Child observation essay. Child Observation And Development 2022-10-21

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Child observation is a method of studying and interpreting the behavior and development of young children. By observing children in their natural environments, researchers and educators can gain insight into how children think, learn, and interact with others. This information can be used to inform the development of educational programs, interventions, and policies that support the healthy development of children.

There are several approaches to child observation, each with its own strengths and limitations. One common approach is naturalistic observation, in which the researcher observes the child in their natural environment, without interference or manipulation. This approach allows for the observation of children's natural behaviors, but may be limited by the researcher's ability to capture all relevant behaviors and the potential for observer bias.

Another approach is structured observation, in which the researcher uses a predetermined set of criteria or categories to systematically observe and record the child's behavior. This approach allows for more detailed and consistent data collection, but may be limited by the predetermined categories and the potential for the child to behave differently due to the presence of the observer.

Child observation can be conducted in a variety of settings, including homes, schools, childcare centers, and community settings. It is important for the observer to consider the context in which the child is being observed, as the child's behavior may be influenced by the environment and the presence of other people.

There are many benefits to child observation. It allows researchers and educators to understand how children develop and learn, and to identify areas where children may be struggling or excelling. It can also provide insight into the effectiveness of educational programs and interventions, and help to inform the development of more effective approaches to supporting children's development.

However, there are also ethical considerations to be mindful of when conducting child observation. Researchers must ensure that they have obtained informed consent from the child's caregivers, and that the child's privacy is protected. It is also important to consider the potential impact of the observation on the child, and to minimize any potential harm or discomfort.

In conclusion, child observation is a valuable tool for understanding the development and behavior of young children. By carefully considering the approach, setting, and ethical considerations, researchers and educators can use child observation to inform their work and support the healthy development of children.

Child Observation Essay

child observation essay

. Observations can be done through engaging in different actions and environmental settings such as public transportation, restaurants,. So the child did have such a kind of imagination which her mother and I were confused about because we could not understand what she was trying to say. Mother and father are together however, are not married. Sally had difficulty understanding conservation. It is widely known that many people, especially parents of small children, have developed judgements of social workers largely due to the portrayal in popular media Gibelman 2004. However language is learnt to quickly for this to fully explain language development Passer and Smith 2003.


Essays on Child Observation. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Child Observation

child observation essay

He is able to pull himself up from the sitting position holding on to the coffee table. Chris is in his living room with Observation Of A Child Observation Over the past few weeks I have observed a child in the twelve to eighteen month old category. The author of this paper identified the background history of the child, the observation made and the development process of the child. She tried to call the babysitter by her name but she was unable to recall her name. There are four stages of development, which Piaget discusses — sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational. I fortunately already had links to the school due to previously completing work experience- I was therefore already known by members of staff, and had already gained their trust that I would behave in a professional manner. Moreover, the living room had dark green sofa 's, television, a coffee table and variety of toys that include a white writing board, a box of legos, soft toys, barbie dolls, kitchen sets, play house, books, ball, building blocks and a blue color table along with Child Development Observation In this assignment I am going to describe a child observation that I have done in a nursery for twenty minutes in a play setting.


Examples Of Child Observation

child observation essay

Sam is on medication and his doctors are constantly adjusting it and testing his condition. Child C was very upset because there were no more large paint brushes and he does not like to use a small paint brush, as he finds it easier to paint with the larger brushes only, when he is painting …show more content… He walks quickly out of the cloakroom and into the nursery outdoor play area. He lives in the home with grandmother, mother, father, aunt, uncle a older female cousin who is three. She moved her arm down and outwards, then down and inwards. Perner, Lang and Kloo 1999 suggest an intellectual and developmental shift in a child of around 4 years of age, including the acquisition of theory of mind and self-control. BACKGROUND The child chosen for this child Mother and father are together however, are not married.


Child Observation, Essay Example

child observation essay

All of these aspects are equally important to the learning process. In each group of cerebral palsy people the severity of the disability varies. According to Guyton 2011 , using toys to support early childhood learning and development is a good way to help three to five year olds to learn. My observation of a child was done on a 4-year-old girl by the name of Sarah. During one of my observations I arrived after lunchtime and before the children were again allowed to choose an activity. There were about 12 kids on the team and about 9 parents watching.


Essay On Child Observation

child observation essay

She used the spoon to get the insides of the fruit out in a cup. As per classroom teachers, he is bright in the sense that there are some tasks he is able to complete without verbal cues such as sorting, and an inquisitive child in the sense that shows interest in new things and people. I approached the mother as she entered school and explained the project to her, she was interested and expressed no worries or issues with her child being the subject of the child observation. He has fine and gross motor delays to where he has trouble grasping things with his hands, holding …show more content… He has delayed speech and language, along with possible cognitive and social delays. Eriksson 1964 also asserted that religion could provide a transcendent worldview, moral beliefs and behavioural norms. When she tried to do it again she did manage it finally.


Child Observation Essay Examples

child observation essay

He does play side-by-side with peers, but rarely plays with his …show more content… He is expected to come in, unzip his backpack, and deposit his folder and backpack in the appropriate places. Observation Of Early Childhood Center At Csu 6. Fortunately, I was right. She was using her fingers to clear the pen which had been left on it. She recognized items that were the same color and colors that were not, therefore, had to make a new group for it.


Child Observation Paper Examples

child observation essay

Sally sat with her legs crossed and her arms between her legs, so she ended up sitting on her hands, and she was rocking back and forth. He has hazel eyes and has short black hair. He is able walk around the room if he is holding on to the toy that is designed to help a infant learn to walk. He demonstrates delays in most areas of development. The park did not have any other children there so I observed Sarah as she played by herself.


Child Observation Paper Essay Example

child observation essay

Kenny has to give time out to the students and solve the conflict. The class was asked to sit back down and the teacher would pick the children sitting well to choose activities to play with. The Non-Profit Organizations for Child Protection in Kurdistan 6. Sally began to draw a shape in the air with her fingers. Veronica, according to Parten, is in the stage of playing called solitary. I was a bit curious and yet excited as this was my first time where I had to observe a child. At the end of the session she had a smile on her face that made me also smile and I really enjoyed observing her.


Child Observation Reflection

child observation essay

Knowing the different stages and applying the theory was really difficult but interesting to know. Sally stood looking at the table and the other children sitting at it, clutching her apron. Based on my observation, this child is without a doubt developing his motor development skills normally for his age. Some children react better to things Example Of Observation Child Observation I. There were no other children in the house at this time. She sat there for a few minutes doing this, another girl came and sat next to her and looked at the book.
