Why does winston love big brother at the end. At the end of 1984, why does Winston love Big Brother? 2022-10-19

Why does winston love big brother at the end Rating: 7,9/10 1048 reviews

At the end of George Orwell's novel 1984, the main character, Winston, appears to love Big Brother. This may seem confusing, as throughout the novel Winston has been actively rebelling against the oppressive regime of Big Brother and the Party. So why does he suddenly come to love them at the end?

There are several possible explanations for why Winston loves Big Brother at the end of the novel. One possibility is that he has simply been broken by the Party's torture and brainwashing techniques. The Party has a number of ways of forcing people to conform to their ideology, including torture, isolation, and psychological manipulation. It is likely that Winston has been subjected to all of these techniques, and as a result, he may have become so broken and demoralized that he is no longer able to resist the Party's control.

Another possibility is that Winston has come to believe that the Party's ideology is actually true. Throughout the novel, the Party uses propaganda and manipulation to control the population's thoughts and beliefs. It is possible that, after being subjected to this constant barrage of propaganda, Winston has come to genuinely believe that the Party is right and that Big Brother is a benevolent and necessary force in society.

Finally, it is possible that Winston's love for Big Brother is a result of his own internalized sense of self-hatred and guilt. Throughout the novel, Winston struggles with feelings of guilt and self-loathing due to his rebellion against the Party and his own personal desires. It is possible that, by loving Big Brother, Winston is able to absolve himself of this guilt and find a sense of peace and acceptance within the Party's ideology.

In conclusion, there are several possible reasons why Winston comes to love Big Brother at the end of the novel 1984. It may be due to the Party's torture and brainwashing techniques, a genuine belief in the Party's ideology, or a sense of self-hatred and guilt. Whatever the reason, it is clear that Winston has been deeply affected by the Party's control and manipulation.

In 1984, describe the changes that Winston goes through from the beginning of the novel to the end.

why does winston love big brother at the end

He has uttered the horrible words "Do it to How else could it have turned out? As far as faking it, however, I do not think that Winston was faking. Who is Winston afraid of and why? Looking like a zealous Party member, she wears an ironic Anti-Sex sash around her waist, and always participates passionately during the Two Minutes Hate. He does not literally die at the end of the novel. He learns to understand that Big Brother is a benevolent entity that has society's best interests in mind. Yet, the reality is that many, too many to count, failed to do so or simply couldn't.


george orwell

why does winston love big brother at the end

Big Brother is a symbol of oppression. Why does Winston love Big Brother at the end? This idea is underscored at the end of the section when Winston is holding hands with Julia while looking into the eyes of prisoners captured by the Party. And as the Party now controls him, body and soul, it is only its standpoint that matters. Winston never interacts with Big Brother in any way, and in the one scene where Big Brother speaks during the Two Minutes Hate, not only is the reader not told what he says, but Winston observes that nobody present listens to what he says either. O'Brien corrects, often with a bit of torture to help. Next, Winston must learn to understand Big Brother. For O'Brien, Winston must accept that 2 + 2 is whatever the state tells him that it is.


Why did winston love Big Brother in the end? : 1984

why does winston love big brother at the end

The last paragraph tells us that this is not a literal death, as he is still sitting in the café, gazing up at Big Brother on the telescreen. As time went on that small ball of hate he tried to keep lit, it died out because the rest of him was following and believing in Big Brother. O'Brien said that posterity would not remember Winston because all traces of him would be erased, but the appendix - which is written from a future perspective - mentions his name. Whereas Julia is untroubled and somewhat selfish, interested in rebelling only for the pleasures to be gained, Winston is extremely pensive and curious, desperate to understand how and why the Party exercises such absolute power in Oceania. The ending is the only possible outcome of all we have learned in the book.


Did you like the end of 1984? Does Wilson really love Big Brother or was he faking it?

why does winston love big brother at the end

Why does Winston hate Big Brother so much? For a long time, while he is tortured and questioned, he held on to his logic, his hatred, and his own thought processes, but in the end, they got that too. But what can you expect from that particular book? He had seen Julia one time since he was released. We're not supposed to. How did Winston respond when there was too little to eat when he was a boy? In this lesson, we'll take a look at some of the major themes of this book's conclusion. Apparently the company backing the film thought so too, and they hired an editor to remake the ending, much to Gilliam's distress. .


Big Brother in 1984: All You Need to Know

why does winston love big brother at the end

However, he cannot help himself and begins to express his negative feelings by writing them down in his private journal. How did Winston respond when there was too little to eat? Without that submission, the state falls apart. He is on a sub-committee that is working to correct issues with the newest edition of the Newspeak Dictionary Newspeak is Oceania's official language. Winston has given in to mind control and tyranny, giving up his freedom and turning his back on love. Although Winston utterly detests everything about the authoritative government, he lives in constant fear of being arrested by the Thought Police and tortured in the Ministry of Love.


1984: Big Brother

why does winston love big brother at the end

Even when he meets Julia again, they both openly state that they rejected each other. He is excited by the news, marking his completed transformation into compliance. He had won the victory over himself. This question lies at the very heart of the Party and the way that it does not simply want to gain power, but actually have total control over the hearts and minds of its people. Julia had been in a celibacy club, but she was highly sexual. Never spoke to you.


1984: Big Brother Quotes

why does winston love big brother at the end

A number of memories appear in his head. He has submitted to Big Brother out of fear. I agree with poster 3, and I also feel that particular ending was the only ending the novel could have. A true victory would have meant Winston overcoming his temptation to give in to the Party and its torture. He resists at first but finally gives in when his torturer, O'Brien, uses rats against him. Does Big Brother exist quote? O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! In this way, his love for Julia finds expression in a desire for political action. What is the only thing that the party Cannot do to Winston and Julia? Above all else, Orwell says through all of this that the minute that humanity gives up its individuality and its joy in the more intangible aspects of life, it has mortgaged its humanity.


What happens to Winston at the end of 1984?

why does winston love big brother at the end

He has won no victory except in the Party's eyes, for the Party now controls him. Big Brother is infallible and all-powerful. The Party had to go to extreme measures to break Winston, employing an entire cast of characters and spending countless hours following Winston and later interrogating him. He repeatedly asks Winston the answer to 2+2. He followed her, and the two had a brief conversation about how they betrayed each other and they no longer feel the same. Just as he has confessed his prior mistakes to the Ministry, he is now confessing to himself that the idea that Oceania might be defeated was a thoughtcrime. Winston himself has suffered a personal defeat, for he is no longer an independent thinker.


On the last page of 1984, it says, "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He...

why does winston love big brother at the end

For Winston, the feelings of affection for Big Brother are real, regardless of how he happened to come by those feelings. This is Winston's last vestige of control and he does not give it up willingly. He drowns himself in gin and lives a meaningless life filled only with a boring job and a fixation on war, and he doesn't even think of living any other way. I feel like the author is just aiming to serve the perceived desires of the audience, rather than allowing the story to shape the ending. Here Winston is rewriting a speech that Big Brother once gave.
