Why does gang violence occur. What Are the Causes of Prison Violence? 2022-10-22

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Gang violence is a complex and multifaceted issue that can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the main factors that contribute to gang violence include poverty, lack of access to education and employment opportunities, social isolation, and exposure to violence and trauma.

Poverty is often a significant contributor to gang violence. Many people who join gangs come from disadvantaged neighborhoods where there are few economic opportunities and a lack of resources. As a result, they may turn to gangs as a way to find a sense of belonging, protection, and financial security. Gangs can provide these things through illegal activities such as drug trafficking and robbery, which can be lucrative but also dangerous.

Lack of access to education and employment opportunities can also contribute to gang violence. People who have limited options for education and employment may see gangs as a way to gain status, power, and financial stability. In some cases, gangs may offer a sense of purpose and identity that is lacking in other areas of their lives.

Social isolation is another factor that can lead to gang violence. People who feel disconnected from their communities and lack strong social connections may be more likely to join gangs as a way to find a sense of belonging. Gangs can provide a sense of community and support, but this often comes at the cost of violence and criminal activity.

Exposure to violence and trauma can also play a role in gang violence. Many people who join gangs have experienced violence or trauma in their lives, and may see gangs as a way to protect themselves or seek revenge. This can lead to a cycle of violence that is difficult to break.

Overall, gang violence occurs for a variety of complex and interconnected reasons. It is often rooted in poverty, lack of access to education and employment opportunities, social isolation, and exposure to violence and trauma. To address gang violence effectively, it is important to address these underlying issues and provide alternative opportunities for young people to find a sense of belonging, purpose, and support.

Violence And Gangs

why does gang violence occur

Law enforcement agencies believed this was especially true in the distribution of marijuana 64. Allowing gang related graffiti to remain on your premises is an invitation for other gangs to cover it with theirs ā€” possibly creating a gang war on your doorstep. Gangs in the West and the Northeast are believed to be more likely to be involved in selling drugs than are gangs in Most law enforcement agencies do not keep detailed statistics about gang involvement in other types of crime. Schools must work very closely with law enforcement to share information on gang activity since what happens in the community spills over into the schools and vice versa. Specific Gang Characteristics Researchers, law enforcement, and community groups devote time to learning more about gangs and the types of characteristics they share. As a result, this lower rate of serious criminal behavior may not bring female gang members to the attention of law enforcement officials. Charles Katz come into our class to speak about his work with gangs, specifically Gang Truce as a Form of Violence Intervention.


Perspectives on Gangs and Gang Violence

why does gang violence occur

The average age tends to be older in cities like Los Angeles and Chicago where gangs are well established and have been in existence for longer periods of time. Gangs also disrupt schools because people fear gangs which cause tension in the school. Part of this problem is the easier access to more lethal firearms like assault rifles "Gangs" 271. Some evidence suggests that even though the number of active gangs and gang membership is holding steady or declining, gang violence is getting worse. RECRUITMENT AND INITIATION People tend to organize themselves into groups of like-minded individuals to meet and participate in group-related activities.


US Gang Violence: Facts, Causes & History

why does gang violence occur

In Colorado and Florida that rate was 12. About 31,000 street gangs are estimated to exist in the United States today with a membership of approximately 850,000. The group organizers recruit members by offering experiences that a boy or girl might not have unless they are members of the group. Gang member involvement in drug sales is most prevalent in areas where gangs emerged between 1981 and 1985, at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic. Weapons bans extend beyond firearms and explosive devices and include knives, slingshots, brass knuckles, blackjacks and hand held personal defense sprays.


