Unit 5 health and social care level 3. Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 3 2022-11-05

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Unit 5 of the Health and Social Care Level 3 qualification focuses on the promotion of public health. This unit aims to provide learners with an understanding of the factors that influence the health of individuals and communities, as well as the role of health and social care professionals in promoting public health.

One key aspect of this unit is understanding the social determinants of health. These are the various social, economic, and environmental factors that can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities. Some examples of social determinants of health include poverty, education, housing, and access to healthcare. Health and social care professionals play a crucial role in addressing these determinants through their work in promoting public health.

Another important aspect of this unit is understanding the role of health education and health promotion in improving public health. Health education involves providing individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to make healthy choices and adopt healthy behaviors. Health promotion, on the other hand, involves taking a more proactive approach to improving public health by creating supportive environments and policies that encourage healthy behaviors. This can include initiatives such as promoting physical activity, improving access to healthy foods, and supporting tobacco control efforts.

In addition to these topics, Unit 5 of the Health and Social Care Level 3 qualification may also cover issues related to health inequalities and the ways in which health and social care professionals can work to address these inequalities. Health inequalities refer to the differences in health outcomes that exist between different groups of people, often due to social and economic factors. Reducing health inequalities is a key goal of public health efforts, and health and social care professionals can play a vital role in this by working to address the underlying social and economic determinants of these inequalities.

Overall, Unit 5 of the Health and Social Care Level 3 qualification provides learners with a strong foundation in the principles and practices of promoting public health. By understanding the social determinants of health, the role of health education and health promotion, and the importance of addressing health inequalities, learners can develop the knowledge and skills they need to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of their communities.

Level 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 Essay

unit 5 health and social care level 3

To provide all necessary information, instruction, training and supervision to enable individuals to be safe 5. Individuals comprising the PCBU are referred to as officers, and they are the people in the organisation that have a high influence on health and safety culture and its compliance with health and safety legislation. Billy has complained about stomach pains since being admitted to hospital, which could be due to him living mainly on food from rubbish bins, thrown out by local restaurants. Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 7 M3 Public health is looking at the health of a community and population. During my service year with the NYSC, I discovered that minor ailments, usually from infections, and some with fatal consequences, could have been prevented and many lives saved if it were not for the fact that those effected believed that the illnesses were evil spiritual afflictions or resulted from a curse by God. He was transferred to the community hospital because he has continually tried to remove his cast and the staff felt that he was not ready to go home. However, a social theorist that supports the nurture side …show more content… This is a big factor for the nature and nurture debate.



unit 5 health and social care level 3

As all students, we need to apply this theory of nursing into nursing practice. Michael Bailey and Rechard C. Unit 222 Health And Social Care Level 3 556 Words 3 Pages Describe the communication requirements of different audiences Knowing your audience helps you to choose which form of communication to use, for example, if I was speaking to a child I would speak calmly with a slightly high pitched voice as its more soothing towards the child, where as if I was talking to a teacher I would speak in my normal tone, depending on my relationship with the teacher, where as if I was talking to someone very important I would speak in a polite, professional manner. The purpose of the code is to protect the public as it enables to professionals to understand what they need to do and allows the public to know what to expect from the organisation. He cannot clearly read road signs or find his way around the city easily. If you are trying to pass on information to someone outside of your department, it would be impractical to use technical jargon that they would not normally come across or use. The practitioner will always be looking for potential hazards and ways to prevent accidents — risk assessment.


Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 P4

unit 5 health and social care level 3

It is the responsibility of the employer to provide a safe working environment, however it is also the responsibility of the employee to show reasonable care for their safety. They have a responsibility to support a safe workplace and to allocate resources and policies. Valerie lives in flat provided by a housing association, but has been bullied by local teenagers because of her obesity. The setting must ensure they cooperate with relevant authorities and their requirements. For example, you place a monkey and a young child in the same environment would that have an effect on their personality. In order to overcome this Patrick could educate himself in depth on HIV, this will help him come to terms with it and will also help him to help others understand HIV.


