Why do people fear communism. Why Americans Fear Communism 2022-10-30

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There are several reasons why people fear communism.

First, communism has often been associated with authoritarian regimes and totalitarianism. In the 20th century, several communist governments, such as those in the Soviet Union and China, were known for their strict control over their citizens and their lack of political freedoms. This led to widespread fear and mistrust of communism as a political ideology.

Second, communism has also been associated with economic failure. In the Soviet Union and other communist countries, the state controlled the economy and resources were heavily rationed. This often led to shortages of basic goods and long lines to purchase them. In addition, the lack of a market-based system stifled innovation and hindered economic growth. This led to widespread poverty and suffering among the population, further contributing to the fear of communism.

Third, communism has often been portrayed as a threat to individual freedoms and personal property. In communist countries, the state typically owns the means of production and controls the distribution of wealth. This can be seen as a threat to the individual's right to own and control their own property.

Finally, the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States also contributed to the fear of communism. The two sides were engaged in a global struggle for influence and power, and the threat of nuclear war loomed large. This fear was exacerbated by the portrayal of communism as a threat to the American way of life and democracy.

Overall, the fear of communism can be traced back to its association with authoritarianism, economic failure, threats to individual freedoms and personal property, and the tensions of the Cold War. While there are certainly positive aspects to communism as an ideology, these negative associations have contributed to its widespread fear and mistrust.

How Fear of Communism Led to the Rise of Hitler, Nazism and World War Two

why do people fear communism

Private property was associated with capitalism, the system that our textbooks claimed failed. The whole idea of Communism was to distribute power over groups, to not have a leader. The conventional wisdom in the corridors of power in Washington, London and Paris was that Bolshevism had to be contained and that Germany could not be allowed to fall apart. Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology. Communism was evil, and like a disease it would spread to all corners of the world, unless we fought to contain it. But nothing in this world, and we mean NOTHING at all has an intrinsic value. In reality, Chamberlain was following a policy which was underpinned by convictions that were shared by large and influential sections of the ruling class in Britain and the intelligentsia.


Why Americans Fear Communism

why do people fear communism

The inspiring image of the communist virile female worker turned out to be a total flop. Shortages are created by the intrusion of the state into the complex activity of the markets, whether it's price controls or poor allocation of resources. In 1982, the state sent their disciples to people's homes to do the census. Communism preaches equality for all men. The organisational structure of the party was organised by regionally sub-dividing Germany into a number of Gaue which were controlled by a Gauleiter, who had been appointed Hitler and only received orders from Hitler. In Germany, attempts at insurrections failed; the left forces were divided between the communists and the social democrats; and what was worse, as Haslam reveals, the Bolshevik government was in secret negotiations with the Weimar regarding trade and the rearmament of Russia.


[Serious] Why do Americans hate communism so much? : AskAnAmerican

why do people fear communism

I prefer to help Hitler than risk a worse alternative in his place. So, why did Americans fear it? Because we don't have to worry about tomorrow, we have—or make—the time to read, explore, and innovate. Europe tottered on the brink of uncertainty and the unexpected. This paranoia had significant effects on the political as well as social landscape of the United States. The United States' life blood is trade. Now and then, a person is born with a rare artistic talent, which they yearn to give an expression to.


Fear Of Communism In Germany Free Essay Example

why do people fear communism

Other communist leaders, however, were not less fierce than Stalin. Most people drive similar cars. Private property and private property rights are at the core of capitalism. By the 1950s, it appeared the communism was gaining strength around the world. The paranoia generated by the Red Scare and McCarthyism had significant effects on the social and political landscape of America.


Reasons Why Are So Many Americans Still Afraid Of Communism

why do people fear communism

And this may be just the beginning of attaining the intellectual maturity to perceive the value that free markets and individual freedom afford most of us. You just visit North Korea and you will find yourself in the deepest information void there is. Early in the 1950s, too, the battle over the spread of communism into Korea became a proxy war between the two superpowers that the Americans feared would spread into a more widespread conflagration. Their being simply the most well known examples in history of Communism being evil doesn't make Communism evil. When everyone was done.


Why did people fear communism? : history

why do people fear communism

And the whole process is also highly toxic for the rest of the world. But one may ask why was there so much poverty when natural resources are so abundant? Instead of predicting the positive future of a communist nation, it argues that capitalism causes class warfare. Why are you not at work? These "gulags" were used to help shape a culture of hard work and production, as well as social equality. Although most political prisoners were simply killed the Great Purge. The layman definition of capitalism is the economic system in which people and businesses engage in manufacturing, trading, and exchanging products and services without government interference. In the Soviet Union, artists who dared to disobey the Word of the Party were imprisoned, killed, or died of starvation in the Siberian camps. Imagine, you never had to struggle to survive.


I Grew Up in a Communist System. Here’s What Americans Don’t Understand About Freedom

why do people fear communism

Once it became evident that the Soviets also possessed the technology to create atomic weapons, sudden nuclear annihilation was a real and terrifying possibility. We needed strong American families to keep the moral fabric of the nation intact and the evil of Communism out. A free-market capitalist system works in a more efficient manner when not tampered with by government or central bank intervention in the credit markets, monetary policy, and interest rate fixing. They made our lives better. They were anti-communist which appealed to people who had property such s industrialist and land owners the upper and middle class as theyd have a lot to lose if the communist gained power. For the first time since the Roaring Twenties, America was feeling good. Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses.


What Are the Causes of Fear of Communism in the US?

why do people fear communism

The Gulags were forced work camps where people were kept in horrid conditions which resulted in millions of deaths. Stalin also forced a famine in the early 30's by seizing control of private farm land and putting it under government control. S vs the USSR in indirect conflict over ideology began thus begins the Cold War. The idea behind the land reforms carried out in the Soviet Union and its satellite countries was to maximize the use of the countryside production for the industrial needs of the urban areas. Sure, they won't be paid x10 more money, but it will still be significantly more than those working at the bottom of the system. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were fresh in Americans' minds, leading the US to fear the Soviets would launch a nuclear war with a mutually assured destruction that would destroy both countries.


ELI5: Why was/is there such an incredible fear of Communism? : explainlikeimfive

why do people fear communism

It should be kept in mind, too, that the first half of the twentieth century had been dominated by two brutal world wars, and Americans remained on edge that a third such war could explode. Carmen Alexe escaped Communist Romania during the Cold War. Pre Bolshevik revolution there was many different communist thinkers and they would meet at what was called the first international, the second international and so on. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation of individual freedom and capitalism. Do I pick: A an imperfect system where the middle-class thrives as long as corporations are prohibited from unduly influencing the state, which means Federalism and smaller government, with just enough power to do that without them having enough power to do an irreparable amount of harm, or B a "Perfect" system where the chosen few of the Communist Party controls everything that matters, but everyone else is relegated to serfdom, and live upon their sufferance? Workers have the same income, regardless whether they work hard at a job or not. Haslam notes that the victory of the Labour Party in coalition with the Liberal Party in the general election in May 1929 was partly made possible by a secret Soviet subsidy.


Why did people fear communism? What specifically is it about Communism that people feared? Is socialism REALLY that bad?

why do people fear communism

. Btw, I'm not a communist, I just enjoy reading history and politics. The Soviet Union could not be trusted but Hitler could be since he was assumed to be a reasonable man who more importantly was opposed to communism. Instead, our parents learned to become good at preparing the liver, the brain, the tongue, and other giblets that most people in the West would not even consider trying. An individual can get a second job to earn more income or go back to school to get a higher paying job in capitalism.