Why is There So Much Crime in Latin America?

why does gang violence occur

I looked behind to see a man, pants unzipped and with a huge erection, reaching toward me. In response to this new threat, many gangs have opted to forego their traditional colors and are developing new methods of identification. In this article we will review the factors that explain why our region is the most violent. This percentage increased from 42 percent when only one drug was readily available to 69 percent when seven drugs were readily available, and then dropped slightly when eight or nine drugs were readily available. Set up mechanisms and structures to promote information-sharing and coordination among agencies addressing youth, gangs, and related public safety efforts. At first, gangs tended to be big-city problems ā€”the NYGS indicated that most cities with populations over 100,000 reported that the proliferation of gangs became a problem between 1985 and the early 1990s. The media inflicts fear and depicts gangs to be a threat, which the community looks at in a negative view.



why does gang violence occur

However, only those individuals who are familiar with the gesture's meaning are able to understand the message being conveyed. There are also other reasons why people join gangs though. Dress codes often ban the wearing of loose clothing that can hide weapons. In schools with significant gang presence, the level of violence is frequently higher than in schools with less gang presence. Several reasons for prison violence contribute to the problem in state and federal institutions. Former members can tell many stories about the difficulties one encounters in gang life. In addition, gangs are thought to be increasingly associating themselves with Several Hispanic gangs originated in California but have since spread throughout the nation.


Gangs & School Safety

why does gang violence occur

For them, gang membership serves as a form of protection from other students who may have threatened them or wished them harm. However, there are all sorts of really promising initiatives, whether that be from government, the police, or charitable organisations. See According to Dinkes et al. However, this incident pales in comparison to the veritable tragedy that violence is inflicting. Families can really take a hit when their child is in a gang, and believe me children in gangs is becoming more common.


What Causes Gang Violence

why does gang violence occur

Some people join gangs if they have family members in a gang "Gangs" 270. Although their activities are often criminal and their recruitment tactics highly aggressive, gangs operate in a similar fashion. For example, in a society where men are portrayed as being aggressive and women are seen as passive, a man who pressures a woman for sex is often perceived as behaving acceptably. In the twenty-first century there are several categories of graffiti; each type is used to get the artists' message out to anyone who can read it. It is unclear whether the availability of drugs was because of the gang activity, or if the presence of gangs was part of an underlying problem that contributed to the availability of drugs as well. About half of the control-group members had friends who had carried a concealed weapon, and one-third acknowledged that friends had taken guns to school. When staff selects prisoner cell mates haphazardly, the results can be deadly.


What Are the Causes of Prison Violence?

why does gang violence occur

One such ubiquitous sign dates back to FLYING THE COLORS The idea of wearing different colors to identify opposing sides is not new. One evening, tired of studying and invigorated by warm temperatures, Saskia and I asked our host mother if she thought it was OK for the two of us to go out. Gang recruitment of any kind is illegal in Virginia, and recruitment of minors is a felony in As is common in some social clubs, many prospective gang inductees must undergo an initiation to show the members that they are worthy enough to be accepted into the group. See The huge growth in gangs and gang membership slowed in the late 1990s. More reasons to stop gang violence is to change the culture in our cities. This happened in front of many peopleā€”dozens, if not more.


Gangs: causes and consequences

why does gang violence occur

Gangs in schools also raise the chances of having drugs in the school "Gangs. Such gangs are often involved in illegal activities, such as violence, drugs, and weapons trafficking. In response to gang recruitment activities, some states and localities have changed their laws to make any kind of gang recruitment, even if it does not involve criminal behavior, illegal. The term gang-motivated homicides refers to those murders that further the interests of a gang, whereas gang-related homicides generally refers to murders where a gang member is either a perpetrator or the victim. Why is the region suffering from so much violent crime? According to the 2005 National Gang Threat Assessment, in 2001 Sur 13 was present in 35 states across the nation.


Youth and Gang Involvement: Why do our youth turn to gangs and whatā€™s to be done?

why does gang violence occur

Howell, and Aline K. Mural-type graffiti is known as piecing or bombing. Why Do Youths Join Gangs 2232 Words 9 Pages Introduction This paper gives will give depth information on gang activity in the U. Hill, Christina Lui, and J. I too have been a victim of theft, when I was robbed of my laptop during a recent trip to the region. Other researchers who survey gang members themselves find higher proportions of female members. Some have difficulty trying to leave a gang.