Level 3 Health and Social Care: Practice (Adults)

unit 5 health and social care level 3

Everyone has a duty of care — it is not something that you can opt out of. Billy cannot go back home from hospital, because his mother has changed the locks and has refused to visit him. Within this code the support workers are made accountable the decisions they make. The act defines discrimination as not …show more content… Whilst the professionals follow the code of conduct it reassures them that there making the correct decisions. For example, an individual I care for with learning disabilities and epilepsy made a phone call to the organisation I work in around 10pm and informed me that she was going out, as it is her right to chose when and where she goes I could not tell her she could not do so, instead I asked where she was going, she informed me she was going to a party at a friends house, I then tried to obtain information about where her friends Unit 7 P4 Health And Social Care Study 799 Words 4 Pages Many people are supported in their homes by people who work along side the health and social care service such as social workers,nursers ,doctor and care givers or they may get support from their family members and friends. CW explained the DSS process and provided Brochures 30230, 2416 and obtained signature for 3795.


Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 4 M1

unit 5 health and social care level 3

If a complaint is made against someone they will be informed and given the opportunity to respond and have the right to appeal the NHS Nhs Essay Examples 726 Words 3 Pages Being a candidate for the National Honor Society is a tremendous honor for me. Every hc professional will have a code of conduct that gives them a code of practice that they have to follow. The age range of some of these life stages are defined by social criteria. We hold 30 large bedrooms which have all been professionally decorated. Biological theorists believe nature is what causes homosexuality. Billy has a visual impairment and finds street living difficult.


Unit 5 Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 3

unit 5 health and social care level 3

Health and social care provisions must have polices in place to deal with all forms of bullying or harassment. It looks at factors affecting the health of community such as: diets, age, sex, working conditions and social class. Tremayne has a wheat allergy, but does not understand why he keeps feeling ill. However, the health and social care establishment should still be able to effectively deal with cases like these. They cannot opt out of this responsibility. Successful completion of this qualification will enable learners to work with more autonomy and responsibility as a qualified Level 3 Health and Social Care Senior Care Worker, with a focus on adults who are vulnerable or in need.


HSC Unit 5 Aim A

unit 5 health and social care level 3

I understand that a member of NHS shows qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Premium Abuse Child abuse Law QCF 5 unit 33 QCF TINA MORGAN Unit 33 understand physical disability 1 understand the importance of differing between the individual and the disability 1. Most health and safety legislation places place the responsibility of health and safety on the employers. The Local Complaint Stage 1 Immediately after hearing of a complaint, contact the complainant to determine where their issues lie and what they would like to see as a result of the investigation. The Care Programme Approach CPA was introduced in 1990 to provide a framework for effective mental health care for people with severe mental health illness. UNIT 2: EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND RIGHTS JADA COOPER 20140170 P4: This task will explain 2 different national initiatives, stating when they were set up, the purpose and also how they promote anti-discriminatory practises.


Qcf 3 health and social care unit 5 free answers Free Essays

unit 5 health and social care level 3

The policies are in place to protect everyone - training must be undertaken or up-to-date before support workers can administrate any medication. The organisations employ managers who have the duty to ensure that all of the policies are adhered too, staffs are trained on a regular basis and that the improvement of care should be monitored after the training is provided. Produce an information sheet for use within your setting. She has no family. Health and safety legislation applies rules to persons conducting a business or undertaking PCBU. Health and safety legislation places a health and safety duty and responsibility on PCBU, persons conducting a business or undertaking. Her vascular dementia is causing her to have delusions, where she appears to hear voices and can be heard speaking to her former friends who she no longer has contact with.


Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 5 P4

unit 5 health and social care level 3

I will be given assignments by your client where I will work with him 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. There have been many theories that account for the development of diverse sexual orientations in humans. There is also sections for self-assessment and teacher feedback to help you evaluate your understand and gain additional help from teacher if needed. Many people struggle with some ways of communicating and its important when working with old people for example; they need to be understood… Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 9 P1 Initial Contact: CW Holland made initial contact with Brandy Ramos and Victoria at their home at 908 Tree Street Columbia at 4pm. The neighbour who visits Aisha, said that Aisha often wanders around late at night in the garden, muttering to herself. A local GP should be able to recognise a service users symptoms and diagnose the service users symptoms of mental health or psychosis then they should refer the service user to an intervention service were they will then be assessed.
