The crucible test. The Crucible Quiz 2022-11-01

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The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. It is set in the Salem witch trials of 1692 and tells the story of a group of young girls who accuse several members of their community of being witches. The play is an allegory for McCarthyism, a political movement in the United States during the 1950s that aimed to root out suspected communists.

The play explores the theme of mass hysteria and the dangers of groupthink. In the play, the girls' accusations lead to the arrest and trial of those accused, and many of them are ultimately hanged. The characters who refuse to confess to being witches, even under the threat of death, are seen as heroic figures who stand up for the truth in the face of overwhelming pressure to conform.

The Crucible is a powerful commentary on the dangers of intolerance and the need for individual integrity in the face of persecution. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of blindly following authority and the importance of speaking out against injustice.

The play is also a meditation on the nature of truth. The characters in The Crucible are faced with difficult choices about whether to tell the truth or to lie in order to save themselves. Ultimately, it is the characters who stand up for the truth, even at great personal cost, who are seen as the most heroic.

In conclusion, The Crucible is a thought-provoking play that explores themes of mass hysteria, groupthink, and the nature of truth. It serves as a warning about the dangers of intolerance and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of persecution.

The Crucible Practice Quiz

the crucible test

Many of the people run upstairs and congregate in her bedroom, debating whether she is possessed. She sat to dinner in Reverend Parris's house tonight, and without word nor warnin' she falls to the floor. In this quiz, we'll discuss Arthur Miller's 1953 play titled "The Crucible," a dramatized and somewhat fictionalized depiction of the Salem Witch Trials in the Massachusetts Bay Colony between 1692 and 1693. For these young men and women, who all can now call themselves Marines, this event, The Crucible, is a true test of the courage, determination, endurance, and commitment that is the core and essence of what it means to be a Marine. He fears for his life if a respected man is hanged. In Act II of The Crucible, what does Elizabeth mean when she tells John, "The magistrate sits in your heart that judges you"? Take the free quiz now! The crowd erupts in a yell when Betty joins them in naming witches. Why does Abigail Williams live with Reverend Parris? Elizabeth: I cannot dispute with you, sir; I lack learning for it.


The Crucible: Act 1, part 1 Quiz: Quick Quiz

the crucible test

They require more thought than a multiple choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions. It shows that he knows that there are no witches in Salem. How does Mary Warren's behavior at the end of Act III of The Crucible most clearly help create dramatic irony? She uses the other girls' fear of her and of supernatural events to intimidate them. He is too quick to judge himself. This demonstrates the change in Reverend Hale, for at the beginning of the play he believed that he could ascertain any supernatural phenomenon. I do not wish to be put out like the cat whenever some majority feels the whim.


The Crucible Test Flashcards

the crucible test

Proctor destroys his confession without signing it. Elizabeth's refusal to defame Proctor's character D. They care about each other but seem ill at ease and not fully reconciled. He is desperate and miserable to be stuck in a town that he wishes to leave. Murder Blasphemy Lying Adultery adultery What victory would the Devil have to win a soul already bad? His goal is light, goodness and its preservation, and he knows the exaltation of the blessed whose intelligence, sharpened by minute examinations of enormous tracts, is finally called upon to face what may be a bloody fight with the Fiend himself. Reverend Parris sees the girls dancing in the woods.


The Crucible Study Guide

the crucible test

She is having an affair with him. Everyone expects her to support Abigail, but she supports Proctor instead. It foreshadows the eventual charges against respectable citizens such as Rebecca Nurse. It emphasizes Abigail's unexpected ability to be forgiving under stress. They are deeply in love and share their feelings freely and easily. Parris wastes the church money on extravagant items. Do share this quiz with all your friends as well to see who knows more! The complaint can be made through a third person.


The Crucible: The Final Test on the Path to Becoming a Marine

the crucible test

Which of the following is not a complaint that Proctor has against Reverend Parris? Which commandment did he leave out? Thomas Putnam Reverend John Hale Giles Corey Reverend Samuel Parris reverend john hale Which of the following is not matched to their motive for promoting the witchcraft trials? Reverend Hale Elizabeth Proctor Deputy Governor Danforth Reverend Parris elizabeth proctor Why do many of the accused admit to witchcraft? Inés lied about where she had been in order to stay out of trouble. Abigail admits placing a needle in the poppet that Marry Warren gives to Elizabeth. Abigail joins them at this point, admitting that she witnessed the devil scheming and having fun with other villagers. This event, at the end of the long test of boot camp, is a baptism of fire that completes their initiation into the long history of the United States Marine Corps. It is ironic, for Giles Corey is condemned for giving evidence that is hearsay, while equally invalid evidence is used to condemn persons for witchcraft.


The Crucible Quiz

the crucible test

Although women are accused of witchcraft, men are greater sinners. Her charm and magnetic persuasiveness make her a natural leader among the girls. He wants a different man of God to read her the last rites. It illustrates the theme of the novel of passing blame from one character to another. He is convinced that Proctor is innocent. She has little influence over the other girls, despite her social position as the minister's niece.


The Crucible Quizzes

the crucible test

I do wonder on it, when such a steady-minded minister as you will suspicion such a woman that never lied, and cannot, and the world knows she cannot! Which excerpt from Act II provides the best example of the answer to Part A? Which sentence from the play's dramatic exposition best supports the answer to Part A? In Act IV of The Crucible, why does Parris hope that Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor will confess? Tituba is actually in love with Reverend Parris and confesses to keep him out of trouble. The Veterans Site congratulates the 53 female Marines and their brothers of this boot camp battalion on this unique and great accomplishment of becoming our newest Marines. They have had an affair that he ended. Tituba confesses to communicating with the devil after Parris and Hale question her for a short while, and she wildly accuses numerous town residents of having relations with the devil. In Act IV of The Crucible, why does Parris urge Elizabeth to go to her husband, who is being taken off to execution? He worries that the doctor will be unable to help her. By admitting to witchcraft they guarantee that they will not be executed.


The Crucible Act 3 Quiz

the crucible test

Putnam has lost all but one of her children. Abby, Abby, I'll never hurt you more! Who was this person? Many of the accused lost their jobs, even though no proof was ever presented. The Crucible Quiz Betty stirs in her sleep and starts yelling. During this period, many Americans feared that an international Communist party was trying to overthrow the U. He wants to have revenge against Abigail.


The Crucible

the crucible test

Ann Putnam believes Tituba can speak to the dead. What is the most likely meaning of condemnation as it is used in the following passage? He feels that their guilt will confirm the justice of the trials and executions. We'll be primarily looking at the third act of the play. By admitting to witchcraft they guarantee that they will not be executed. It shows that any person may be suspected of witchcraft for any small fault. It shows the hypocrisy of Reverend Parris, who himself has major flaws.
