Words with more than one definition. 10 English Words with More than One Meaning 2022-10-14

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Words with more than one definition, also known as polysemous words, are a common feature of natural language and can be found in virtually every language. These words can have multiple meanings that are often related to each other in some way, but may also be quite distinct and unrelated. The multiple meanings of a polysemous word can sometimes cause confusion, but they can also add depth and nuance to language, and can be used to convey multiple ideas or concepts in a single word.

One of the most well-known examples of a polysemous word is the word "run." This word can have multiple meanings depending on the context in which it is used. For example, "run" can refer to the act of moving quickly by taking rapid steps, as in the sentence "I will go for a run in the park." It can also refer to the act of operating or controlling something, as in the sentence "I will run the dishwasher." In this sense, "run" means to cause something to function or operate.

Another example of a polysemous word is the word "bank." This word can refer to a financial institution that provides banking services, such as accepting deposits, making loans, and issuing credit cards. In this sense, "bank" means a place where money is kept and managed. However, "bank" can also refer to the slope of a river or other body of water, as in the sentence "The water in the river is shallow near the bank." In this sense, "bank" means the edge of a river or other body of water.

Polysemous words can be difficult to use correctly, especially for those learning a new language. It is important to pay attention to the context in which a word is used to ensure that it is being used correctly and to avoid misunderstandings. For example, if someone says "I am going to the bank to deposit some money," it would be clear that they are referring to a financial institution. However, if someone says "I am going to the bank of the river to fish," it would be clear that they are referring to the slope of the river.

Despite the potential for confusion, polysemous words can add depth and nuance to language and can be a powerful tool for conveying multiple ideas or concepts in a single word. They can also be a source of creativity and playfulness in language, as writers and speakers can use the multiple meanings of a word to convey different ideas or to create puns and wordplay.

In conclusion, words with more than one definition, or polysemous words, are a common feature of natural language and can add depth and nuance to communication. It is important to pay attention to the context in which a word is used to ensure that it is being used correctly and to avoid misunderstandings. Despite the potential for confusion, polysemous words can be a powerful tool for conveying multiple ideas and can add creativity and playfulness to language.

Words With Multiple Meanings

words with more than one definition

My dad made butternut squash soup for dinner. The other meaning for the word buckleis to collapse, especially under a lot of weight or pressure. Generally I put several glosses on one card, perhaps bolding one which I will treat as key. Will there be another wave of illness in the spring? Fouling it amounts to fouling the commons. You have to roll the dough to make a croissant. If it is, I add this additional definition to the card and count my attempt as "correct".


What words have more than one definition?

words with more than one definition

I need to season this chicken with garlic. The two words sound the same. Learning English should be fun as well as rewarding! Two words spelled the same but with different meanings are called homographs. Even if the person is not a professional writer. Also refer to the fitting dictionary, such as Larousse.


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A hatch noun is an opening in the floor, ceiling, or wall of a ship or aircraft,often having a door on hinges. I need to be careful of what I say. I wish we didn't have to say bye. They learned about the role of a dramatic foil in English class. This is precisely the type of linguistic effluvium that causes problems to begin with. These include summer, winter, spring and autumn.


Words with more than one definition.

words with more than one definition

I nailed that exam — it was far too easy! He could play drums, Beef meant meat from cows. I try to keep up on current events. I generally start with the most relevant definition. I received a letter from my summer camp roommate. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan.


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So why is standard vs non-standard or sub-standard English any different? In a Jewish family. It can be daunting. It is not polite to point at people. My favorite season is winter because the snow is so magical. If it is, I add this additional definition to the card and count my attempt as "correct".


10 English Words with More than One Meaning

words with more than one definition

But no rule without exceptions. Download 500+ English Phrases A number of English words are spelled the same way and pronounced the same way, but have different meanings. The opposite is unbuckle. A dictionary will tell you all the meanings of any word. I agree with the first and strongly disagree with the last. It was warm and sunny this morning, but then it turned cold and snowy. Squashis also an indoor sport played with rackets and a ball.


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Reach out and Post navigation. Homophones are words that are pronounced the same, but have different spellings and meanings. What is your date of birth? Can words mean more than one thing? The students were very engaged in the presentation. I already read last night's homework assignment. Technically, almost every word has multiple meanings. The verb harbormeans to provide shelter. My car is old, but it runs well.


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We can't wait to see Will and Kate's reign. So are standards of public sanitation. That red car is mine. Same thing with glamour instead of glamor. My son bought 3 books from the book fair at his school.


These are words that have more than one definition. they are called _____

words with more than one definition

If we pool our money, we will be able to afford a nice wedding gift for Mary and Joe. A wealth of words with multiple meanings exist in the English language. The way to tell these same-spelling, different-meaning words apart is to pay attention to the context in which they are being used. I think my current approach will be to learn the root definition and allow my exposure to the language to pile on top of that. Ask students to share out what a nail is.
