What do you think of the way atticus treats walter. TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD EXAM QUESTIONS Flashcards 2022-10-26

What do you think of the way atticus treats walter Rating: 4,9/10 1364 reviews

In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," Atticus Finch is a moral and just lawyer who treats everyone with respect and fairness, including his children and his clients. This is evident in the way he treats Walter Cunningham, a poor farmer who becomes embroiled in a legal dispute with Atticus's neighbor, Bob Ewell.

Throughout the novel, Atticus consistently shows kindness and understanding towards Walter, despite their social and economic differences. When Walter first arrives at Atticus's office, Atticus greets him warmly and offers him a drink, showing that he values Walter as a person rather than just a client. Atticus also takes the time to explain the legal process to Walter in a way that he can understand, showing that he cares about his well-being and wants to ensure that he has a fair trial.

In addition to this, Atticus also defends Walter's honor when Bob Ewell insults and threatens him in court. Atticus stands up for Walter and defends his character, even though it means going against the societal norms of the time and facing backlash from his community. This demonstrates Atticus's commitment to justice and his belief in treating everyone with dignity and respect.

Overall, Atticus's treatment of Walter is a testament to his character and values. He shows compassion and understanding towards Walter, and is willing to stand up for him even when it is not easy or popular to do so. This is a powerful example of how one person can make a difference in the lives of others, and serves as a reminder of the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter in chapter 3? What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

Out of what I knew not, yet I did not believe that twelve years of unrelieved boredom was exactly what the state had in mind for me 37. Walter will never do well in school, so academics would not be a good topic. They never took anything off of anybody, they get along on what they have. When Walter goes home for lunch with Jem and Scout, Atticus treats him like a man. Why does Atticus talk to Walter about crops? I also notice that Atticus that always treats kids like an adult.


What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter Does Scout learn anything

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

Atticus's treatment of Walter is a great deviation from Scout's perception that "He's not company. Unfortunately, Scout makes fun of Walter when he pours syrup all over his lunch. . This must mean that Walter has quite a bit of responsibility at home helping his family take care of the farm. Why might Dill have told such lies? He engages Walter into a conversation that Walter will feel confortable talking about: farming.



what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter? How typical is she of Maycomb's women? How does this compare with what Scout already believes? That shows he has respect for little Walter. Calpurnia, who acts as a surrogate mother to the Finch children, scolds Scout for her rudeness toward Walter Cunningham while they eat their noonday meal. Radley in the leg with scissors. Dubose is an old lady who lives near the Finches. People really trust Atticus because he has strong family ties to the community and is an honest man. She explains to Miss Caroline, "The Cunninghams never took anything they can't pay back ---no church basket and no scrip stamps. His father is one of Atticus' clients and experienced his poverty when Mr Cunningham had to pay him with a bag of potatoes.


How does Atticus treat Walter thoughts?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

He also treats him like a grown man, as Scout notes. For example, telling Scout that it is bad to already be able to read is very bad teaching when what she could do is realize that Scout is ahead of everyone, and just help Scout hone her skills a little bit. Walter is company, and Atticus treats him that way. She does not know that he comes from a family that is often dirty and only attends school on the first day. They talk about "grown up" farming stuff.


What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter? Does Scout learn anything from Walter's visit? What do you th

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

Who does it, and why might he do so? They broke the law concerning hunting because the father was always gambling. This must mean that Walter has quite a bit of responsibility at home helping his family take care of the farm. When Scout protests that Walter was ruining his meal, Calpurnia becomes furious, quickly requesting that Scout meet her in the kitchen. Answer: Atticus talks to Walter about farming as if Walter was an adult. . Atticus remained in the background and then carried on their conversation as Scout was taken off by Cal. Atticus treats Walter with great respect knowing that his family is deeply affected by the Great Depression.


Describe the way Atticus treats Walter. What do you think of this?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

He respects what he has done and expects Scout to respect it too. It is acceptable to let a white woman free from contempt of court because she is ignorant. Do you think the game is an accurate version of what happens in the Radleys' home? Scout's teacher Miss Caroline tries to tell Scout how to behave; more specifically, she tells Scout her father should not read to her at night for he will not teach her properly. They don't have much, but they get along on it. Give reasons for your answer. The kids have put him on the same level as books and movies--he's no longer or he never was a person with problems and feelings; he's simply two-dimensional and an object for fun. I think that the way Atticus treats Walter shows that he respects people of all kinds, including children and the poor.


What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter? Does Scout learn anything from Walter's visit? What do you think this is?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

The children have gotten bored with acting out books and movies, so they decide to act out the story of Boo's life, complete with howling under the porch and stabbing Mr. Atticus is generous towards him and discusses farm work and why he cannot pass first grade. Attics treats Walter respectfully and engages Walter in conversation to show his desire to include Walter in the family meal. Why does Walter talk to Atticus like a grown adult? What does Walter do at lunch at the Finches that shocks Scout? I think Miss Caroline Fisher is a poor teacher. She often yells mean things to Scout and Jem when they walk by her house, but she is always nice to Atticus. There is a code by which the town works and determines who is in what category. Atticus explains to Scout that "The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.


Describe the way Attitcus treats Walter. What do you think of this?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

Atticus treats Walter much like he treats his father and his children: with great respect. Both the Ewells and the Cunninghams were poor, but they handled it differently. The Ewells were third generation welfare folk, and they lived off the government. He pours maple syrup all over his plate of meat and vegetables. Atticus talks to Walter about farming as if Walter was an adult. What does Walter put all over his food that disturbs Scout? It also shows that he can get along well with almost everyone, and is knowledgeable on many subjects.


What do you think of the way Atticus treats Walter in To Kill a Mockingbird?

what do you think of the way atticus treats walter

These are subjects that Walter knows about since his father is a farmer. A less cultured person would not have been so inviting. I think it is nice, because he does not act like Walter is any way less than him despite his family situation. He picks his nose. This lesson suggests that Atticus is a very understanding person who thinks of others before himself.
