Why juveniles should be tried as adults. An Analysis of Laurence Steinberg's Essay Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults Essay Example 2022-10-25

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There is a significant debate about whether or not juveniles should be tried as adults in the criminal justice system. Some argue that juveniles are not fully developed and therefore should not be held to the same standards of accountability as adults. Others argue that certain crimes are so heinous that juveniles should be held accountable in the same way as adults, regardless of their age.

One argument for trying juveniles as adults is that certain crimes are so serious that the perpetrators should be held fully accountable, regardless of their age. For example, if a juvenile commits a violent crime such as murder, they should be held accountable for their actions just as an adult would be. Allowing juveniles to avoid consequences for such serious offenses sends a message that their actions have no consequences, which could lead to more crime and victimization in the future.

Additionally, trying juveniles as adults may serve as a deterrent to other juveniles who may be considering committing a crime. If they know that they will be tried as adults and potentially face severe consequences, they may be more likely to think twice before committing a crime.

Another argument for trying juveniles as adults is that it can provide a sense of justice for the victims and their families. When a juvenile commits a serious crime, the victims and their families often want to see the perpetrator held accountable for their actions. Allowing juveniles to avoid consequences for their actions can be seen as a lack of justice for the victims and their families.

On the other hand, there are also valid arguments for not trying juveniles as adults. One argument is that juveniles are not fully developed and may not have the same level of judgment as adults. Research has shown that the adolescent brain is still developing and may not have fully developed decision-making and impulse control capabilities. This can mean that juveniles may be more susceptible to peer pressure and may not fully understand the consequences of their actions.

Another argument against trying juveniles as adults is that the juvenile justice system is designed to rehabilitate young offenders, rather than simply punish them. The goal of the juvenile justice system is to help juveniles learn from their mistakes and become productive members of society. This can be more effectively achieved through rehabilitation programs and other interventions that are specific to the needs of juveniles, rather than simply punishing them.

In conclusion, there are valid arguments for both sides of the debate on whether or not juveniles should be tried as adults. While certain crimes may warrant adult accountability, it is important to consider the developmental differences between juveniles and adults and the potential for rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system. Ultimately, the decision to try a juvenile as an adult should be based on a careful evaluation of the individual case and the potential consequences for all parties involved.

Why Are Some Juveniles Sometimes Tried as Adults?

why juveniles should be tried as adults

They would first serve their prison term in a juvenile facility, and then transferred to an adult prison at the age of 18, which leaves plenty of room for the girls to become targets of abuse. Lastly, he points out that youth offenders who are sentenced to harsh punishments as adolescents often do not recover from the mental harm it causes because it is an important developmental time and these experiences may have lasting and disadvantageous effects on their adult behaviors 632. Statistics gathered from 15 different states revealed that juveniles prosecuted in adult court and released from a state prison had a recidivism rate of 82% compared to a 16% rate for their adult counterparts. These are the key points to consider. List of Cons of Juveniles Being Tried as Adults 1.


Essay On Why Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults

why juveniles should be tried as adults

The general argument that underlies these changes is that juvenile offenders should be held accountable for their criminal behavior by receiving punishments that are equivalent to their crime. Laws that permit youth under the age of 18 to enter the adult criminal justice system represent a departure from the traditional understanding of juvenile justice — to serve the best interests of the child. For further explanation of the point, the author informs the reader that the differences between the adult. If you are under the age of 17, you should not be able to be tried as an adult, especially since you are known to be a teenager and not an adult until the age of 18. If tried as an adult, a juvenile could potentially lose his or her confidence in pleading not guilty.


Children tried as adults face danger, less chance for rehabilitation

why juveniles should be tried as adults

On the other hand, juvenile delinquents who commit a crime when they are very young, will most likely repress the memory of that crime, such that as the time of their sentence progresses, they will only have a vague recollection of the crime. The United States requires that you be at least 18 to be empaneled onto a jury, so having someone judge the content of a case from a different perspective may not result in a fair trial. Based on the violent crime index, aggravated assault has the highest number of arrests, followed by robbery, forcible rape, and murder and non-negligent manslaughter. Why are juveniles treated differently than adults? The solution to juvenile crimes does not end with policies aimed at reforming the offenders. Charging juveniles in adult court will often cause exorbitant expenses that can often worsen the poverty that a family experiences. When it comes to the topic of trying juveniles as adults for serious crimes the majority of people will say yes; however, it is not a simple of an answer as it seems.


