Culture reflection essay. Reflective Essay On My Cultural Identity 2022-11-02

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Culture is an integral part of any society and it plays a significant role in shaping the values, beliefs, and behaviors of its members. It is the collective identity of a group of people and it reflects their way of life. Culture is passed down from generation to generation and it shapes the way people perceive the world around them. It is a powerful force that influences every aspect of our lives, including our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

As I reflect on my own culture, I realize that it has had a profound impact on my life. My culture is a blend of different influences, including my family, community, and the larger society in which I live. It has shaped my values, beliefs, and behaviors in countless ways.

One of the most influential aspects of my culture has been my family. My parents, siblings, and extended family have all played a role in shaping who I am today. They have taught me the importance of hard work, respect, and kindness, and these values have become deeply ingrained in me. My family has also exposed me to various cultural traditions and customs, such as holidays, festivals, and rituals, which have helped me to understand and appreciate the diversity of our world.

Another important aspect of my culture has been my community. I have lived in a variety of different communities throughout my life and each one has had its own unique culture and way of life. These communities have exposed me to different perspectives, beliefs, and values, and they have helped me to see the world in a different light. They have also provided me with a sense of belonging and connection to something larger than myself.

Finally, the larger society in which I live has also had a significant impact on my culture. The media, education system, and government all play a role in shaping the culture of a society. They provide us with information, education, and guidance, and they help to shape our values, beliefs, and behaviors.

In conclusion, culture is a complex and multifaceted concept that plays a significant role in shaping who we are. It is the collective identity of a group of people and it reflects their way of life. Culture is passed down from generation to generation and it shapes the way we perceive the world around us. It is a powerful force that influences every aspect of our lives and it is something that we should all take the time to reflect upon.

Reflection About Culture And Culture

culture reflection essay

These experiences helped me relate more to the british culture, and showed me many foods I still love today. Being called broken is a common phrase heard within the asexual community. Even though I feel great to converse with her, there is as yet gigantic diversification in our cultural base. According to Hartnell, Ou, and Kinicki 2011 , the levels of culture in any organization are mostly enhanced through the inclination of artifacts which make every personnel to strengthen their connection with other employees as a way of influencing espoused and enacted values. Culture includes traditions, lifestyle, specific religions, language, and etc.


Culture Reflection Essay

culture reflection essay

The culture in the organization is affiliated with the required social consensus as it employs according to the need for diverse backgrounds. I was blessed to be born into the American and Ukrainian cultures. My mom was born and raised in Florida however; her father has descendants from England. By respecting the clients, families, organizations, and communities, it makes it easier to advocate for… Discrimination In Workplaces Getting to know different cultures can demonstrate positive outcomes. It is evident how people struggle while adjusting to the changes they encounter.


Reflective Essay On My Cultural Identity

culture reflection essay

Each and every person has a background and culture in which they come from, derive, or exist into. My Aunt typically brings scalloped potatoes and sugar cookies for dessert, my Mom cooks turkey and makes preparations for the dinner, and other dinner guests for the most part bring dessert items. As a teenager, I applied for a job and saved my money and bought those brands not to mentioned that I saved some of my hardworking money as well. In most cases, the truth concerning the quality of service at the facility is measured with the outcomes of a survey that the patients fill after a service Zheng et al. Be interested in others: Managers I meet in different nations whine that a few Westerners show little enthusiasm for the way of life they are visiting.


Reflective Essay On Culture

culture reflection essay

We interface with cultural difference on a daily basis. The culture of a group of people is something they are proud of. I have grown up in a household of dissimilar belief systems. It seemed as if you talked more about general themes rather than close reading the design Cultural Reflection Essay Coming into this class, I had never taken a course like this until this quarter. If you think about it in a constructivist point of view interest and motivation are important factors in learning. A reader knows this essay will related to Christianity, and given the New Testament's messages and other input during one's life about believing in Jesus Christ and following his role model thesis, it is interesting to investigate what Mitchell really Diversity Responsive Practices," prepare a 500-750-word reflective essay.


Personal Cultural Reflection

culture reflection essay

From my perspective, cultural competence goes beyond tolerance for differences like ethnicity, age, gender, religion or sexual orientation. I think I am a member of Chinese culture, which is subcultural in the US society. I believe that the culture within Tesco has significantly helped it to become one of the most successful retailers in Britain. The nature of such a fast moving industry relies on quick and consistent innovation which is no doubt dependent on an innovative, networked culture like the type we see at Google and BMW. It sets society's standards, it sets our own standards, and everything we know is all because of our culture.


Reflection Essay On Organisational Culture Paper Example

culture reflection essay

Challenge your suppositions: We can cling to suspicions notwithstanding when the proof is revealing to us something else. With those labels stamped on my culture dating back to the civil rights movement, we are frequently treated unequal to the other races, specifically Caucasians. The two cultures, I have chosen to compare and contrast are African Americans and Jamaicans. According to Oberg, K. I have had several patients who. Also, I feel balanced that I can work with multicultural associations in years to come.


Culture Reflection Paper

culture reflection essay

Subtractive cultural identity is faced by individuals that tend to feel discomfort with the culture of their home country. Culture's impact on someone's perspective of others and the world is greater than its other influencers because it can change how you interact with people, your ability to change, and your opinions of the world. I often wondered if people with contradicting beliefs could effectively and peacefully discuss their belief systems. Everyone has characteristics that show their background and certain culture. Within our discussion, I learned that there were vast differences in the story of our personal development. That means that for us to have a life we have to be affiliated to a certain culture or to belong to a certain culture. The essay will also encapsulate the strategies that nurses can use to reflect on experiences and the ramification of failing to reflect during practice.


Reflection On Culture

culture reflection essay

Do you think that an innovative culture can be relied on to guarantee the future success of a business? We tend to take on the traits and action of those we are close to. As such, culture will undoubtedly influence the success of a business. It drew my attention into how Native peoples view the world, and the simplistic yet utterly complex art styles they hold to their culture. The different ideas of socialization include social structural and social conflict and ideas of culture like idea stuff and actual stuff. . The Diquis are a pre Columbian indigenous culture.


Cultural Reflection

culture reflection essay

So, lets start by defining the term culture. My actual understanding and interpretation of culture encompass all this concept, Other than culture being brought up, and it additionally should secure through the impression of the general population and the earth we live in. My father, who was an instructor for the Home Builders Institute,… Cultural Competency Reflection Following my groups discussions I feel like I am as much engaged as my peers in my group. Culture is very important and should be taught as a valuable source in life. The Center for Advance Research on Language Acquisition goes a step further, defining culture as shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs and understanding that are learned by socialization.
