Harriet tubman greatest achievement essay. What was Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement? 2022-10-30

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Harriet Tubman is a name that is synonymous with bravery, determination, and selflessness. Born into slavery in 1822, Tubman dedicated her life to the abolition of slavery and the betterment of her fellow human beings. Her greatest achievement was undoubtedly her role in the Underground Railroad, a network of abolitionists and safe houses that helped enslaved people escape to freedom in the North.

Tubman was born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland, and was subjected to harsh treatment from an early age. She suffered frequent whippings and beatings, and even received a severe head injury when an overseer threw a heavy weight at her. Despite these hardships, Tubman refused to be broken and determined to escape from slavery.

In 1849, Tubman finally made her escape, traveling by night and hiding in swamps and forests to avoid detection. She made her way to Philadelphia, where she found work and began saving money for the next phase of her plan: helping other enslaved people escape to freedom.

This is where Tubman's greatest achievement comes into play. She began working with the Underground Railroad, a network of abolitionists and safe houses that helped enslaved people escape to freedom in the North. Tubman became a "conductor" on the Railroad, leading enslaved people to freedom through a series of secret routes and safe houses.

Tubman's bravery and determination were legendary. She made 19 trips to the South, rescuing over 300 enslaved people and leading them to freedom. She was known as the "Moses of her people," and her bravery and selflessness inspired others to join the fight against slavery.

Tubman's greatest achievement was undoubtedly her role in the Underground Railroad. She risked her own life countless times to help others escape the bonds of slavery and achieve freedom. She was a beacon of hope for those who were trapped in the cruel and inhumane institution of slavery, and her legacy continues to inspire people to this day.

In conclusion, Harriet Tubman's greatest achievement was her role in the Underground Railroad. Through her bravery, determination, and selflessness, she helped hundreds of enslaved people escape to freedom and inspired countless others to join the fight against slavery. Her legacy will always be remembered as a symbol of hope and freedom for all people.

What was Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement?

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

Harriet then cooks food like gingerbreads, pies, and root beers then hire contrabands to sell the foods Doc D. Her first job as a slave was child care, even when she was no more than a child herself. With The Fugitive Slave act in place, any slave caught would be sent back to their previous owners where they could possibly experience severe abuse. Harriet escaped her slave master so it was very risky for her to be in the US. She risked her life to helps other enslaved Africans that were in need of help, to achieve their freedom. At age twelve she was already doing field work and hauling logs. She gave them all the chance to leave a mark on this world.


Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievement, essay by Nate Kaestner

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

Harriet Tubman had a hard life in slavery, worked in the Civil War, rescued slaves, worked on the underground railroad and can be compared to Nat Turner who also lived in the period of time when there was slavery. She grew up in Bucktown, Maryland. According to document C, the rescue mission was headed by Harriet and Colonel James Montgomery. Harriet Tubman's third greatest is before the war she helped african americans get away with the help of the underground railroad. Harriet Tubman is most known for conducting the Underground Railroad,but was that all she achieved? The white man hit her in the head with a shovel and she blacked out. This was a big risk she was taking because if they got caught they could all be sold back into Harriet Tubman Greatest Achievement Harriet Tubman has had many achievements in her life, but what was the greatest achievement? She would take care of people of all ages. Compare And Contrast Harriett Tubman And Harriet Tubman 1007 Words 5 Pages In Conclusion, harriet Tubman was an influential abolitionist leading many to freedom and saving lives for both slaves and soldiers.


Harriet Tubman Greatest Achievement

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

As Harriet was growing up 3 of her sisters were sold to distant plantations. Harriett Tubman was a slave on a Maryland plantation. This shows how she had to decide between liberty and death and she chose to do the brave thing, run. Harriet knew her weaknesses and her strengths, but her strengths hid her weaknesses in the shadows. She inspired and consoled the slaves who were aboard the ship to move forward with the raid and managed to free 800 slaves that day. Harriet Tubman was a very kind and caring person who put others needs before herself.


Harriet Tubman Greatest Achievements

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

Despite all the years of suffering she went through, Tubman managed to runaway from slavery up north to Philadelphia to live as a free woman. The Fugitive Slave act was put in place and slaves would be returned to their slave masters and depending on what they did, they could get anything from beaten to tortured to killed. The abuse varied from a few whips in the morning, to getting struck in the head. According to document D, Harriet Tubman served as a nurse for the Union Army, tending to the wounded soldiers. It is showing courage? At the age of six she started slavery.


Harriet Tubman's Greatest Achievements

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

After the Atlantic slave trade ended in 1808, great pressure was put on May lands Eastern Shore to provide slaves for the cotton fields in the Deep South. Harriet lived without knowing how to read or write. The years afterward were spent carrying out various tasks to help abolish the inhumane practice. Harriet Tubman was a strong and brave African - American woman. Harriet Tubman herself made 19 trips back and forth from the South to the North, leading more than 300 slaves to safety. She was a hard worker until she had a brick thrown at her head by a slave overseer when she was a young girl.


Harriet Tubman Achievements

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

She was also a spy during the American Civil War, helping to free 800 slaves. Aside from these two important achievements, she also took part in helping during the civil war. Harriet was put in charge of this because she knew the area well, and she had a good relationship with Colonel Montgomery. Finally, in 1849, her master died and she decided to escape. Harriet Tubman ran away and escaped slavery in the year 1849, as previously mentioned. Harriet Tubman started as a slave with nothing, but persevered on. In harriet Tubman's lifetime she has accomplished many great achievements, however only one can be the greatest.


What Was Harriet Tubman Greatest Achievement

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

Her records are very unclear and incomplete, but it is without a doubt that she made at least eight trips with fugitives by her side. How Did Harriet Tubman Save People From Slavery 239 Words 1 Pages Harriet Tubman is a wonderful person that helps save people from slavery and brings them to safety and help them not be slaves anymore. In a photo from the year 1885, she is shown with some of the people that she took care of with her second husband, including an older woman, three children, and two elderlies. With this being said, this portion of her life was spent doing the right thing, but it is still not her greatest achievement due to the lack of risk involved in taking care of these people compared with the other risks she has faced beforehand. Harriet Tubman escaped slavery when her master died when Harriet was 27.


Harriet Tubman's Second Greatest Achievement Essay

harriet tubman greatest achievement essay

Being free was not enough for Harriet, she assisted many in escaping their plantations. Harriet Tubman's greatest achievement was the Combahee River Raid due to the number of people helped and time spent while her other achievements were significant. Harriet Tubman was a very kind and caring person who put others needs before herself. Among these, which of her accomplishments took the most risk, time, impact, and save the most people: being a nurse, spy, caregiver, or conductor? When she was five she was working as a babysitter but by the time she was ten she was already working in the fields. Harriet Tubman also served as a Union spy during the American Civil War. She was born in Dorchester County, Maryland.
