What is narrow span of control. What is a narrow span of control? 2022-10-16

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Compare and contrast essays are a common type of academic writing in which a student is asked to identify and analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. These types of essays can be used to examine a wide range of topics, from historical events and political ideologies to scientific concepts and artistic movements. Some possible compare and contrast topics might include:

  1. Political systems: This could include comparing and contrasting different forms of government, such as democracy and autocracy, or different political ideologies, such as conservatism and liberalism.

  2. Historical events: Students could compare and contrast major events in history, such as the American Revolution and the French Revolution, or the world wars of the 20th century.

  3. Scientific concepts: Students could compare and contrast different scientific theories or discoveries, such as the theories of evolution and intelligent design, or the laws of thermodynamics and gravity.

  4. Artistic movements: Students could compare and contrast different artistic styles or movements, such as impressionism and expressionism in painting, or classical and romantic music.

  5. Technology: Students could compare and contrast different technological innovations, such as the personal computer and the smartphone, or online and traditional education.

Regardless of the specific topic being addressed, a compare and contrast essay should begin with a clear introduction that identifies the two subjects being compared and the purpose of the comparison. The body of the essay should then present a series of points of comparison and contrast, using specific examples to support each point. Finally, the essay should conclude with a summary of the main points of comparison and contrast and a discussion of the implications or significance of those differences.

How to Determine Span of Control (+ Control Planning Template)

what is narrow span of control

According to the Apple Incorporated, the company can be classified as having a wide span of control. Having less manager positions also reduces costs associated with salaries and payroll. Span of management directly affects the number of levels in the organization. This ultimately leads to more overhead costs and ineffective response time. Since management is generally the higher paid employees within the organization, the salary costs are cut as management is reduced. Under the CEO of Apple Inc.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Narrow Span of Control

what is narrow span of control

What do you understand by narrow and wide span? Use of Technology Like the other factors, the use of technology can have a great impact on managerial span of control. For example, company cultures that are informal and flexible may encourage a wider span of control that gives employees more autonomy to act. Fewer reports to the average manager will result in a taller organizational chart, with more management positions relative to the number of individual contributors. Limits department cohesion Certain teams and departments must communicate frequently with one another. THIS GIVES A RISE TO A FLAT STRUCTURE. Geographical Dispersion If branches of a business are widely dispersed, then the manager will find it difficult to supervise each of them, as such the span on control will be smaller.


What is a narrow span of control?

what is narrow span of control

Wide span of control: Wide span of control means a single manager or supervisor oversees a large number of subordinates. The number of workers who in a company report to a supervisor is referred to as the span of control. In such a case, the work load of direct superior is reduced and he can supervise more number of persons. On the other hand, in the narrow span of control, fewer people report to a manager. The most current thinking states that span of control needs to be determined by the type of work done by the group: managers with more experienced and independent staff can manage them more effectively than managers with relatively inexperienced workers who need more training and direction.


What is span of control in organizational structures

what is narrow span of control

Employees who require direction or supervision from their manager are at a disadvantage with the wide span of control. How do you use span of time? And there are many variables that can help you determine the ideal number of employees any given person should manage. They are structured with different hierarchical levels, including different management levels. A narrow span of management is the opposite of a wide span of management. What is a wide span of management? Improved employee satisfaction The increased amounts of direct attention employees receive are a further advantage of delegating fewer employees to a supervisor. The narrower the span of control, the more effective the manager can be.


What is narrow span of control with example?

what is narrow span of control

The consensus of optimal span of control changes as thinking on organizational structure changes. Improved communication is a major advantage of a narrow span of control. In the early part of the 20th century, optimal structures were based on a military model, and the ideal span of control was considered to be six. Span of control can be extended where the direction of operations is done more by goals and objectives rather than by an ever-present supervisor. Also, an administrator can broaden his span of control by the use of staff specialists who can provide another set of legs, eyes and ears for the executive.


Span of Control

what is narrow span of control

Narrow span of control: Narrow Span of control means a single manager or supervisor oversees few subordinates. What is the best span of control? Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control? Span of Control can be defined as the total number of direct subordinates that a manager can control or manage. When everyone is producing equally, it may be simpler to identify outliers among a larger group of workers. Supervisors can better assist individual employees and raise both morale and productivity by closely monitoring those who are under their supervision. Span of Control Explained FAQ What are the main advantages and disadvantages of wide span of control? Fewer direct reports can aid managers in developing a thorough understanding of the company and those who work there. He also likes to write articles related to the mechanical engineering field and tries to motivate other mechanical engineering students by his innovative project ideas, design, models and videos.


What is Span of Control

what is narrow span of control

What is narrow and wide span? Why is having a wide span of control bad? Which do you think is more efficient a wide or a narrow span of control? Highly skilled managers will be more likely to successfully manage others and can handle a wider span of control. This gives rise to a flat organizational structure. Span of control is simply the number of staff that report to a manager. Which best describes the situation most likely to use a narrow span of control? A narrow span of control provides managers and employees with more time for one-on-one communication as well as more opportunities for employee advancement, but it can also create more opportunities for delayed decision-making, increased bureaucracy, and the Factors Impacting Span of Control Within each organization, there is an ideal number of direct reports each manager can capably handle, but the reality is that the need for a wide or a narrow span of control varies depending on a number of factors. Wide span of management Definition When a single manager or supervisor manages and controls a large number of subordinates within an organization, it is known as the wide span of management.


What Is Span Of Control? (SOC), Types, Factors Affecting

what is narrow span of control

It can be used to group elements for styling purposes using the class or id attributes , or because they share attribute values, such as lang. This is beneficial for positions where the work is completed in teams. Managers in charge of large operations can assess productivity and performance without needing frequent employee interactions or one-on-one check-ins. Employees typically appreciate the chance to provide feedback to their manager, which is not as easy in a wide span of control. What Is the Optimal Span of Control? » Slower Decision Making: the increased layers within the organization can make decision-making slower. This gives rise to a tall organizational structure. Having a narrow span or lower span of control also depends on the work of the business.


what is narrow span of control

This may be particularly true if all employees carry out identical or comparable tasks. In such cases, managers must often look for opportunities to delegate certain responsibilities so that they can capably balance their ongoing personal job responsibilities with the need to spend the appropriate amount of time managing others. Span of Control Definition Span of control refers to the number of staff members that report to a particular manager. Subordinates may make decisions they are not trained to make. Advertisement What factors determine the optimal span of control? Employees will need to be relatively more self-motivated and independent in their work style due to having less manager input. Some employees will require more direction or assistance from their managers in their roles. Managers are more likely to be accessible to respond to inquiries and track development when they oversee fewer employees.
