What does hellenistic era mean. The Hellenistic Period: Definition & History 2022-10-15

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The Hellenistic era was a period in ancient Greek history that lasted from the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE to the beginning of the Roman Empire in 31 BCE. It is named after the fact that the Greek-speaking world was heavily influenced by the culture of ancient Greece during this time, with the spread of Greek language, ideas, and way of life throughout the Mediterranean region and beyond.

During the Hellenistic era, the Greek city-states that had been dominant in the classical period lost much of their power and influence. In their place, a number of large, centralized empires emerged, the most famous of which was the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt. Other important Hellenistic empires included the Seleucid Empire in the Near East and the Antigonid Kingdom in Macedon.

One of the most notable features of the Hellenistic era was the cultural exchange that took place between the Greek-speaking world and the rest of the ancient world. The spread of Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean and beyond was facilitated by the conquests of Alexander the Great, who brought Greek culture to the lands he conquered in the East. As a result, the Hellenistic era saw the blending of Greek and non-Greek cultures, with the adoption of Greek ideas and customs by non-Greek peoples and the adoption of non-Greek customs by the Greeks.

The Hellenistic era was also a time of great intellectual and artistic achievements. The philosopher Aristotle, who had been a tutor to Alexander the Great, founded a school in Athens that became a center of learning and debate. The Hellenistic era also saw the flourishing of science and mathematics, with the development of new ideas in astronomy, biology, and geometry. In the realm of art, the Hellenistic period saw the development of the Hellenistic style, which was characterized by a more realistic and expressive portrayal of the human form.

In summary, the Hellenistic era was a period of great cultural exchange and intellectual and artistic achievement. It was marked by the spread of Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean and beyond, the emergence of large, centralized empires, and the blending of Greek and non-Greek cultures.

Hellenistic philosophy

what does hellenistic era mean

The gods and goddesses of the Greeks, the Egyptians, and the Persians were all worshipped together. A History of the Greek World, From 323 to 146 B. Thus the sacred literature of the Jews was for practical purposes Greek. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1982. The Cambridge Companion to the Hellenistic World, 2007.


Hellenistic Judaism

what does hellenistic era mean

The structure, or what remained of it, was restored by a team of Italians, and is now housed in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany. The creative genius of the Hellenic people expressed itself with singular directness and simplicity in forms clearly visualized and subject to the conditions of psychologically effective grouping in space or time. In the colonization of these new territories the Hellenic peoples became conscious of their kinship, partly because the several colonies received contingents from various regions of the motherland, partly because they were in common brought into striking contrast to the alien "Barbarians" who spoke other untintelligible languages. In another twenty years, the Macedonian kingdom was no more. . Cultural Perceptions of Violence In the Hellenistic World.


What does hellenistic period mean?

what does hellenistic era mean

Cambridge Ancient History Vol. Hellenism, have been widely used in various contexts; a notable such use is in The major issue with the term Hellenistic lies in its convenience, as the spread of Greek culture was not the generalized phenomenon that the term implies. Painted pottery and elaborate frescos were also common features of Hellenistic artwork. In this political climate, Hellenistic philosophers went in search of goals such as The nomos as unnatural and useless. A Companion to the Hellenistic World. As a result, the period saw an unprecedented surge in the pervasion of Greek culture throughout the conquered regions.


Hellenistic Greece

what does hellenistic era mean

Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2018. Most of the native population was not Hellenized, had little access to Greek culture and often found themselves discriminated against by their Hellenic overlords. When he conquered the Persian Empire, he took up many of their customs. Throughout history non-Hellenic people have adopted and assimilated the values and aesthetics of the Hellenes. University of California Press. These are stories of transforming and being transformed.


Hellenistic Art: History, Facts, and Characteristics

what does hellenistic era mean

THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY, SECOND EDITION, VOLUME VII, PART I: The Hellenistic World, p. Astronomers, engineers, mathematicians, and others flocked to this area to study and to meet with other thinkers and researchers. Retrieved 29 July 2018. The story of a single, triune God, and the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ remain absolutely untouched by Hellenism. All the writings of the New Testament were originally composed in Greek, though their authors differed widely in the degree of proficiency in the use of the language and in acquaintance with Hellenic thought. New York: Routledge, 2017. The farther away from the Mediterranean and the lower in social status, the more likely that a colonist was to adopt local ways, while the Greco-Macedonian elites and royal families usually remained thoroughly Greek and viewed most non-Greeks with disdain.


What Is Hellenism?

what does hellenistic era mean

The Jewish, and later Christian, insistence on keeping their religion pure amused and sometimes angered the Greeks. The Scythie nations, down to the fall of the Western empire, p. Paul and later Christian apologists used several Greek methods to argue for the validity of Christianity: - Cosmological argument. It appears that the universe has been specially designed for the existence of human life. Martyrs went to their graves in order to ensure the gospel message stayed true. Among these causes we may mention the poverty of the soil in Greece proper, the restricting pressure of the strong tribes of Asia Minor who prevented expansion inland, a growing disaffection with the aristocratic regime in almost all Greek states and with the operation of the law of primogeniture in land tenure, and lastly the combined lure of adventure and the prospect of trade.


What is the meaning of Hellenistic period?

what does hellenistic era mean

The Christian Albanians, identifying with their Orthodox coreligionists and with the new nationstate, gradually gave up the Albanian language, in some instances deliberately deciding not to pass it on to their children. The Cambridge history of Judaism. Between 255 and 246BC, the governor of c. Some ethnic groups were known for their martial skill in a particular mode of combat and were highly sought after, including Hellenistic military equipment was generally characterized by an increase in size. What is meant by the Hellenistic period and why is it called by this name? This observation was first reported by Socrates, who considered the usefulness of eyelids.



what does hellenistic era mean

The city was the cradle of the church. Space is wanting here for a consideration of these religious movements, the family resemblance of which with Christianity is becoming every day more apparent; but so much at least should be said, that while every candid student must admit the superiority of Christianity in moral content and adaptation to the religious nature of man, the difference in these respects was not at first sight so obvious that the successful rival might at the beginning of the contest have been confidently predicted. The Hellenistic World From Alexander to the Roman Conquest: A Selection of Ancient Sources In Translation. . Retrieved April 5, 2013. Though Jesus spoke Aramaic, He unquestionably knew some Greek.
