Literature review conclusion sample. 20 FREE Literature Review Templates and Examples (APA) 2022-11-02

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A literature review conclusion is a summary of the main points and findings of a literature review. It is important to include a conclusion in a literature review as it helps to tie together all of the research that has been analyzed and discussed, and highlights the main points and implications of the review.

A sample literature review conclusion might include a statement about the overall findings of the review, such as whether or not the research supports a particular hypothesis or idea. It may also include a discussion of the limitations of the review, such as any biases or gaps in the research that were identified.

In addition, a literature review conclusion may include recommendations for future research, based on the gaps or areas of uncertainty identified in the review. For example, if the review found that there is a lack of research on a particular topic, the conclusion might recommend that future research focus on this area.

It is also important to consider the implications of the literature review for practice or policy. For example, if the review found that a particular intervention has strong evidence of effectiveness, the conclusion might recommend that this intervention be implemented in a particular setting or population.

Overall, the conclusion of a literature review should provide a clear and concise summary of the main points and findings of the review, and highlight the implications of the research for practice or policy.

Literature Review Samples & Examples

literature review conclusion sample

You can also leave some gap for future researchers so others can extend your work. This is a fascination that captured my heart from my very tender days. Nursing Literature Review Sample Toukhsati, S. Depending upon the purpose of the literature review, you may also include a brief statement of future directions or self-reflection. This act was signed to prevent landlords from setting very high prices for renting due to an enormous demand. Together with this, it's also evident that the field of composition studies in regards to the kinds of commentary that students get on their writing is varied and continues to be examined and analyzed to benefit both composition students and the society at large.


Best Lit Review Introduction, Body & Conclusion Writing Aid

literature review conclusion sample

Earlier in this guide, we suggested some engaging topics to guide your search. Therefore, boosting participation in the group may increase team loyalty and lessen instances of social loafing. Theoretical Literature reviews organized in a theoretical format have their contents organized in an abstract framework established by the author to discuss different concepts, theories, and concepts and how they relate to the research at hand. Scholars should also highlight the points that the authors elaborated well and the ones that they did not shed light on. For a review within a dissertation, this section should explain how your research can bridge any gaps or provide new knowledge. Let us help you with writing a body paragraph for a lit review, and you will achieve an excellent grade in research project writing.


How To Structure A Literature Review (Free Template)

literature review conclusion sample

What is stress and what causes it? An effective intervention to manage obesity is essential. The direction of the relationship between fear and rejection seems to be that fear possibly based upon myths about mental illness causes rejection. How To Write A Literature Review For Dissertation? The thematic approach is the most common approach and is useful for structuring literature reviews in most fields. Define the gaps still to be covered if any. If only the public can be given a more crucial role in combating terrorist activities and plots in the United States homeland, the government law enforcement authorities can work more effectively because in every corner of the country, there are peopleā€”people who want to protect the country and the security and safety of every individual American; people who are willing to contribute to the anti-terrorism efforts. Each era is characterized by specific traits one of which is to be proven as the most dominating of all giving the main beating characteristic of each historical period.


39 Best Literature Review Examples (Guide & Samples)

literature review conclusion sample

Methodological reviews are hence used to discuss tested methods of research and ethics that a researcher should be aware of before undertaking their investigations. Want to get more advice on how to handle this body of work? This means that since the past the general public, despite the restrictions and barriers that are still present even today, were already able to contribute to the process of preventing a myriad of terrorist plots of getting consummated. Smithson indicates that boundaries and protocols do not exist for all artists in the same way. The physical reactions of anger show in increased blood pressure and heart rate, muscle tightening and 'fight or flight' response. Next is the body of the section in which we discuss the sources. For example, a scientific review will be more analytical on the methods and results of previous research. In our case, 20% is preparing a literature review.


Nursing Literature Review Sample

literature review conclusion sample

Instead of notifying other concerned organizations such as the NORAD about the high-risk incident, the FAA apparently focused more on tracking the whereabouts of the plane, which was a lost cause because the Flight 11 hijackers turned off all means of communication with the authorities. While writing the introduction of the Lit review, scholars should also specify the criteria that they used to select literature. After the initial presentation, narrow your introduction's focus towards the MOP by mentioning the criteria you used to select the literature sources you have chosen Macbeth, All the King's Men, and Animal Farm. . You will get an experience which is hard to receive anywhere else. Follow the table: Name Subject Description 1 Sociology Sociology literature review raises issues of single African American parents.


Literature Review: Outline, Strategies, and Examples

literature review conclusion sample

The idea behind the war on terror was to attack the suspected terrorist groups and their members, prioritizing terrorist group leaders, one of the most prominent of which was the then leader of Al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden, outside the U. A thematic format will crossover from one period and publication to another but can sometimes incorporate a chronological order. Lehn defines the concept of Supramolecular chemistry as 'chemistry beyond the molecule'; chemistry of the intermolecular bond that includes the functions and structures of the entities resulting from the bonding between multiple chemical species. Therefore, in a series of experiments, we explored the direct effects of a on b and c, and tested whether m had a moderating influence on these effects. Ver Der Kolk 1996 opines that "traumatized people lead traumatic and traumatizing lives", because they tend to re-victimize themselves, inflict self-injury, and externalize their trauma by victimizing others.


Literature Review Examples

literature review conclusion sample

Find us today, and we will ensure that you have submitted a Lit review that will impress the supervisors and the readers. Causes of Social Loafing Chang et al. Ergonomics is a branch of engineering science which accords the design and work arrangement, tools, machinery among other safety equipment so that people interact with things efficiently. An expertly written chapter 2 should evaluate all the sources of information that lays the foundation for research. Nursing Literature Review Sample Benchmark ā€” Part B: Literature Review Qaddoura, A.


Concluding Your Literature Review

literature review conclusion sample

Taken as a whole, it appears that exposing these myths as myths increases the acceptance of the mentally ill and that staged contact with a mentally person to expose myths has an even more powerful effect. Identifying the gaps between literature to boost further research. . As the author, you want to leave the readers' trail of thought within the actual essay topic. However, the number of sources referenced in a lit review will vary from one topic or discipline to the other. Introduction Migrant workers relocate from their countries of origin to foreign countries for work purposes.
