Types of soil conservation in india. What are the methods of soil conservation? (18 methods) 2022-10-14

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A duty of care is a legal obligation that is imposed on an individual or organization to take reasonable measures to protect the safety and well-being of others. This duty is owed to anyone who may be affected by the actions or inactions of the individual or organization.

For example, a doctor has a duty of care to their patients to provide an appropriate standard of care and treatment. This means that the doctor must take reasonable steps to diagnose and treat the patient's medical condition, and must act in the patient's best interests. If the doctor fails to meet this duty of care and the patient is injured as a result, the doctor may be held liable for medical negligence.

Similarly, a company has a duty of care to its employees to ensure that the workplace is safe and free from hazards. This means that the company must take reasonable steps to assess and manage risks, and must provide appropriate training and protective equipment to employees. If the company fails to meet this duty of care and an employee is injured or becomes ill as a result, the company may be held liable for a breach of duty.

The duty of care also extends to the general public. For example, a property owner has a duty of care to ensure that their property is safe for visitors. This means that the property owner must take reasonable steps to identify and fix any hazards, such as broken steps or loose railings. If the property owner fails to meet this duty of care and a visitor is injured as a result, the property owner may be held liable for a breach of duty.

In summary, the duty of care is a legal obligation that requires individuals and organizations to take reasonable measures to protect the safety and well-being of others. This duty is owed to anyone who may be affected by the actions or inactions of the individual or organization, and failure to meet this duty can result in legal liability.

Soil Erosion Causes, Types, Soil Conservation Methods

types of soil conservation in india

Therefore, the area is marked by dry river coursesexcept in the rainy season. This soil is rich in iron, lime and aluminium content , and has high moisture retentive capacity. A chemical reaction takes place in the solution and soils are formed. There are 10 Types of Soil in India, out of which Alluvial Soil covers more than 40% area. They also occur in the deltas of Mahanadi. Sandy or desert soils are effortlessly blown by strong winds and dust storms.


8 types of soils of India and soil distribution in India

types of soil conservation in india

Construction of staggered trenches on irregular ravine terrains has been found highly beneficial. These may be legumes or grasses. Indian landmass is blessed with so many types of soil with varying degrees of fertility and utilities. In the upper reaches of the Godavari and Krishna, and the north-western part of Deccan Plateau, the black soil is very deep. Physical disintegration  The mechanical disintegration of rocks into small fragments due to different actions of geological agents is called physical disintegration. Texture of the soil was further classified as clayey, silty, sandy and loam. Severe erosion of beaches along the Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, West Bengal and Gujarat coasts are examples of sea-wave erosion.


Types of Soil in India: Classifications and Characteristics

types of soil conservation in india

Soil Erosion The phenomenon of removal of the topsoil from the soil profile due to natural or man-made reasons is called soil erosion. It also depicts certain characteristics such as content availability in the soil and preferred crop to grow on the soil. This soil may produce very good crops of rice when properly drained and fertilized. This type of soil lack humus due to the absence of vegetative cover. Some alluvial soils in the coastal areas are formed by the sea waves.


Types Of Soil In India: Formation And Types Of Soils In India

types of soil conservation in india

Saline or Alkaline Soils Saline soils can be utilized for cultivating crops only when they are sufficiently drained. State-wise distribution of soils of India Following table represents state-wise distribution of soils of India. These types of soils are primarily found in river valleys and deltas. The productivity of this soil can be improved by adding green manure and clay. What is the reason for less water penetration in the desert soil? This soil performs well if irrigated.


Soil percentage in India, Distribution and Classification Upsc

types of soil conservation in india

They also react to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers. If it is narrow it is called narrow based ridge terrace. A medium gully depth 3-9 m can be reclaimed by clearing and levelling the bed, constructing a series of composite earthen and brick masonry check dams with suitable water disposal structures, at a vertical interval of about 1. ADVERTISEMENTS: Soil conservation measures should aim at preventing or at least minimising the soils loss. Also, Due to Saline and Alkaline, Salt flats. Wheat, barley, sugarcane, maize, peas, and potato are cultivated and grown very easily in it. Depending upon the type of the lost soil, it may be: Â Â Â Â Â a Sheet Erosion: The removed soil is similar to a thin covering from a large area.


