Mattel and toy safety case study. Mattel Case Study 2022-10-21

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Mattel, Inc. is a global leader in the toy industry, known for popular brands such as Barbie, Fisher-Price, and Hot Wheels. However, the company has faced numerous challenges related to toy safety in recent years. In this case study, we will examine how Mattel has addressed these challenges and the measures it has taken to ensure the safety of its products.

One of the most significant toy safety incidents involving Mattel occurred in 2007, when the company had to recall millions of toys due to lead paint and small, detachable magnets. The recall included popular brands such as Fisher-Price and Sesame Street, and was one of the largest toy recalls in history. The lead paint issue was caused by the outsourcing of toy production to factories in China, where the use of lead paint was not strictly regulated. The magnet issue was caused by the use of small magnets in some of Mattel's toys, which could be easily swallowed by young children and cause serious injury or death.

In response to these incidents, Mattel implemented a number of measures to improve toy safety. These included conducting more thorough testing of its products, increasing oversight of its suppliers and factories, and implementing stricter standards for the use of materials and production processes. Mattel also established a Toy Safety Council, consisting of experts in safety, engineering, and quality assurance, to ensure that the company's products met the highest safety standards.

In addition to these internal measures, Mattel has also worked with external organizations to enhance toy safety. For example, the company has partnered with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to improve the safety of its products and ensure compliance with federal regulations. Mattel has also participated in the Toy Industry Association's (TIA) Toy Safety Certification Program, which provides independent third-party testing and certification of toy safety.

Despite these efforts, Mattel has continued to face toy safety issues in recent years. In 2017, the company recalled millions of Fisher-Price Rock 'n Play Sleepers due to safety concerns, and in 2020, it recalled additional products due to choking hazards. These incidents highlight the ongoing challenges that companies like Mattel face in ensuring the safety of their products, particularly in a global supply chain where oversight can be difficult.

Overall, it is clear that toy safety is a complex issue, and ensuring the safety of children's toys requires a combination of internal measures and external partnerships. Mattel has demonstrated a commitment to toy safety through the measures it has taken, including conducting thorough testing, increasing oversight of its suppliers and factories, and working with external organizations such as the CPSC and TIA. However, the company's ongoing toy safety issues demonstrate the ongoing challenges in this area and the need for constant vigilance and improvement.

Mattel and Toy Safety Case Analysis

mattel and toy safety case study

The employees should be hired according to their ability to complete the job, not their beliefs or characteristics. Georgiadis stepped down as CEO of Mattel on April 19, 2018. Partnering with local retailers can avoid some of the cross-cultural aspect when launching a new product line. And its ratio with corruption and organized crimes. These subcontractors dead set to voyage against what the establishments were and utilized LED based for the most part paint anyways.


Mattel Case Study

mattel and toy safety case study

People essentially do not feel safe once it includes one thing like this event. The author of this theory suggests that firm must be valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable and perfectly non sustainable. Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy. This step of actions demonstrated social responsibility on the part of the management. The code that they made was pertinent not exclusively to Mattel industrial facilities however yet its subcontractors and suppliers.


Mattel and Toy Safety Case Study Answers

mattel and toy safety case study

The strengths and weaknesses are obtained from internal organization. The average age of a Mattel product is six months before it is replaced ALLBUSINESS. In 2006, Mattel reviewed toys owing to an equal LED paint issues and in Gregorian timetable month 2006, the toys were reviewed toys owing to magnet issue. During this crisis, Mattel contacted their chief suppliers and asked them to pull the recalled products from the shelf. However, Mattel handled the toy recall issue particularly the way it is recommended when an organizations image has been tarnished. Putting their trust in manufacturers should not be an excuse to evade any issue that results from the products they distribute to the public.


Mattel, Inc. and Toy Safety

mattel and toy safety case study

This could be the reason each organization puts on a case what ages territory unit fitting for each toy. Mattel's products are sold directly to retailers and wholesalers in 150 countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Latin America. The government should always undertake the right measures to protect its citizens. The decision that is being taken should be justified and viable for solving the problems. As much as one does not want to be pessimistic about the morality of Mattell Inc.


Mattel And Toy Safety Case Study Solution and Analysis of Harvard Case Studies

mattel and toy safety case study

This will be a good step in enhancing their business partnership with the U. Mattel should take the time and study the most appropriate marketing channels to ensure acceptance of its products. Hence, they turned to cheap materials to mitigate the cost. Mattel has been investing in developing new product lines and expending its product catalog around the world. What might explain the differences in their points of view? The health and security issues for kids must be among the top priorities for any given organization; this should be enhanced through careful investigation of any new model of product both imported and manufactured within the nation.


Toy Safety and Mattel Toy I.

mattel and toy safety case study

They finally dead set to utilize LED paint instead of paint furnished by early light-weight Industrial. It is necessary to communicate to retailers of the need to stop selling any product in case of an issue and remove them from shelves when a toy has been recalled; manufacturers should also promote testing and quality control measures before products are released to the public. Analysis of the Case The analysis of the case is done using the Stakeholder Mattel Code Of Conduct At Mattel, playing fair is one of our core values and the cornerstone of our ethical compliance program. An alternate one small issue was the precise reality that the CPSC was completely undermanned and underfunded. In addition, it also identifies the weaknesses of the organization that will help to be eliminated and manage the threats that would catch the attention of the management. Why or why not? Corporate Accountability, an independent body, which the results of are made public. Government inspectors also need to target imported goods used for manufacturing in the United States.


Case Study Mattel And Toy Safety Betty S [ylyx7d25y3nm]

mattel and toy safety case study

The supervisors from China companies or the companies subcontracted to provide the raw materials for Mattel are also to blame for the tainted lead paint. What should or could Mattel have done differently, if anything? It can lead to a change for toy manufacturers by coming up with a more responsible industry or developing a corporate culture that makes it more socially responsible. Indeed, with the issues that happened with the toy review Mattel was perpetually considered a responsible organization. It had been in our own particular approach to watch the assurance of the stock and accordingly the customers. Many customers sourced their toys from the company because of its impeccable products. This is true of both corporations like Mattel and the government itself. The improved lifestyles and the increasing disposable incomes among consumers in these countries provide immense opportunities for the toy and games makers.


Final Assignment: Case Study: Mattel and Toy Safety (2022)

mattel and toy safety case study

As of August 14, 2011 the total legal lead content must not exceed 100 parts per million for a product CPSC 2013. I suppose an extensive downside was that Mattel was not making an exceptional showing reconnoitering their subcontractors. Mattel also tried to search out somehow to verify their item quality and wellbeing. Moreover, it is also called Internal-External Analysis. Mattel can take advantage of the developed supply chain it currently has in the APAC and come up with pricing model tailored for the more price sensitive customers. STEP 10: Evaluation Of Alternatives For Mattel And Toy Safety Case Solution: If the selected alternative is fulfilling the above criteria, the decision should be taken straightforwardly.
