Factors that influence organizational behaviour. Ten Personality Factors in Organizational Behavior 2022-11-07

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Organizational behavior refers to the actions and attitudes of individuals and groups within an organization. It is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, and applies this knowledge to improve an organization's effectiveness. There are several factors that can influence organizational behavior, including individual characteristics, cultural diversity, leadership, and organizational structure.

One factor that can influence organizational behavior is individual characteristics. This includes individual differences such as personality, values, attitudes, perception, and learning. These characteristics can affect how individuals behave in the organization and how they respond to certain situations. For example, an individual with a more outgoing personality may be more likely to speak up in meetings and offer new ideas, while someone with a more introverted personality may be more reserved and less likely to speak up.

Cultural diversity is another factor that can influence organizational behavior. This refers to the differences in values, beliefs, and customs among individuals within an organization. When there is a diverse workforce, it can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as different approaches to problem-solving and decision-making. To address these issues, organizations can implement diversity training programs and create a culture of inclusion to foster a positive and respectful work environment.

Leadership is also a significant factor that can influence organizational behavior. The leadership style of a manager or supervisor can have a major impact on the behavior of their subordinates. For example, a transformational leader who encourages creativity and innovation may foster a more positive and motivated work environment, while a authoritarian leader who micromanages and lacks trust may lead to a negative and demotivated work environment.

Organizational structure is another factor that can influence organizational behavior. This refers to the way in which an organization is structured, including the division of labor, the chain of command, and the way that communication flows within the organization. A hierarchical structure, for example, may lead to a more formal and controlled work environment, while a flat structure may foster a more collaborative and decentralized work environment.

In conclusion, there are several factors that can influence organizational behavior, including individual characteristics, cultural diversity, leadership, and organizational structure. Understanding and addressing these factors can help organizations improve their effectiveness and create a positive work environment.

Factors Influencing Organizational Behavior And The...

factors that influence organizational behaviour

You might earn power from one source or all six depending on the situation. Type A individuals are significantly more prone to heart attacks than Type B individuals. Organizational determinants of police behavior essentially involve administrative rules or regulations that shape policies that in turn Intentional Revolutions Is Organizational Change Intentional Revolutions is organizational change that requires people to examine and alter the basic assumptions driving and supporting the present state of their organizational life. For example, when Indian economy was liberalized, there were many foreign organizations that entered the Indian market. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that, internal and external driving factors can impact an organization behavior positively or negatively. The Importance of different power sources in downward and lateral relations. The extremely work oriented person gets greatly involved in the job.


4 Key Forces Affecting Organizational Behavior

factors that influence organizational behaviour

Values, beliefs, and customs differ from country to country and even within group to group, but in general, all people have a few basic needs. Importance of Perception— Perception is a method by which individuals organize and understand as per their sensory immersions in order to give meaning to their environment. Different work values have been expressed by different generations. Individual behaviour is influenced by where an individual perfectly fits in a hierarchy of organization. They have natural desire to be identified and respected by others.


Factors influencing Perception in Organizational Behavior ~ I Answer 4 U

factors that influence organizational behaviour

Her work has been published in "Entrepreneur,""Complete Woman" and "Toastmaster," among many other trade and professional publications. Thus, they will be enhancing their self-concept i. Dramatically changes in the global economy including the development of low cost, high quality and now also services in China and India are accompanied by ever-fast changes in technology, liberalisation of market and changing consumer expectations. Religious- Interest in unity and understanding the cosmos as a whole. Why or why not? The technology used has a significant influence on working relationships.


How internal and external forces affect organization behavior

factors that influence organizational behaviour

People intend to compete, collaborate, avoid, or compromise during a conflict. Both managers and subordinates must understand that perceptual differences exist and often are the reason for mutual discontentment. Recent research and observation have identified several factors that appear to encourage political behavior. It is vital for both management and the staff of diverse workforce to gain knowledge about different cultures, their values, common artifacts and communication protocols. Impression Management On the job, the most effective approach to impression management is to do two things at once—build credibility and maintain authenticity.


Individual Behaviour in Organization

factors that influence organizational behaviour

Type B persons are easy-going individuals who do not feel the time urgency, and who do not experience the competitive drive. Be careful that you are not manipulating others and that you are using your influence when it is important rather than just to get your own way. Immediately the next level need becomes active. They should capitalise on diversity as a competitive advantage. In very simple words, we can say that change means the alteration of status quo or making things different.


Factors Influencing Effective Organizational Behavior

factors that influence organizational behaviour

After Kissam was explained to about the strategies of making him and his employees feel satisfied with their work, he took up the challenge and tried a few things. Copy to Clipboard Reference Copied to Clipboard. Perception: The cognitive process meant for interpreting the environmental stimuli in a meaningful way is referred to as perception. Discuss with reference to theories of motivation, leadership, participative management and quality circles. Read More: Copyright © ianswer4u. OB at the group level focuses on group interaction among members.


Factors Affecting Organisational Behaviour

factors that influence organizational behaviour

How the changes in various environmental factors necessitate change in the organization may be seen in following context:- Technology: When there is a change in technology in the organizational environment and other organizations adopt the new technology, the organizations under focus become less cost effective and its competitive position weakens. They are finite needs. The study of demographic factors is important as it helps managers to pick the correct candidate for a particular job. The following are a few principles- Proximity refers to grouping of elements that are close to each other. Bases of Power Having power and using power are two different things. Job security and a stable income are the most relevant factors of motivation for these type of employees. Executives spend a great deal of their time working to influence other executives to support their initiatives.


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factors that influence organizational behaviour

Such individuals are likely to be most successful while working in the sales department, publicity office, personal relations unit, and so on, where they can interact face to face with others. Instead of crying and throwing a tantrum, we may figure out that smiling and using language causes everyone less stress and brings us the rewards we seek. Organizations ought to tackle these activators and inhibitors through the implementation of research-bases, processes for ego and emotion management, modeling of leadership roles, culture, and human development. For example, a struggling company will often have a different organizational behavior than a successful and growing business. This can enable them to predict the behavior of their employees on a daily basis. The employees can function better in the Organization if they form a positive attitude. People who are considered to be skilled influencers share the following attributes.


Factors Influencing Individual Behaviour

factors that influence organizational behaviour

Conscious manager take into account this view of organization that organization should be dynamic because any single method is not the best tool of management every time. Since then, I never shy away from speaking my mind when asked to contribute to constructive activities. Age, race and sex are the three most common basis of stereotyping; not only they are unethical but can cost missing resources. Retrieved July 8, 2008, from the Harvard Business School Web site: Tepper, B. Effective leaders must be aware of how these factors influence workplace relations and contribute toward productivity.
