Uglies theme. The Uglies Themes 2022-11-01

Uglies theme Rating: 6,9/10 268 reviews

In the novel "Uglies," by Scott Westerfeld, the theme of conformity versus individuality is a major focus. The society depicted in the book values conformity above all else, and the characters must grapple with the pressure to conform and the personal cost of doing so.

The main character, Tally, lives in a future world where everyone is considered "ugly" until they turn 16, at which point they undergo a surgical procedure to become "pretty." The society in which Tally lives values beauty above all else, and the pressure to conform to the societal standard of beauty is intense. Tally struggles with this pressure, and must ultimately decide whether to conform and become pretty, or to resist and remain true to herself.

Throughout the novel, Tally encounters several characters who represent different facets of the conformity versus individuality theme. Her friend Shay, for example, decides to run away from the city and join a group of rebels known as the Smoke, who reject the societal pressure to conform and embrace their individuality. Tally's other friend, Peris, ultimately decides to go through with the surgery to become pretty, showing the pull of conformity and the fear of standing out.

In the end, Tally must confront her own feelings about conformity and individuality, and make a decision that will affect not only her own future, but the future of her society as well. She ultimately decides to embrace her individuality and resist the pressure to conform, even though it means going against the norms of her society.

In conclusion, the theme of conformity versus individuality is a central focus of "Uglies," and is explored through the characters and their choices. The novel highlights the personal cost of conformity and the importance of standing up for one's beliefs and values, even in the face of societal pressure.


uglies theme

This is primarily developed throughout the main character Tally Youngblood. Her adolescence has been riddled with painful loneliness and longing; she believes that once she has the operation, she will finally feel as though she fits in somewhere. The cruelty of this truth is beyond Tally's comprehension. People are being made to wipe out their unique features to conform to what has been biologically determined as objectively beautiful. Tally sleeps, but wakes up to discover that the field is on fire.


The Natural World, History, and Growing Up Theme in Uglies

uglies theme

As I read Uglies, I focused on the fact that the group who rebelled realized that they did not need to change to belong. The spores traveled anywhere oil was present, from cars to airplanes to oil wells, which were in many places since the Rusties built an entire civilization that was fueled by oil. Maybe he was a few years older than she was. At some point when they were kids, they vowed to always stick by each other and become pretty together—they have matching, self-inflicted scars on their palms to remind them of this. Tally had never watched anyone mature naturally past age sixteen. During her time in the Smoke, she pretends to hold the same rebellious beliefs as the other Smokies, so she will not stand out. Maddy and David reveal that Maddy stole the information she needs to develop a cure.


Uglies by Scott Westerfeld Plot Summary

uglies theme

Tally enjoys life in the Smoke. The very real human emotions of betrayal, guilt, and loyalty are creating an identity in Tally that goes far beyond the physical. Shay has formed an incorrect theory about the locket. She is reluctant to activate the pendant and it eventually becomes clear that David is in love with her. Retrieved 14 March 2012.


Uglies Themes

uglies theme

In the city the pretty basically look the same almost. In the …show more content… The novel shows that people can not judge others by looking at their face. David lowered his voice. You can go to anyone if you need help or guidance. The Smoke wasn't as wealthy and high tech as Uglyville, but it allowed the Uglies who had run away, to live staying who they are and able to not follow the foolish rules Uglyville had established. After a long and stressful chase, she manages to hide in a cave where they cannot track her heat signature.


Pretties (The Uglies) Themes

uglies theme

David then explains how widely the spores spread. Life in the Smoke is shocking: the Smokies burn wood and cut down trees, and none of them are pretties. Some of them must have had the right idea. At the ruins, Shay leads Tally to what she calls a roller coaster and tells Tally that they can hoverboard on it. This is how Cyrano begins to think of himself, he sees himself as an outcast someone too ugly for society. Peris makes Tally promise not to get into too much trouble before she has her surgery. In the book The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, the story shows characters realizing objectives through point of view when Tally Youngblood is faced with the truth about getting an operation to become pretty.


Friendship and Loyalty Theme in Uglies

uglies theme

Tally tricks the Special into cutting her handcuffs and letting her get close to a hoverboard, which allows Tally to escape. He helps Tally decide to betray Shay. Inside a society of professed uglies, individuals are segregated by the ideological pretties. Tally discovers the truth about the city and what the city hides from them. Once you reach the age of sixteen, you have an operation that makes you supermodel gorgeous. The theme of friendships and relationships was developed in the novel, the Uglies as well as two of the ancillary texts.



uglies theme

Retrieved 26 November 2010. Maddy says that Special Circumstances stepped in before she and Az could come up with a cure on their own, but they know there is a cure since all pretties start their pretty lives with lesions. David knows that if people knew how equally vulnerable their society is because of their dependence on technology, they might not trust their government as much. As I read As I read Uglies, I consider the topic of acceptance because the message the author is trying to get across is that everyone should just be accepted for who they are. On school trips, the teachers always made the Rusties out to be so stupid. He is a founder of the Smoke.


What Is The Theme Of Uglies By Scott Westerfeld

uglies theme

But the moonlight and the setting, or maybe just the words he was saying, had somehow turned David into a pretty. Nobody is unique or different, which makes everyone uninteresting. I wonder if you think our world will become this? She destroys the pendant. Tally learns the value of integrity over self-preservation through her loyalty to her friend and the Smokies she betrayed. She hates lying to everybody she cares about, but she is still slightly torn about leaving the only life she's ever known behind. The novel shows how, technology, however advanced it may be, is still just a tool that can only work with certain limited parameters in place. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.


The Uglies Themes

uglies theme

The idea is that if everyone has these features, then no person is singled out and everyone has a chance at living a happy and successful life. There is also some moderate debate sparked by Uglies over the issue of monitoring people. While she wants desperately to fit in, Tally is not willing to sacrifice her individuality and her critical thinking skills. She wondered how much of being ugly was just an awkward age. Pointing to the errors of the past, her city mandates that everyone get cosmetic surgery so that no one is singled out or discriminated against for their looks.


Uglies (The Uglies) Themes

uglies theme

He takes Tally to a group of squat buildings and introduces her to a cruel woman named Dr. Only by making a whole new world, which is just what Maddy and Az had begun to do. Your parents, your teachers, everyone over sixteen. Dees new name was Wangero, which has no meaning to the family as her past name. The theme was conveyed through the plot of the novel.
