Aims of education according to vivekananda. Vivekanand 2022-10-25

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Swami Vivekananda, a 19th-century Indian monk and spiritual leader, had a strong belief in the power of education to bring about positive change in individuals and society. He believed that the ultimate aim of education should be the all-round development of a person, including their physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

According to Vivekananda, the primary aim of education is to develop the full potential of each individual. He believed that every person has unique talents and abilities, and it is the role of education to help them discover and nurture these abilities. He also emphasized the importance of self-discovery and self-realization, and believed that education should encourage students to explore their own interests and passions.

In addition to personal development, Vivekananda also believed that education should aim to create responsible and compassionate citizens. He believed that education should teach students to be considerate and respectful of others, and to contribute to the well-being of their community. He encouraged students to be proactive and to take initiative in creating positive change in their communities.

Another important aim of education according to Vivekananda was the promotion of national unity and cultural pride. He believed that education should help students understand and appreciate the diverse cultural traditions of India, and to foster a sense of national unity and pride. He also believed that education should encourage students to appreciate and respect the cultures of other nations, and to promote international harmony and understanding.

Overall, Vivekananda's vision for education was one that focused on the holistic development of the individual, the promotion of social responsibility and compassion, and the cultivation of national unity and cultural pride. He believed that through education, individuals could reach their full potential, contribute to their communities, and work towards creating a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Education in the Vision of Swami Vivekananda

aims of education according to vivekananda

He gave a call for building up a new India by struggling against untouchability, poverty, social evils and injustices. The weak have no place here, in this life or in any other life. Calcutta: The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. The end of all education, all training, should be man-making. Brahmacharya, in a nutshell, stands for the practice of self-control for securing harmony of the impulses. Every one has to grow like himself. The teacher spoils everything by thinking that he is teaching.


What is the aim of education according to Vivekananda?

aims of education according to vivekananda

The new religion says that he is the atheist who does not believe in himself. Are not trumpets and kettle-drums available in India? Through this process, the individual will mould themself into a complete perfect human being of their life. The tremendous emphasis on the scientific and mechanical ways of life is fast reducing man to the status of a machine. S - EDUCATION—COMPILED FROM THE SPEECHES AND WRITINGS OF SWAMI VIVEKANANDA SRI RAMAKRISHNA MISSION VIDYALAYA P. Are not drums made in the country? The parents as well as the teachers should inspire the child by the way they live their lives. Realism and Method of Teaching: Realism aims to prepare learners for real and practical life. To refer to his own words: Traveling through many cities of Europe and observing in them the comforts and education of even the poor people, there was brought to my mind the state of our own poor people and I used to shed tears.


Philosophy of Education (according Swami Vivekananda) [Chapter 6.2]

aims of education according to vivekananda

According to Israel Scheffler, the word potential has three aspects. Swami Vivekananda and Indian nationalism. The capacity to acquire a specific characteristic or to become someone who possesses it. Just as in the case of a plant, one cannot do anything more than supplying it with water, air and manure while it grows from within its own nature, so is the case with a human child Enabling to face the struggle for life,. Vivekananda asked the people to build up their character and manifest their real nature which is the Effulgent, the Resplendent the Ever Pure.



aims of education according to vivekananda

How Swami Vivekananda was a source of inspiration for youngsters? Put a hedge round it ; see that it is not killed by anything You can supply the growing seed with the materials for the making up of its body, bringing to it the earth, the water, the air that it wants. The aim of education as self-development, therefore, leads to the aim of education for character. From the above discussion it has been surveyed that according to Vivekananda knowledge is inherent in human mind and education is only the manifestation of that knowledge. According to Vivekananda, the means for education is love. Creating self-confidence and self-realization — one has many qualities within them but they are not conscious of it. He compared it to the person who wanted to turn his ass into a horse, was advised to thrash the ass in order to achieve this transformation and killed his ass in this process. He will learn much by his mistakes.


Meaning and Aims of Education according Swami Vivekananda [Chapter 6.1]

aims of education according to vivekananda

His teachings motivated everyone. Violent attempt sat reform always end by retarding reform. We now mostly need the ideal of the hero with the tremendous spirit of Rajas thrilling through his veins from head to foot the hero who will dare and die to know the truth, the hero whose amour is renunciation, whose sword is wisdom. According to Swamiji, the culture values of the country should form an integral part of the curriculum of education. Education, according to Swamiji, remains incomplete without the teaching of aesthetics or fine arts. Always cultivate the heart.


What is education according Swami Vivekananda?

aims of education according to vivekananda

It is man-making theories that we want. Education should produce such enlightened democratic citizens. The music which awakens only the softer feelings of man is to be stopped now for some time. The Master as I saw him. In eating, dressing or lying, in singing or playing, in enjoyment or disease, always manifest the highest moral courage. Therefore, education must be considered a continuous and lifelong process Vivekananda points out that the defect of the present-day education is that it has no definite goal to pursue. By way of illustration, he mentions that the chemist in the laboratory concentrates all the powers of his mind and brings them into one focus-the elements to be analyzed-and finds out their secrets.


Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda

aims of education according to vivekananda

As on the one hand Hanuman represents the ideal of service, so on the other he represents leonine courage, striking the world with awe. The essential unity of the entire universe is realized through education. He should be talked to stand on his own, to be himself. In this process, several agents — such as his parents, peers and teachers — assist him. Vivekananda, more than any earlier Hindu reformer, encouraged social service.


Great Vision of Swami Vivekananda About Education Caleidoscope

aims of education according to vivekananda

We are lazy; we cannot combine. Thus, Vivekananda, emphasized education for democracy and citizenship. Interestingly, the UNESCO report Learning to be published in 1972, while defining the aim of education, echoed this same idea. Education should help the student to do such karmas which leads towards Jivan Moksha, which again will lead towards the higher level Dravya moksha. Vivekananda conveyed his ideas directly to the people, especially to the youth. Vivekananda opined that all material and spiritual knowledge is already present in man covered by curtain of ignorance.


aims of education according to vivekananda

He realizes that it if the women of our country get the right type of education, then they will be able to solve their own problems in their own way. It has been rightly argued that participation in discussions of morality is more instructive than simply hearing about it. Through the thunder roll of the dignified Vedic hymns life is to be brought back into the country. Only he does it swiftly and quickly. What was the contribution of Swami Vivekananda to the social movement of the 19th century? Therefor, man making for him means a harmonious development of the body, mind and soul.


aims of education according to vivekananda

Vivekananda favored education for different sections of society, rich and poor, young and old, male or female. Vivekananda, in his plan for the regeneration of India, repeatedly presses the need for the eradication of poverty, unemployment and ignorance. He, however, was in favour of creating an ethical basis of democratic politics through education. What are the aims of education according to Jainism? According to Vivekananda, all the material and spiritual knowledge are already present in the individuals mind, but it is covered by certain ignorance. Now, take the whole of humanity as a race, or take the whole of the animal creation, man and the lower animals, as one whole. He says when there is conflict between the heart and the brain the heart should be given preference.
