What makes a good role model essay. What Makes A Good Role Model? 2022-10-23

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A good role model is someone who is worthy of imitation and admiration. They are often looked up to by others and serve as an example of how to live one's life. A good role model possesses many positive qualities and characteristics, and they strive to continuously improve themselves and their behavior.

One of the most important qualities of a good role model is honesty. Honesty is a fundamental value that is essential for building trust and maintaining relationships. A good role model is honest in their words and actions, and they do not deceive or mislead others.

Another quality of a good role model is integrity. A person with integrity acts with consistency and honesty in all aspects of their life. They stand up for their beliefs and values, even when it is difficult or unpopular to do so. They also take responsibility for their actions and do not try to blame others for their mistakes.

A good role model is also kind and compassionate. They care about others and try to help those in need. They are empathetic and understanding, and they treat others with respect and consideration.

In addition to these personal qualities, a good role model is also a hard worker. They are committed to their goals and work diligently to achieve them. They do not give up easily and are willing to put in the time and effort required to succeed.

A good role model is also a good leader. They inspire and motivate others to be their best selves, and they set a positive example for others to follow. They are confident and decisive, but also listen to the opinions and ideas of others.

Finally, a good role model is humble. They do not seek attention or praise, but rather focus on making a positive impact on those around them. They are grateful for their successes and do not let them go to their head.

In conclusion, a good role model possesses a combination of personal qualities, including honesty, integrity, kindness, hard work, leadership, and humility. They are an example of how to live a good and fulfilling life, and they inspire and motivate others to do the same.

Characteristics Of A Good Role Model Essay

what makes a good role model essay

My Best Role Model Who comes to mind when thinking about who the best role model is? This can be things like their work ethic, success, or kindness. It is said that role models in work places are no different to those elsewhere. Role model sets an example before others they work for fame and name not just for money. My role model is my brother; he is an army officer and plays a very important role in protecting our nation. . In addition, role models are consistent in how they display these standards.


What Makes A Role Model?

what makes a good role model essay

So maybe we are unsuccessful when it comes to recognizing this, and as a result we require even more from them. Teens choose what socially satisfactory conduct is and what is most certainly not. For example, in the future, I would like my children to have my voice, passion for writing and sports, and my sense of love and belonging. Humility: Put the goals of all or others before yourself rather than thinking only of your goals. It will not be wrong if I call him a great motivational speaker, even today when I feel demotivated, I simply start listening to his speeches on YouTube, and they are so good and inspiring that I start feeling energetic. Besides this, the role model can be anyone from a celebrity to a My Role Model The missile man of India His Achievement Dr.


Finding Good Role Model Essay

what makes a good role model essay

Great personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Madhuri Dixit, Dr. Jesus' life of prayer consisted of praying before meals, giving thanks, praying for others, shared prayer and praying fore making important decisions, but his most valued form of prayer was private prayer. Most role models effect people in a positive way by something they do or something that they say. Kalam was really an amazing personality and each and every day was a new lesson and we should definitely learn from him. They have a responsibility now, that celebrities did not have many years ago.


Role model essay: How to write an essay about a role model (examples)

what makes a good role model essay

Celebrities can inspire others to imitate them through their values and goals. To this day my sister and I aren't joined at the hip, and I don't speak to her everyday, but my sister is still one of my closest friends. Then you can move on to the next task successfully 3 Include a time based safety margin. Amir Khan also made his debut in television on 6 th May, 2012 by hosting a show Satyamev Jayate, a talk show discussing various social causes. Seeing role models successfully confronting hardships will motivate people to endure difficulties and crises. These teachings are evident In all aspects of Christianity and have become the foundation for Christians as to how we are to live our lives.


What makes a Good Role Model Essay in English for Students

what makes a good role model essay

Everybody should have at least one role model in life. . Great people always say what they do and always do what they say. A person should not only be dedicated towards his career but he should also focus on the overall development. What are we supposed to do now? Once you have explained why this person is your role model, you can move on to the next part of your essay.


Good Role Model

what makes a good role model essay

What makes a good role model essay - Intro It is not only a position or a post that makes a person famous, there are also some extra X factors that make a person decent. If you want to become a role model then you should have the above-mentioned 7 or 8 qualities in you. Everyday today's youth are asked what they want to be when they grow up. After his visit, I really found him very inspiring and he is really a role model of our country. The final argument advanced by opponents in favor to consider celebrities as role models for young people is that how they are always well informed of updates, imitate their style can be a good way to be conform with fashion. A role model is a person that is looked up to by others.


Role Models Essay: Most Exciting Examples and Topics Ideas

what makes a good role model essay

Celebrities have a special talent that most average people can not do; they are athletes, actors, actresses, and singers. The children, especially the youngest c. An effective leader will have traits such as; …show more content… When I am able to physically do activities to improve my knowledge that is when I find myself learning to my best ability. He made his ODI debut for Indian Cricket Team against Sri Lanka at the age of 19. The only way for mentors to have a positive influence is if they are heard. Jesus has taught us how we are to pray through his own to why Jesus is a role model to Christians. Even though she is not perfect, I know that she always tries her best and that is why I look up to her.


What Is A Good Role Model Essay? Essay Sample

what makes a good role model essay

Learn More Conclusion Celebrities have all the elements needed to become positive role models, hence explaining why most of them inspire others. Because he was the chief guest of the function there was a special chair for him, but when he visited, he just denied sitting on the chair. Jeglic, John Jay College and Aviva Moster, p. Regardless, leadership can be influenced by several factors relating to three main features based on traits, behavior and situation. His profession as well as he is an astounding person. A good lesson affects their life in a way that changes in a good way.
