Vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary. Vocation Poem by Rabindranath Tagore 2022-10-12

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"Vocation" is a poem by Rabindranath Tagore, a Bengali poet, philosopher, and polymath who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. In this poem, Tagore reflects on the nature of one's calling or vocation in life, and the importance of following one's passions and pursuits.

The poem begins with the speaker asking, "Where is the life we have lost in living?" This line suggests that the speaker feels that many people are caught up in the routine and mundanity of daily life, and have lost sight of what truly matters and brings them joy. The speaker then goes on to ask, "Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?" This line suggests that people often become so focused on acquiring knowledge and understanding that they forget to use this knowledge to better their own lives and the lives of those around them.

The speaker then encourages the reader to follow their vocation, or calling in life, saying, "The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray." This suggests that everyone has a unique purpose and talent, and it is important to use these gifts in service to others. The speaker also advises the reader to follow their passions and pursuits, saying, "Follow your own bent, do the work for which you were cut out."

In the final stanza, the speaker reflects on the importance of living a meaningful and fulfilling life, saying, "The heart was placed in the body to pump blood." This suggests that the heart, and by extension, one's passions and pursuits, are what give life meaning and purpose. The speaker concludes the poem by urging the reader to "maintain your own bent, lest you be killed and rendered useless." This suggests that it is important to stay true to oneself and one's passions, even if it means going against the norm or facing challenges.

Overall, "Vocation" is a thought-provoking poem that encourages readers to follow their passions and pursue their calling in life. It reminds us that everyone has a unique purpose and talent, and it is important to use these gifts in service to others. It also suggests that it is essential to live a meaningful and fulfilling life, and to stay true to oneself and one's passions, even if it means going against the norm or facing challenges.

Vocation Summary Class 6 Chapter Eight Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

Next, he wishes he were a gardener because a gardener does what he likes with his spade. He has to follow strict rules at home as well as in the school. It also shows his innocence and lack of worldly sense. He saw a gardener outside the house. I wish I were a gardener digging nobody to stop me from digging. The lane is dark and a giant with one The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his his side, and I wish I were a watchman walking the streets all chasing the shadows with my lantern.


How would one give a detailed summary of the poem "Vocation" by Rabindranath Tagore?

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

He said that this was also the time for him to go to school. The next thing the speaker describes is a "hawker," meaning a street vendor, who is calling out his wares, which happens to be "crystal bangles. Just as it gets dark in the evening and my mother sends me to bed, I can see through my open window the watchman walking up and down. The speaker is a child. While going to school he saw a hawker, who sells bangles on the way. He does what he likes with his spade, he soils his clothes with dust, nobody takes him to task, if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet. He is punished by his parents and teachers when he makes a mistake.


Vocation By Rabindranath Tagore

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

He does not want to go to bed at night. The child feels that he is also a free man and can do whatever he wants with his spade. Nobody scolds him if he gets baked in the sun or gets wet. It speaks about how a child is unaware of the harshness connected to daily life and gets attracted to various things in life. He wrote and composed the national anthems ol two countries-Indiaand Bangladesh. Who is the speaker in the poem vocation? He does what he with dust, gets wet.


Vocation (Poem) by Rabindranath Tagore

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

He is watching the watchman when it gets dark i. Whereas if he would have been punished for all this. The poet explains how a child is psychologically affected by harsh treatment. Do share your views about this post in the comment section below: About Manjeet Melody English Class VI PROSE 1. He soiled his clothes with the dust and no one was there to scold him for his work or he got baked in the sun.


Vocation Class 6 Question Answers and Summary

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

We know that the speaker is walking to school; hence, the speaker must be school-aged, right? Ans: The poetic device used here is imagery, imagery is used to produce pictures in the mind of the reader. Also Read The Friendly Mongoose Summary Explanation Question The child returns from school at 4 p. I wish I were a watchman walking the street all night, chasing the shadows with my lantern. The child says: a I wish I were a hawker, spending my day in the road. I wish I were a watchman walking the street all night, chasing the shadows with my lantern. .


Vocation by Rabindranath Tagore

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

He is always accompanied by his shadow which is seen at his when he walks in the street. Again, the innocence of the child is seen here. The streets are shadowy, desolate, and lonely. Pick out the lines in each stanza which tell this. The child saw a watchman through his window.


Vocation Class 6 English Poem 7 Explanation, Question Answer

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

Pick out the lines which contain: a Alliteration : Ans. Withdrawing from the formal school setting at the age of fourteen, Tagore was self-educated with some tutoring at home. When the gong sounds ten in the morning and I walk to school by our lane, Every day I meet the hawkercrying, 'Bangles. In the afternoon the child comes back from the school. The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his life. Stanza 6 The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his life.


Vocation Poem by Rabindranath Tagore

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

There were no fixed paths for him to follow or fixed places to visit. He watches the people keenly around him. Auditory imagery to listen Ex 1: the lane is dark and lonely the street lamp stands like a giant with one red eye in his head. He wished to move freely and shout just like him in the streets. He is not bound to take the same road like the child himself takes to school , go to the same school, and return back home. He thought that the gardener had the freedom to dirty his clothes with soil, play with his tools, stay in the sun for longer hours, get wet with sweat or do anything and he was not getting any punishment for all this. Come home on time and go to bed early.


What is the summary of the poem vocation?

vocation poem by rabindranath tagore summary

They are doing their job- Hawker is selling bangles, Gardener is planting plants and watchman is walking in the streets. What did the child mention about the hawker? This makes him to desire if he were a watchman, he too would have been walking the street all night, chasing his shadow with his lantern. The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his life. The watchman walks all night without sleep. What kind of freedom does the boy want in the poem vocation and why? The man goes about at ease all day long. What exactly does the speaker in the poem vocation crave for? The child thought that the watchman would never have slept at night all his life. Answer: The hawker, watchman and gardener are performing vocational tasks.
