Unnecessary words examples. Improve Your Writing, Avoid These 10 Unnecessary Words 2022-10-25

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Unnecessary words, also known as filler words, are words that do not add any meaningful information or value to a sentence. They can often be removed without affecting the overall meaning or clarity of the sentence. Using unnecessary words can make writing and speech less concise and can make it more difficult for the reader or listener to understand the main points being conveyed.

There are several common examples of unnecessary words that writers and speakers often use. One example is the word "very." This word is often used to emphasize a point, but it can often be replaced with a more specific adjective or adverb that conveys the same meaning more effectively. For example, instead of saying "She is very tired," you could say "She is exhausted." This removes the unnecessary word "very" and provides more precise and effective language.

Another common example of unnecessary words is the word "that." This word is often used to introduce clauses, but it is often unnecessary and can be removed without affecting the meaning of the sentence. For example, instead of saying "I heard that you are going on vacation," you could say "I heard you are going on vacation." Removing the word "that" makes the sentence more concise and easier to understand.

The word "just" is another example of an unnecessary word that is often used in writing and speech. This word is often used to indicate a small amount or duration, but it can often be removed without affecting the meaning of the sentence. For example, instead of saying "I just finished my homework," you could say "I finished my homework." This removes the unnecessary word "just" and makes the sentence more concise.

In addition to these examples, there are many other unnecessary words that writers and speakers may use. These can include words like "really," "quite," "basically," and "actually," which often add little to no value to a sentence and can be removed to make the writing or speech more concise and effective.

In conclusion, using unnecessary words can make writing and speech less clear and less effective. By identifying and removing these words, you can improve the clarity and concision of your writing and speaking, and more effectively convey your message to your audience.

Improve Your Writing, Avoid These 10 Unnecessary Words

unnecessary words examples

There are some people who enjoy disrupting meetings. There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. Could you kindly at some point in the next few days relay to me the information of what time I may be expecting the workers? Write in the Active Voice In our previous examples, we only highlighted the active verbs. In the examples above, She stayed home functions as a complete sentence, so the word however is not grammatically necessary. When you take the time to think about your words, review your copy and edit and edit some more you will convey excellence, confidence and credibility. Replace Redundant Adjectives A good first step in reducing wordiness is pruning redundant adjectives.


Unnecessary Filler Words

unnecessary words examples

Located at: License: Other. In passive voice writing, the action happens to the subject. Overuse may make your communication less believable as well as more wordy. She quickened her pace, pulling her keys from her bag and clutching them in her hand. If you have one that serves a purpose—like in the first sentence of our example above—then by all means, keep it. Project this: Find the unnecessary word or words in this sentence Then rewrite the sentence using fewer words. In others, an over-eager paring might leave the text all skin and bones, and hence dull.


Use unnecessary in a sentence

unnecessary words examples

Written communication was rated 1st 80. Passive voice: We are being drenched by the rain. In the above example, the word Catherine is separated by commas because it is not critical to the meaning of the sentence. It seems that scientific and medical writing has many idiosyncratic uses of redundant and wordy language; hence the plethora of examples for this post. And two out of three here are unnecessary; they can be eliminated with no change at all to the story. Further, corporate communications was listed as a hard skill coming in at number 25th. Expressive language goes hand-in-hand with concision.


Concise Writing: How to Omit Needless Words

unnecessary words examples

Or, necessary again: They drove past the aquamarine fire hydrant. Breath, breathe, inhale, exhale. Authored by: Suzan Last. Correct: I will have bought a new car. This was a groundbreaking work for writers, as it was the first English style guide—emphasizing, among other things, the importance of concise writing.


43 Words You Should Cut From Your Writing Immediately

unnecessary words examples

Passive voice: The beach was visited by my wife. Said, replied, asked, and any other dialogue tag. Located at: Project: Business Communication Skills for Managers. Mixed up verb tense formation. Things: This is another word that adds no value to your writing. Overuse may make your audience question your accuracy as well as make your communication more wordy. If no one has come close, I write a revision of my own and post it.


What is an example of unnecessary words?

unnecessary words examples

Start, begin, began, begun. Just take a look at the opening sentence of A Tale of Two Cities: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. In the examples above, the word However is necessary for the grammar of the sentence to work. In the above example, the word Catherine is not separated by commas because it is critical to the meaning of the sentence. How to Eliminate Unnecessary Words Replace abstract nouns with verbs Verbs, more than nouns, help convey ideas concisely, so where possible, avoid using nouns derived from verbs. In the end everyone is going to have their own style and use language differently. Concise: Clifford is a big red dog.


TOEIC Grammar: Unnecessary Words

unnecessary words examples

My cheeks flushed as Bob pointed and laughed. In passive voice writing, action happens to a passive subject, and that makes for alienating reading. Long lists of synonymous descriptors should often be cut down to only one, and maybe two if needed. The passive voice waters down your verbs, making them less direct and impactful. I hope this list of unnecessary terms was useful to you in some way or another. People are needed to build these stories and disperse them through their networks and digitally. Correct: The project was complex and ambitious.


Unnecessary Words

unnecessary words examples

What are extra words in a sentence? Try to write sentences that are mostly nouns, verbs, and adjectives, and use auxiliary words when they are grammatically necessary or present crucial information. Checking on her baby all through the night was unnecessary, but the woman felt better if she did it anyway. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. When revising any piece of writing — a novel, a news article, a blog post, marketing copy, etc. My father was killed by you.


What are unnecessary words in a sentence?

unnecessary words examples

It is not easy to understand all the rules, or to remember them all. Right after a noun, do not also use a pronoun that replaces the noun. Bea writer and English teacher! How am I supposed to remember? Here, passive voice properly highlights something happening to a passive subject: being hit by an unexpected beach ball. Authored by: Susan Kendall. Instead, combine descriptions into single sentences, and omit needless words from there.


Unnecessary: In a Sentence

unnecessary words examples

The first even was innocent enough, but by the end of the paragraph, the evens become rather noticeable. We use these words all the time when we talk, so of course they slip into our writing. So for example, you could enter "excessive" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to unnecessary and excessive. The next page contains a list of common circumlocutions along with their concise counterparts. But a habit of using big words runs counter to concision.
