Cause and effect essay on smoking. Smoking: Cause and Effect Essay: Free Essay Example, 1317 words 2022-10-14

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Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or other substances. It is a common practice that has been around for centuries, and it is often associated with socialization and relaxation. However, smoking has significant negative effects on both the smoker and those around them. In this cause and effect essay, we will explore the causes of smoking and the consequences of this habit.

There are several reasons why people choose to smoke. Some people start smoking as a way to fit in with a certain group or to appear cool. Others may start smoking to cope with stress or to relax. Some people also smoke to feel more confident or to overcome feelings of anxiety or depression.

However, smoking is not a healthy or effective way to deal with these issues. In fact, smoking has numerous negative effects on both physical and mental health. The most significant immediate effect of smoking is that it can cause damage to the respiratory system. The smoke from cigarettes contains more than 7,000 chemicals, many of which are toxic and can cause cancer. These chemicals can damage the lungs, bronchial tubes, and airways, leading to conditions such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

Smoking also has a negative effect on cardiovascular health. It can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. It can also cause blood vessels to narrow, leading to reduced blood flow to the heart and other organs.

In addition to the physical effects, smoking can also have a negative impact on mental health. It can increase the risk of depression and anxiety, and it can also make existing mental health conditions worse.

Aside from the effects on the smoker, smoking also has a significant impact on those around them. Secondhand smoke is the smoke that is exhaled by a smoker or that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. It contains many of the same harmful chemicals as the smoke inhaled by the smoker, and it can be just as dangerous to those exposed to it. Secondhand smoke can cause cancer and other serious health problems, especially in children and non-smoking adults who are exposed to it on a regular basis.

In conclusion, smoking is a harmful habit that has numerous negative effects on both the smoker and those around them. It can cause serious health problems and increase the risk of certain diseases, and it can also have a negative impact on mental health. While quitting smoking can be difficult, it is worth it for the numerous benefits it can bring to both physical and mental health.

Smoking is a harmful habit that can have serious negative effects on a person's health. It is a leading cause of many preventable diseases, including lung cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In this essay, we will discuss the causes of smoking and the effects it has on individuals and society.

One of the main causes of smoking is the influence of peers and the media. Many people start smoking because they see their friends or celebrities smoking and believe it to be a cool or fashionable activity. Advertising campaigns for cigarettes also often portray smoking as a sign of independence and sophistication, further perpetuating the idea that it is a desirable behavior.

Another cause of smoking is the presence of nicotine, a highly addictive substance found in tobacco products. When a person smokes, the nicotine in the tobacco is absorbed into their bloodstream, leading to feelings of pleasure and relaxation. This can make it difficult for a person to stop smoking, even if they want to, as they may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and difficulty concentrating when they try to quit.

The effects of smoking are numerous and can be devastating. One of the most serious effects is an increased risk of cancer, particularly lung cancer. Smoking is responsible for approximately 85% of all cases of lung cancer, making it the leading cause of this deadly disease. In addition to lung cancer, smoking can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, kidney, cervix, and stomach.

Another negative effect of smoking is an increased risk of heart disease. Smokers are more likely to develop coronary artery disease, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Smoking can also cause a range of respiratory problems, including COPD, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. These conditions can make it difficult for a person to breathe and may require ongoing medical treatment.

Smoking also has negative effects on the environment. The production and disposal of cigarettes contribute to air and water pollution, and discarded cigarette butts are a common form of litter. In addition, secondhand smoke, which is the smoke exhaled by a smoker or emitted from a burning cigarette, can have harmful effects on the health of non-smoking individuals who are exposed to it.

In conclusion, smoking is a harmful habit that has serious negative effects on a person's health and the environment. It is a leading cause of preventable diseases such as lung cancer and heart disease, and can also cause respiratory problems and contribute to pollution. To reduce the negative impact of smoking, it is important for individuals to be aware of the risks and to make the decision to quit. Governments and public health organizations can also play a role in reducing the prevalence of smoking through education campaigns and policies that discourage the use of tobacco products.

Free Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking

cause and effect essay on smoking

According to the CDC 2014 , smoking cigarettes causes a handful of diseases because it adversely impacts almost all bodily organs and detracts from the general health of enthusiastic smokers. In our country, an estimated one-quarter of deaths from diseases related to smoking. Cataract is the blurring of the eyes standard lens. Another thing to consider is that while vaping is an alternative, it has no known health benefits. It can be harmful to even breathe a little tobacco smoke. These ramifications cause rapid heartbeat, which results in higher blood pressure levels which renders smokers vulnerable to blood clots.


Smoking: Causes and Effects

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Volatile Organic Compounds as Breath Biomarkers for Active and Passive Smoking. NRTs like skin patches, chewing gums, lozenges, nasal spray and inhalers can help greatly. This is smoking cause and effect essay in which will be an attempt to reveal this topic. Learn More Apart from health related issues, smoking is also linked to some negative social effects. This paper discusses the risk factor that contribute to adolescence 's smoking behaviour, medical consequences that are associated with tobacco use, and the impact of tobacco use.


