What is a constructive margin. Why plate margins are called destructive? 2022-10-20

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A constructive margin is a geological feature that is formed when two tectonic plates are moving away from each other. This type of margin is characterized by the formation of new crust along the boundary between the two plates, as magma from the mantle rises up to fill the gap created by the separating plates.

Constructive margins are also known as divergent plate boundaries or spreading centers. They can be found in a variety of locations around the world, including along mid-ocean ridges, where the ocean floor is spreading apart and new crust is being formed.

One of the most well-known examples of a constructive margin is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which runs down the center of the Atlantic Ocean. This ridge marks the boundary between the North American and African tectonic plates, and as the plates move apart, magma from the mantle rises up to fill the gap and create new ocean crust.

Constructive margins are an important part of the Earth's tectonic system, as they help to regulate the movement and positioning of the planet's crust. They also play a significant role in the creation and evolution of the planet's landscape, as the movement of the tectonic plates can lead to the formation of mountains, valleys, and other geological features.

In addition to their geological significance, constructive margins can also have practical implications for human activities. For example, the volcanic activity associated with these margins can create geothermal energy sources, and the minerals and other resources found in the newly formed crust can be extracted for economic gain.

Overall, a constructive margin is a dynamic and important feature of the Earth's geology, with both scientific and practical significance. It is the result of the movement of tectonic plates, and plays a key role in shaping the planet's landscape and supporting various human activities.

What do constructive plate boundaries cause?

what is a constructive margin

Where is a constructive margin? A constructive margin is where two tectonic plates are diverging away from each other, which causes new crust to be created at the boundary between these two plates. Destructive plate boundaries are when oceanic and continental plates move together. Constructive boundaries are mainly located under the sea, e. As the plates move, friction occurs and plates become stuck. To the left is the North American plate and to the right is the Eurasian plate. Two examples of this are the island of Surtsey, and Easter Island.


Destructive Plate Margins

what is a constructive margin

The melting of the plate results in magma building up, which eventually rises up to the surface as volcanoes. Long chains of mountains form along these ridges. The shield volcano is a gently sloping volcano that is flat near the top and is built entirely by basic lava. Constructive plate margins develop oceanic ridges. Oceanic-continental Where oceanic and continental plates meet the oceanic crust sinks, or subducts, below the less dense and lighter continental crust. The movement of the plates over the mantle can cause earthquakes.


Volcanoes at destructive and constructive margins Essay Example

what is a constructive margin

Some of the magma reaches the surface as basalt lava flows. What comes first the lithosphere or asthenosphere? The Global Soul may see so many sides of every question that he never settles on a firm conviction; he may grow so used to giving back a different self according to his environment that he loses sight of who he is when nobody's around. This is known as subduction. Iceland has been formed as the result of a constructive plate margin. Tectonic hazards can destroy buildings, infrastructure and cause deaths. In some areas the inward-facing scarpes are 600m above the valley floor and they are often marked by a series of parallel step faults. At a divergent plate boundary — also known as a constructive plate boundary, the plates move apart from one another.


Constructive (divergent) margins

what is a constructive margin

They never really separate because magma continuously moves up from the mantle into this boundary, building new plate material on both sides of the plate boundary. The Earth possesses a magnetic field, which acts rather like a bar magnet within the Earth. As it does this the continental crust buckles forming the trench. They have travelled a long way, and this is what makes them so powerful. At times, an excess of magma is injected into the spreading line, and this overflows onto the seafloor to build up a large submarine ridge with a series of smaller, sub-parallel ridges.


Constructive Margins

what is a constructive margin

The shockwaves created produce an earthquake. At constructive plate boundaries, the tectonic plates are moving away from one another. At a divergent boundary, tectonic plates move apart from one another. Long chains of mountains form along these ridges. Where is a destructive plate margin? A Dictionary of Earth Sciences. The movement of the plates over the mantle can cause earthquakes.


What is considered as a constructive margin?

what is a constructive margin

This is termed reverse polarity. This is now a fully functional mid-ocean spreading ridge, with new ocean crust being injected into the central rift. What type of volcanoes form at constructive plate boundaries? Due to friction, the plate gets stuck. Here, chains of underwater volcanoes have formed along the plate boundary. The ridge forms a very prominent feature near the spreading line, where it develops on the crust domed up by the rising convection currents in the underlying mantle.


Constructive Plate Margins

what is a constructive margin

Is divergent constructive or destructive Why? As the plates pull apart, molten rock magma rises up and erupts as lava, creating new ocean crust. This typically occurs along a mid-oceanic ridge, such as the mid-Atlantic rift that extends from the north to the south of the Atlantic ocean. Sutsey to the south of Iceland Iceland itself was formed in this wayand is the largest feature produced above sea level on a divergent margin. Huge amounts of basalt a type of volcanic rock can pour out onto the floor of the valley during this stage. What happens at a conservative plate margin? Destructive Plate Margins A destructive plate margin forms when an One explanation forplate movement at a destructive plate margin is slab pull. One example is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the gap can be found in Thingvellir, Iceland.


What happens in a constructive plate margin?

what is a constructive margin

The movement of the plates over the mantle can cause earthquakes. Constructive boundaries are mainly located under the sea, e. Large intrusions of magma create uplift, further contributing to the formation of fold mountains. Collection and analysis of data indicates that constructive forces include crustal deformation, faulting, volcanic eruption and deposition of sediment, while destructive forces include weathering and erosion. This is because plates do not pass each other smoothly; friction causes resistance. Constructive plate margins are associated with shallow-focus earthquakes, high heat flow up to ten times the average , and tholeiitic basalt see THOLEIITE. The birth of a new ocean Continental rifting eventually leads to formation of new ocean crust in the split between the two halves of continental plate.
