Should gay marriage be legal essay. 📗 Gay Marriage Should Be Legal 2022-10-15

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Gay marriage, also known as same-sex marriage, is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender. The legal recognition of same-sex marriage is a controversial and divisive issue, with many people holding strong opinions on both sides of the debate.

There are several arguments for and against the legal recognition of gay marriage. One of the main arguments in favor of gay marriage is that it is a matter of basic human rights. Everyone has the right to marry the person they love, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This right is protected by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to marry and start a family.

Another argument in favor of gay marriage is that it promotes equality and non-discrimination. By recognizing same-sex marriages, society is acknowledging that all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are equal and deserving of the same rights and privileges. Denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a form of discrimination that perpetuates societal stigma and prejudice against the LGBTQ+ community.

On the other hand, some people argue that gay marriage should not be legal because it goes against traditional values and the institution of marriage. They may also argue that marriage should be reserved for opposite-sex couples because they can procreate and form a traditional family. However, this argument is not necessarily valid, as same-sex couples can adopt children and create a loving and supportive family environment.

Another argument against gay marriage is that it could potentially undermine the sanctity of marriage. Some people believe that marriage is a sacred institution that should only be between a man and a woman. However, this argument is subjective and does not take into account the fact that many same-sex couples are deeply committed to each other and their relationship.

In conclusion, gay marriage should be legal because it is a matter of basic human rights and promotes equality and non-discrimination. Denying same-sex couples the right to marry is a form of discrimination that goes against the principles of justice and fairness. It is important for society to recognize and respect the relationships of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Persuasive Essay On Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized

should gay marriage be legal essay

Gay marriages should be banned because God did not intend women to sleep with each other, nor men with men. Prohibiting gay marriage is considered discrimination to gays because the government is not giving homosexual couples the same rights as gay heterosexuals, which is also unconstitutional Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Amendment, which puts a ban on gay marriage. Since that is the statuses, why same sex marriage is permitted? There was the man who tried to marry his horse. Same sex marriage is only a curse which changes the meaning of real marriage. Many moral controversies revolve around gay marriage such as, marriage is an institution between one man and one woman and gay relationships are immoral. He thinks the issue of same-sex marriage is not as serious as the abolition of slavery was. American Christians accept the definition of marriage as being of one man and one woman, because of their religious teachings.


Should gay marriage be legal? Essay

should gay marriage be legal essay

It also help people better their career choices and relationships. The rule of law should, therefore, apply here. Well, that's the most often heard argument, one even codified in a recently passed U. Cockburn continues on the subject with the statement:" There 's a fork in the road for progressives. This leads to suicide since they that feel no one understands. Many of us were trained from a very early age that we are all diverse and we should have admiration for everyone. As such, it is stated that Gay Marriage Debate There is also the fact that infertile people marry, but they can never have children of their own.


Why Gay Marriage Should Not Be Legal Essay

should gay marriage be legal essay

People across the nation disagree that whether homosexuality should be legalized. Even if they were, as murderers on death row that have the constitutional right to marriage, they should have too. However, according to Polikoff 4 , mainstream opinions describe marriage as a legal unification concerning a man and a woman. Being allowed to be accepted and being able to fit in like everyone else improves self-esteem 3 Reasons Why. Why it should not be legalized The marriage institution has been known over time to contain a relationship between a man and a woman; a relationship that is made through understanding, love and more importantly, the sexual relationship which is the proper pro- creation process. Since it is easier to adopt a baby from a Third World country, such matrimony harms the birth rate of the USA by bringing the kids from abroad.


Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

should gay marriage be legal essay

They can have their own children. So gay marriage should be legal because it brings a lot of money to the government. With the end of sodomy laws, a recent decision of the U. Do we as a nation not comfort or encourage the spouse to continue living through the Tyler Dudley. Heterosexuals may not understand the reason for gay marriage. Gay Marriage opponents see Massachusetts legalization as major setback.


Should Gay Marriage Be Legal? 6 Pros and Cons

should gay marriage be legal essay

Works Cited Alvear, Michael. This essay is intended to explain my reasons for believing so. Moreover, in the wild nature, male animals do not live with other representatives of the same sex. If a person wants to marry somebody who has the same sex as them, then let I believe it should be legal because we all have freedom and equality in this country. Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Same sex nuptial should be permitted for the reason that each person earns the equal rights and privileges. Roman Catholics, Quakers, Protestants and Jews, for example, each have their own versions of the bible, but they are all based on Christian beliefs.


Persuasive Essay: Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized?

should gay marriage be legal essay

Same-sex couples feel discriminated by all the negatives they say about it. In this way, marriage should be seen as a legal or a religious ceremony which formalizes a decision that two individuals make to live together as a married couple. Who says what marriage is to be defined by? Now, having said that, states ought to be able to have the right to pass laws that enable people to be able to have rights like others. Homosexuality occurs in over four hundred and fifty species, but homophobia irrational fear or dislike against …show more content… Therefore, marriage is considered an important aspect of culture and community, and such a right is not granted without serious consideration. Should same sex marriage be allowed? It is superlative for children to be upraised by their genetic parents.


Homosexual Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

should gay marriage be legal essay

They don 't think it 's right for two people of the same gender to get married because they believe marriage was created for man and woman. It is, at least, ethically wrong and unnatural when two males or two females are wed. Wolfson believes that as long as two people are in love whether if it is same-sex or opposite sex, couples have the right to be married. Instead it changes the whole definition of marriage itself. On May 26, 2020, Costa Rica became the first Central American country to legalize same-sex marriage.


Should Gay Marriage Be Legal Essay

should gay marriage be legal essay

Oxford University Press, 2010. Beyond straight, and gay marriage: Valuing all families under the law. Another reason as to why gay marriages should be legalized is that not every boy may want to date a girl and not every girl would want to date or marry a boy. For gay marriages to be allowed there has to be a redefinition of marriage so as to include same sex couples. S Eight Circuit Court of appeals the next year, 2006.