Essay on Smoking in English for Students

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Many people start smoking when they are teenagers just to prove they are adults in companies. Smoking cigarettes canā€¦ Second Hand Smoking Informative Essay The people that are most negatively impacted and largely account for the numbers above are people that live with smokers. Tobacco Induced Diseases, 14 1 , 30. Paragraph 2: Parenting style determines whether or not one will be a smoker. Even so, once the habit has started there is no turning back or rewinding time. Paragraph 2: Smoking can cause lung disease. Raising the age limit to buy tobacco will save more lives and allow teenagers to make better life choices.


Cause and Effects of Smoking Cigarettes, Essay Example

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Teenagers are starting to smoke more too. Smoking also causes loss of sight. Chemicals present in tobacco causes damage to the lining of blood vessels that effects fats level and increase the risk of atheroma being a major cause of heart diseases. Of course, there are other ways to quit smoking for good, but it does take time depending on the person. It produces effects not only on mother but also newly-born baby along with increased chances of abortion. One may also quit by controlling cravings of smoking by using nicotine replacement products which should be used based on consultations with a doctor.


Cause and Effect Essay on Smoking: An Outstanding Example

cause and effect essay on smoking

It also damages the endolithium a layer of cells in the blood vessels. The risk of developing coronary heart disease COPD , various cardiovascular maladies, and strokeā€”the leading cause of death in the United States aloneā€”increases two to four times as much due to the damage it spawns to blood vessels because tobacco narrows and thickens them. The New York Times, 2003. Most of which one would not normally want to be consuming. E-cigs that contain smaller concentrations of nicotine, like 3mg or 6mg, may be better for oral health, but even nicotine in small amounts can affect the salivary glands. In the editorial, it was mentioned that two hundred eighty thousand children will die from illnesses related to smoking. In conclusion, The Daily Gazette has made a valid point on why the legal age to purchase tobacco should be raised to the age of twenty-one.


Smoking: Cause and Effect Essay: Free Essay Example, 1317 words

cause and effect essay on smoking

To conclude, smoking is a bad habit that can be easily quitted. Moreover, this bad breath does not disappear with time, leading to halitosis, which is a long-lasting bad breath. References American Lung Association. Diabetic smokers are also likely to suffer from other health complications linked to diabetes such as heart failure, kidney problems, high blood pressure, retinopathy, and peripheral neuropathy Onor et al. We have cilia in our throats that catch impurities. The effect of high blood pressure is heart related diseases. Conclusion Smoking publicly has negative effects on the health of those who work in the public places especially the bars workers.


Causes and Effects of Smoking

cause and effect essay on smoking

Even more disheartening is the fact that even though preventable, cigarette smoking is the number one cause of death in the US among all the causes of deaths that are preventable. However, instead of attracting appearance, young people receive a wide range of problems, including increased risks of health decline and unappealing overall look. Paragraph 6: It is only through quitting that one would be free from the problems caused by smoking. As we all know, one of the main ingredients found in tobacco is known as nicotine. Smoking is the process of breathing in smoke from burning cigarette, tobacco and weed, which goes into the lungs, bloodstream, and brain thereby causing serious damages to our health.


Effects Of Smoking Essay

cause and effect essay on smoking

They also are put at risk for developing lung cancer by approximately thirty percent, and their risk for heart attack is also amplified. US Surgeon General warns public about the risk of e-cigarettes and the grow of e-cigarette use among teens. Secondly not only does it affect smokers but even people who don 't even partake in the activity of smoking cigarettes. Consequently, it becomes very hard to quit the habit as it may seem awkward as it may be seen as condemnation of their routine. Smoking has a rich history behind it and how it came about in 1612 when the settlers came to Jamestown. Smoking of tobacco triggers bronchitis. The research has further indicated that the carcinogens are in higher concentrations in the second hand smoke rather than in the mainstream smoke which makes it more harmful for people to smoke publicly.


Cause and effect essay on smoking

cause and effect essay on smoking

Social Influences On the other hand, social influences are highly attributed with peer pressure which is a social ill that is hard to defy. Another very horrible effect is lung cancer. References Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. Due to public smoking, the second hand smoke has been a triggering factor for the heart attacks and there have been an increased number of heart attack hospitalizations and even deaths from the smoke effects. Smoking tobacco is addictive. Teens should not be tempted to smoke because it is addictive and causes multiple health problems.


Causes and Effects of Smoking in Public

cause and effect essay on smoking

For a diabetic person, quitting smoking can help control insulin levels in the body. Smoking has been around for many years and has advanced with all the new brands, and new ways to obtain the drug. Throughout the paper, numerous effects are discussed. Nonsmokers can also be affected just by inhaling the air filled with smoke from smokers. There are many ways through which one can quit smoking. However, the effects of nicotine are short lasting, and often followed by withdrawal symptoms such as cravings and irritability.