DEBATE: Should courts treat juveniles like adults?

why juveniles should be tried as adults

Moving a child into the adult court system exposes them to the mandatory sentencing guidelines which exist in most jurisdictions. I agree that juveniles do not deserve life sentences because they put less thought and planning into these crimes and they often are less malicious than adults. If a conviction occurs in adult court for a juvenile, then expunging that record becomes more of a challenge. They are still growing and because they see it all around them, then they believe it is acceptable, proving that their judgment is Teens Should Be Tried As Adults 964 Words 4 Pages The criminal justice system was created in order to punish people who choose to break the law. In fact they are quite clever. California: Thomson Wadsworth Education Publishers, 2008.


19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Juveniles Being Tried As Adults

why juveniles should be tried as adults

In order for a society to feel accommodated in the process of administration of justice and to deter more juveniles from perpetrating these serious crimes, criminals should be held accountable regardless of their age Flesch 583; Pullmann 484. So, no they should not be tried as an adult because they are not eighteen years of age. Before getting into the debate at hand, we need to understand certain basic themes first. However, amenability or waiver should not ignore the severity of the offense, but should be considered against several other factors. This can be fulfilled by punishing juvelives with the correct sentence, by seeing that they know their actions lead to consequence and they have the proper process for a teen to be tried as adult. Many also believe that the age limit is quite high 18.


An Analysis of Laurence Steinberg's Essay Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults Essay Example

why juveniles should be tried as adults

They need to be charged as adults because the victims of the crimes will not be given the justice they deserve when they have to worry about that criminal harming them again. A juvenile offender may not have a clear understanding of the crime they committed. Juvenile Crimes 1746 Words 7 Pages Many people have disregarded the fact that children too can commit despicable crimes; crimes that not even adults would think about committing. Even while the counterargument that many factors, not only childhood trauma, play a role in mental health is correct, studies have found a substantial link connecting severe maltreatment and increased aggressive and defiant tendencies. It provides the community with an opportunity to have a say in the process. Answer: Juveniles are between the ages of fifteen years and seventeen years of age. Such arguments have put pressure on legislators to lower the age of adulthood so that violent cases for serious juvenile offenders can be tried in the adult court system.


Juveniles Should Be Tried As Adults Research Paper

why juveniles should be tried as adults

They have argued that changes in the law to include punishment for juvenile offenders is a concerted effort by the rich white to disenfranchise the youth, the colored and the poor in the society Pullmann 486. If a young adult commits a crime they should be tried as an adult Keeping Juveniles In Adult Prisons 515 Words 3 Pages Juvenile Justice Essay In the United States, there have been many cases where a juvenile would be found guilty and be tried as an adult. They should and they will be tried as juveniles and juveniles only. Nearly every year, the FBI arrests more than 33,000 young adults under the age of 18 for offenses. If they are not of age of an adult, then they should not have to be tried as one. So, since these teens are being influenced in the mistaken way, their judgment is deprived. Here are a few pointers that will help you understand why eradicating the juvenile system might be considered a negative factor.


22 Should Juveniles Be Tried as Adults Pros and Cons

why juveniles should be tried as adults

Beyond what brain science reveals about adolescent development, experts contend that the adult criminal justice system. That, in a nutshell, is why children should not be tried as adults. It is possible that if tried as adults, juveniles could possibly leave a prison as more of a threat to society due to being tried as an adult. Their actions could be a cry for help. The human brain does not fully develop until the mid-20s and the portion of the brain that governs rational decision-making is the last to develop. Childhood abuse and psychiatric problems are significant among incarcerated youth. Prison can become a place where youth really learn what it means to become a criminal.


Why Young People Should Not Be Tried As Adults in America

why juveniles should be tried as adults

Ultimately, these decisions led Congress to pass the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act in 1974, which still governs the juvenile justice system. Over 300 people are killed each year because of the actions of an individual under the age of 18 in the United States, which is one of the highest rates of such activity in the world today. What do you have to say? There are many effects that being tried as an adult can have on a juvenile. I am against charging juveniles as adults when they commit violent crimes, the juveniles lose many educational opportunities and the adult system is far too dangerous for the young juveniles. Sarah understands the teenage brain and knows that their brains are to undeveloped to make adult decisions or being consider an adults in jail terms. The system is not perfect, and we must still keep young people away from adult offenders to reduce recidivism rates. They do not experience future orientation in the same way that adults do.


Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults Steinberg Analysis

why juveniles should be tried as adults

If brain development were the reason, then teens would kill at roughly the same rates all over the world Jenkins 91. He will probably repress the memory as he ages. So the children who fall in the higher end of this range, should be punished in the same way as that of adults, it is argued. Violent crimes receive the harshest punishments, and it is said that the same should carry forth and continue for children as well. When it comes to trying teens in court as adults. However, like many things, this is not always true.
