Historical events to research. Events 2022-11-02

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There are countless historical events that are worthy of further research and study. Here are just a few examples:

  1. The Holocaust: This tragic event, in which millions of Jews, Romani people, homosexuals, and others deemed "undesirable" by the Nazi regime were systematically murdered during World War II, is a crucial moment in world history that should not be forgotten.

  2. The American Revolution: This pivotal event in American history marked the birth of the United States as an independent nation. It is important to study the causes of the revolution, the events that took place during the conflict, and the impact it had on the world.

  3. The Civil Rights Movement: The struggle for racial equality in the United States is an important chapter in American history. The Civil Rights Movement, which spanned from the 1950s to the 1970s, saw the rise of leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and the passage of important legislation like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

  4. The fall of the Berlin Wall: This iconic moment in history marked the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany. It is important to study the events leading up to the fall of the wall and the impact it had on international relations.

  5. The Industrial Revolution: This period of rapid technological and industrial change had a major impact on the world. It is important to study the causes of the Industrial Revolution, the technological advancements that took place during this time, and the social and economic changes that resulted.

These are just a few examples of the many historical events that are worth researching. By studying these and other events, we can better understand the past and gain valuable insights into the present and future.

Historical Research Examples

historical events to research

Secondary sources are the sources created after the time of the event. Are you not sure if you need any visual aid for your performance or not? The Great War was the first time modern lethal weapons were used in conventional warfare, including chemical weapons and tanks. . It will help you explore your knowledge along with data collection. Sometimes, the process of preparation can result in a massive discouragement for students. We recently launched a new Historical Research project, along with the long-standing American, European, and World History courses.


How to Do Historical Research: 5 Tips for Studying History

historical events to research

Nothing can cause more pain then accidentally deleted documents or the missing piece of vital information. Individuals interested in advancing their careers as historians can pursue an advanced degree, such as a An Overview of Historical Research Methods Historians use historical research methods to obtain data from primary and secondary sources and, then, assess how the information contributes to understanding a historical period or event. The development of historical projects requires a wide variety of materials. Fortunately, you have landed on our page! In museums, government agencies, universities and colleges, nonprofits, and historical associations, the combination of technology and historical research plays a central role in extending the reach of historical information to new audiences. The concept was highly influential, and historians have coined variant terms such as Pax Americana, Pax Mongolica, or Pax Britannica for other period of hegemonic - or imperial - peace by a superpower. However, it is also a big responsibility and a challenge at times.



historical events to research

But wait, let us tell you something. Similarly, the digital revolution is creating massive shifts in international politics and society. Historical Case Ethical Concerns Result Significant violations of personal autonomy, malevolence, unjustifiable harm Risk unbalanced by benefit, informed consent, unproven drug safety and efficacy Beecher article, Disregard for informed consent, unnecessary harm Social and behavior research illuminates need for participant protections beyond the scope of biomedical studies: Deception, emotional and psychological harms, violations of privacy and confidentiality American Psychological Association develops Uninformed consent, injustice, risk to participants and family members Led to formation of the Resulted in Increase in production of legitimate butsophisticated medical devices such as the Unproven safety of marketed medical devices Cooper Committee recommendations to regulate medical devices culminate in the Past research experiments exposed, lead topublic mistrust: Unjustified physical and emotional harms, exploitation of vulnerable populations, absence of informed consent President Clinton establishes the Conflict of interest, insufficient informed consent Office for Human Research Protections issues Absence of consent, injustice, risk to participants and family members, exploitation of vulnerable populations President Obama establishes the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issuesin 2009 and requests investigation of Guatemala Syphilis Study, 2010. The project preparation includes an impressive number of challenges. Find a title that interests you personally and start writing. The recorded events of that age reveal that the first designers of the systems of industry, including the United States, dominated the global landscape in the following decades and centuries.


Health Historical Events Research

historical events to research

When the students have a clear view of the time frame and territory they need to explore, they struggle less with a paper. Ancient Greece and Egypt, the Roman Empire, Mesoamerica, and the Byzantine Empire still fascinate us today. If you are passionate about history and would like to conduct a research project in preparation for history or other liberal arts major in college or a history career in the future, we are here to help! Slavery still existed in countries like Cuba and Brazil, and the European imperial project started in 1492 was still ongoing in the Western Hemisphere. Pay attention to the accuracy of the information you present. This way, you will get the desired final product. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.


A Definitive Guide to Historical Research

historical events to research

University of Connecticut del. A primary source, also known as primary data, is often characterized by the time of its creation. Discuss what is clinical psychology and what makes it different from general psychology. This will help your audience to follow up with your ideas. For another person, the history project can become a real trial. You could compare the attitude early Christians had towards slaves and how it changed. What Is a Secondary Source? The invention of vaccines eliminated horrific diseases like smallpox from the face of the earth and immunized children against polio and rabies.


15 Most Important Historical Events That Changed The World Forever

historical events to research

So, do not waste your time on the topic search. History may sound boring at first, but historical events were influenced by numerous factors, ranging from politics, technological advancement, and social circumstances. Depending on their social status, their involvement varied. A lot of people try to find a research topic that will be fun to write about. Data Collection We have mentioned earlier that in gathering the necessary data for historical research, you can use either or both primary and secondary data sources. This topic has a lot of things you can talk about. European History is considered the best-documented history compared to that of other regions in the world of history.


40 Interesting Historical Research Topics

historical events to research

There is plenty of interesting research topics in the history of the UK. Also, review what you have done from time to time. History is typically a required course in high school, under the umbrella of social science. By its mere existence and the worldwide historical and social transformations it caused, the French Revolution can easily be considered the most monumental historical event of the modern era, and more than any other, the defining historical event that changed the world forever. Another idea that, in a way, relates to the civil rights movement essay topic. On the other hand, we had new technology, human rights activism, and a high standard of living.


How Institutions Use Historical Research Methods

historical events to research

On the one hand, there were the World Wars, revolutions, pandemics, and nuclear disasters. It will help you to arrange your working plan to achieve a great result. You may still wonder whether the topic you chose to talk about is cool enough. The French Revolution introduced the concept of the republic to the world, and Revolutionary France soon had to fight for its life in wars against all of Europe. In addition to creating meaningful knowledge of global and economic affairs, studying history highlights the perspectives of people and groups who triumphed over adversity. But historical research is more than compiling a record of past events; it provides institutions with valuable insights about the past to inform current cultural, political, and social dynamics. World maps were drawn up and new civilizations discovered, as we finally rejected the idea that the earth was the center of the universe.
