagement with challenges to the content; and you to practice having your ideas exposed to scrutiny. Major elements in an introduction We previously have said that apart from following stereotypical rules, a writer needs to use their creativity and understanding of the topic. Focus the Paper Aside from presenting the topic, your introduction has to let the audience know about the main issue. Overall, Fair Trade develops increased economic stability, higher salaries compared to conventional producers and educates community diversification. I learnt this during my undergraduate degree at the University of Oxford when I was tasked with writing about seven thousand words a week in academic essays.


Writing an Introduction

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

Typically, the thesis statement or the question that focuses the paper comes as the last sentence of the introduction, serving as the jumping-off point for the body part of a paper. If yes, we bring the most trusted and efficient proofreading service near you. Highlight the key elements of an academic essay introduction and leave the rest for the body of your academic essay. Each supporting statement could be supported by five or more sentences. A lawyer needs to say whether the client pleads guilty or not guilty, and they need to suggest what evidence will be explored throughout the rest of the trial. But the secondary material, think about being more picky. You need to draft the purpose of your essay in the introduction part.


How to Write a Strong Introduction to an Academic Essay

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

What is the focus of the essay? To what extent do you agree? And remember that perfect introductions do not often present themselves ready-made. It generally involves the context of the topic and a clear outline of your entire discussion. That said, through tradition more than definition , the essay has come to represent something quite specific and measurable. You may present a robust, apparently authoritative piece as your final draft, but you will get there by investigating your knowledge and trialling your arguments. The process of referencing is one of acknowledgement. For example, for a five-paragraph essay, the introductory part should be one paragraph in length.


Introduction Paragraphs

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

Take the advice, even if it seems wrong. No matter with which you are starting your essay, whether it is a fact, keynote, or anecdote, make sure that it is directly related to your focus on the topic. International Journal of Educational Research, 27 3 , 255-265. Style is the missing part of this equation. Identify the type of hook used in each introduction paragraph as well as the general topic. The BYU library is the best place to study because it is open very late most nights, usually until midnight, and students have busy schedules due to work, family, school, friends, and church activities. Most essays prescribed to you will come with a title, often in the form of a question.


How To Write an Essay Introduction

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

Fair Trade is a worldwide initiative aimed at improving the livelihood of producers and empowering workers in developing countries by generating better terms and sufficient wages Fair Trade International, 2017. At this point, it is worth remembering: you have a question to answer. What problems do smartphones cause in our lives? Is a primary source given? In addition, they need to abide by strict writing conventions and best practices to befit the parameters of journal articles. Then you narrow down the topic to a specific idea. Because, at the end of the day, a good essayist is a versatile essayist. After all, first impressions matter. Generally acceptable: Books and chapters from books especially those with multiple authors and at least one editor.


How to Write an Essay Introduction

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

In theory, this advice is good; in practice, it can often backfire. Every record you make of the texts you are reading needs to feed into an answer to your question. This essay will focus on the main arguments connected to stability, salaries and diversification and conclude with suggestions on how Fair Trade could be improved. It determines the entire tone and style of the essay. Use this list of criteria to evaluate the thesis.


How to write an academic essay

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

To give you an opportunity to practice proofreading, we have left a few spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors in the text. Libraries are quiet 7. An Introduction to Introductions In a nutshell, if you provide a clear introductory section that sets up your topic and the specific problem or point that you will explore, then your readers will know what to expect. A reference in a final references list, formatted to the common APA standard, might look like this: Voss, J. Thesis: Exercise is essential because it improves overall physical and mental health. In order for students to manage stress better, they need to prioritize their tasks, eat well, and get enough sleep.


Academic Introduction

how to write an introduction for an academic essay

If, however, you are composing a ten-page essay, it may take several pages. Those who major in English will likely write more than a hundred of them throughout their undergraduate degree, alone. These decisions impact a lot of people. Always check the referencing guidelines of your given piece, as mentioned above. Thus, to a large extent the claim that Fair Trade negatively impacts producers and workers in developing countries is invalid. So make sure to be maximally direct and specific. Do not expect to hit the nail on the head on your first try; just do your best to emulate the academic discourse you read in your subject area.