What are the methods of soil conservation? (18 methods)

types of soil conservation in india

So when irrigation methods supply water, soil moisture is available for long-term plant development. Soil is used as construction material in various civil engineering projects and it supports structural foundations. This soil is especially productive if irrigation facilities are provided. Solar Radiation Affecting: 1 Temperature: a air; b soil; c water; d plant governing evapotranspiration 2 Photosynthesis rate of cover development 3 Permeability: a Surface; b sub-surface 4 Moisture: a form; b content; c tension C. Lower Gangetic alluvial plains region G.


Soil Types In India (Classification Of Soil)

types of soil conservation in india

Geographic Location: The severity of Soil Erosion varies from place to place. This type of soil is carried and deposited repeatedly due to natural courses. Vegetative covers like Kudzu vine Peuraria hirsuta , Dichanthium annulatum, Chrysopogon fulvus and Eulaliopsis binata provided good protection to soil on 11% slope. The strips should be across the slope. Kankar calcareous concretions beds are present in some regions along the river terraces.


Soil Conservation Research in India

types of soil conservation in india

Distribution of Black Soil The northern part of Karnataka, Maharashtra and Malwa plateaus, Telangana and Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh and Kathiawar peninsula. Rich in iron and lime but deficient in humus, nitrogenous and phosphorous content. They cover almost 40 percent of the total landmass of India and thus making it the most widespread soil in India. Construction of narrow based embankments at intervals across the slope up to about 6% along contour lines is an important soil and water conserva­tion measure for arid and semi-arid area. Black soil region O. The laterite soil percentage in India is 2. Below is a table that explains the different types of soil and presents you with a systematic state-wise list; Soil Types in India Description of Soils in India Properties of Indian Soil Soil Distribution in India State-Wise Alluvial Soil Widely found in north India, it constitutes 43% of India's surface Highly fertile Clay-like texture Grey Potash rich, phosphorus deprived Narmada Tapi Plain Eastern coastal plains of India Deltas of rivers Mahanadi, Godavari river, Krishna river and Kaveri Arid or Desert Soil Found in semi to fully arid conditions Transported by wind and lacks moisture Poor in nitrate High salt content Prevents water infiltration Sandy in texture Colour can vary from red to brown Desert regions of India covering Western India Western Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab and extends up to the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat Black Soil or Regur Soil Mature soil with water-retaining and self-plowing capacity When wet, it swells up.


5. Soil Erosion: Definition, Types, Conservation Methods

types of soil conservation in india

In some areas, however, Bajra and Millets, etc are cultivated that require less water. At Vasad, the ridge and furrow system adopted for Bajra reduced the runoff and soil loss up to the extent of 48 and 50%, respectively. In bench terracing a series of platforms are formed along the contour across the general slope of the plant. This not only reduces crop cultivation, but the soil also acts as a pollutant to rivers, lakes, and other water systems. Humus content is less, and Nitrogen is originally low but some of it is available in theform of nitrates. The first scientific classification of soil was done by Vasily Dokuchaev.


Types of Soil in India: Alluvial Soil, Classification, Soil Types

types of soil conservation in india

Even in heavy rain, the runoff is checked by the plants growing along the contour. All the islands of the country have been grouped into one region, i. Laterite soils are more acidic in higher areas and they cannot maintain moisture. Formation Black soils are the result of volcanic activities in the Deccan plateau in ancient times. After proper application of manure and fertilizers, tree crops like cashew nuts are grown in some regions of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. Formation Crystalline igneous and metamorphic rocks in rain deficient areas of the eastern and southern part of the Deccan Plateau play a major role in the formation of red and yellow soils. Mountain soil landscape in Uttarkashi in Uttarakhand 3.
